Hello! I'm a researcher; would anyone here be willing to help me out...?

Welcome to the forum, your dissertation topic is very interesting. You've mentioned your Master's thesis, I would be very interested in reading that, do you have it on a PDF file or other online source that would be available for viewing?

And, if you wouldn't mind, how about sending me in a PM your real name and contact information so I can verify it. As you said, it is difficult to just assume that someone writing on a forum is really who they say they are.

I also chose this particular subject because as a Masters student I studied the impact of national parks in Tanzania on local people.

Interesting. As far as African wildlife conservation is concerned, I would definitely take a look at this the other way round. All the best with your research.

Hello everyone,

Since my first post yesterday I've been overwhelmed by the number of responses! I really appreciate the positive feedback you've given so far. To reply to the posts you've left since I last logged in:

Divenhunter: I found your post really interesting: this is exactly the kind of thing I am hoping to discuss with hunters; the emotions that you feel, the reasons you hunt and the relationships you build between each other, the animals and the environment. I hope you were not offended when I said that it might just be about killing - I had to mention that though as I will be exploring all sides and all arguments for and against hunting in my thesis.

On that note I should point out to everyone that I cannot promise that my final essay will be something that will make everyone here entirely happy (then again it might - I don't know as I have only just begun to explore this topic). I can promise though that any statements you make will not be taken out of context as my aim is produce a balanced analytical essay.

Phoenix Phil I read the article you sent a link to and am now intrigued to know more. What can you tell me about this story? I should point out that The Mail is not a newspaper that we take very seriously here in the UK. p.s. I hope your son's music program went well!

Cliffy Thank you ever so much for this post; the background information you've suggested I look up is a great idea. I will be reading up on the Safari Club and the Pittman-Robertson Act after writing this.

Finally; to everyone who would like some verification as to who I really am; I am currently in the process of creating a personal webpage that will be accessible via the University of Sheffield website. This will not only serve to prove that I an indeed a genuine researcher but it will be able to give you a little more information on who I am. This page should be up and running in a week or so; I will post a link to it on here as soon as it's ready. As for my Masters essay; I cannot publish it on here at this time as I am considering putting it up for publication in a couple of journals. I have been advised that to publish it anywhere before I've received a response from these journals would be a bad idea. However, I'm happy to give lists of all the articles I read when doing the Masters should any of you be interested.

Thanks again to everyone who has been in touch

Best wishes

well meera as i said you are up front and to the point, and you have laid your cards on the table by being realistic with us in telling us you dont know whether we will like or dislike the end product. i dont think you can be fairer than that.
I have to agree with Divernhunter that there are several "red flags" associated with this inquiry... Legitimate or not, hunters, (who are the ultimate conservationists) are not going to get a fair, unbiased shake here...

No offense to you Meera, but you have to understand that we have anti's with terroristic agendas trying to infiltrate hunting conservation sites like AH.com every day. Some are extremely clever about it. There really is no upside in it for us if we are all being honest here. I hate to sound paranoid, but it is what it is...Good luck with your research, but I for one, am not convinced of your true motives, and I strongly caution every member here who is considering participation. I truly believe you are sniffing around a bear trap. No pun intended....

If you are legitimate Meera, I urge you to make this same inquiry to some of the "so-called" animal protection groups. See if you get the same pleasant, educated, and tolerant replies that you got here. I will be at least half of them will mention some action that involves violence or criminal acts against hunters...
I have to agree with Divernhunter that there are several "red flags" associated with this inquiry... Legitimate or not, hunters, (who are the ultimate conservationists) are not going to get a fair, unbiased shake here...

No offense to you Meera, but you have to understand that we have anti's with terroristic agendas trying to infiltrate hunting conservation sites like AH.com every day. Some are extremely clever about it. There really is no upside in it for us if we are all being honest here. I hate to sound paranoid, but it is what it is...Good luck with your research, but I for one, am not convinced of your true motives, and I strongly caution every member here who is considering participation. I truly believe you are sniffing around a bear trap. No pun intended....

If you are legitimate Meera, I urge you to make this same inquiry to some of the "so-called" animal protection groups. See if you get the same pleasant, educated, and tolerant replies that you got here. I will be at least half of them will mention some action that involves violence or criminal acts against hunters...

f.h.fish i am interested in how you can know hunters are not going to get a fair unbiased shake here. meera stated that we may well not like or we may like how her research and written paper turn out , and has answered various questions with what appear to be direct honest answers. i think its an opportunity for the hunting community to put forward how they feel about hunting and its use in conservation to someone who is neutral and undecided as to whether and how it works. if we dont like the outcome then we have tried, and as you say there are plenty out there who are against anyway.....but if we can give her how we feel ,reasons why we like to hunt , to be in the bush/countryside etc, and the very good reasons why and how hunting works for the good of conservation, and she understands this and agrees, then i think it is worth it. remember she is at a university in the UK and if her paper is positive about hunting in conservation, then hopefully others in the university will maybe become a bit more enlightened by reading it. dont you think its worth a little effort? :)

p.s. the ones who seem to infiltrate this site dont seem to be antis, but people trying to sell all sorts of crap!!!
Hi firehuntfish,

That's ok, I understand your position and never had any expectation of convincing everyone here to participate in my work. What I would like is for just a few people to come forward and help me understand their motivations; after all I cannot argue against the standpoint of anti-hunters if I do not have any evidence that hunters do indeed have reasonable and environmentally sound agendas.

I will also be talking to anti-hunting organisations during the course of my research and will be looking at the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of the debate. All arguments will be subjected to academic criticism in order to try and get a rounded and valid picture of the relationship between hunting and conservation. This is why I stated previously that the end result may not please everybody - indeed I should probably expect criticisms from both parties!

Anyway, I don't wish to push anyone or create unnecessary controversy.

Best wishes

Welcome to the forum, your dissertation topic is very interesting. You've mentioned your Master's thesis, I would be very interested in reading that, do you have it on a PDF file or other online source that would be available for viewing?

And, if you wouldn't mind, how about sending me in a PM your real name and contact information so I can verify it. As you said, it is difficult to just assume that someone writing on a forum is really who they say they are.



I noticed that you responded to others' comments but not mine. I don't mean any disrespect but before I jump on the "I'm in" bandwagon, I'd like to verify who you are and what and how you write. Your Master's research and thesis sounds very interesting and I'd like to read it.


Hi Karl,

Sorry about that; I think I did answer your question but I forgot to put your name as a few people have now asked for verification of my personal details.

To copy and paste from my previous post:

'Finally; to everyone who would like some verification as to who I really am; I am currently in the process of creating a personal webpage that will be accessible via the University of Sheffield website. This will not only serve to prove that I an indeed a genuine researcher but it will be able to give you a little more information on who I am. This page should be up and running in a week or so; I will post a link to it on here as soon as it's ready. As for my Masters essay; I cannot publish it on here at this time as I am considering putting it up for publication in a couple of journals. I have been advised that to publish it anywhere before I've received a response from these journals would be a bad idea. However, I'm happy to give lists of all the articles I read when doing the Masters should any of you be interested.'

Hope this clears things up

Best wishes

Welcome to the forum, Meera

As a spanish philosopher said,

" We do not hunt in order to kill, we kill because we have hunted"

Wish you the best on your thesis.
p.s. the ones who seem to infiltrate this site dont seem to be antis, but people trying to sell all sorts of crap!!!

I have enjoyed hunting the "crap" purveyors down and having unlimited tags and no trophy fees attached. Amazing amounts of infiltration actually.
.... My research interest is in hunting and wildlife conservation.

As a researcher I feel I must be upfront and tell you that I myself have never taken part in a hunt.

Have you actually actively "birded"? Watched, photographed, etc. Stopped by the roadside and attempted to get a closer look at some bird/animal? Sat at a feeder/bird bath?

This being said I am able to admit that this is due to personal preference and my opinion on the value of hunting as a conservation tool is neutral;

Kaibab deer - Part 1

Snow Geese
Environment Canada - Publications - Greater Snow Geese: Towards sustainable management of the population, 2006

I believe there may indeed be valid reasons to support hunting as a form of conservation for wildlife and also as a vital economic resource for people in places such as Africa (which is where my research will be focused).

Plenty of research to be found in this area in several RSA Universities.

My research is more specifically targeted though at the attitudes of hunters such as yourselves. I would like to know some of the things that motivate you to hunt and how you feel about the animals involved.

Which Department are you studying within? (PM me if you'd prefer)

Would any of you be willing to take part in a survey that I will be conducting in early 2013? As I stated earlier, the aim of this research is neutral observation and data collection; ..............

What is the research question are you asking?

When you design your research tool please do send me a copy to complete.

Good luck.
Spike t.,

There are several reasons for doubting the true motives of our new friend Iona...Her first statement posed the question asking if hunters have "complex emotional attitudes about conservation or just enjoy killing." That is either textbook trolling or a very ignorant way to break the ice on a hunting forum in my opinion.... Secondly, she interestingly alludes that the concept of hunting as a conservation tool is an interesting theory worthy of exploration... An interesting theory?? Really?? Regulated and managed hunting is more than likely the only tried and true conservation method for the preservation of wildlife and habitat. Again, she's either laying out the bait or extremely naive.....And thirdly, she cannot promise that we will like the outcome of her research?? Okay fine, then what could we possibly have to gain for our cause in taking the gamble of having another non-hunter put out more negative rhetoric about hunters. I'm sorry... I'm just not buying the motive or the promise of impartiality.


If you truly are sincere in lookng for facts, I think you are putting the cart before the horse. I would suggest that you contact organizations like Safari Club International, Ducks Unlimited, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, or the National Wild Turkey federation just to name a few.... I can provide you with a much more extensive list of hunting conservation organizations if you are interested. Your research should begin by finding out the facts about how much organizations like these have done for the preservation of species and habitat world-wide for decades. You can collect numbers on how hunters spend billions to preserve and protect habitat from developement and destruction. Then you can research the numbers on how hunting has saved countless species from extinction by placing long term ecomomic value on the animals. And after all that, you can collect some numbers on how many millions go into the ecomomies of some of these countries where managed hunting is the only viable ecomomic generator... I could go on and on.... Once you have accepted the fact that hunting is the ultimate tool in conservation and habitat preservation, and not a "theory" then maybe you can have a truly unbiased opinion of hunters, their attitudes toward the environment, and the animals they kill....
I for one am willing to help when I can. Spike, I agree with you as well. In this day and age we can no longer tell who is honest or pulling our leg. 99% of the people do not care to learn both sides of the fence. They just have their opinion and do not care. I am willing to give it a shot after what I have read from Meera.

I will start with one of my favorite quotes.

"Those who dont know history are destined to repeat it."

I encorage people all the time to live life on the other side. If you have an oppinion you must know the other sides take. Weather its global warming, animal rights, what ever the topic. Know your oponent better then they do. This will allow you to make an informed oppinion.

When it comes to conservation through hunting. As others have said, hunting is the most efective way. History shows this. We as humans are the ultimate conservationists. We have the ability to help everything. I for one will put my love for animals against any animal rights person. I have done more for wildlife than they will ever dream of.

I hunt for several reasons. The first is the love of the animals. I hate seeing road kill and wounded animals walking arround. We here in the U.S have tried the do nothing approach. I live in a sub-urb and have seen the effects of no hunting. 8 years ago my town was over populated with whitetail deer. I would have parrades of deer walking through my back yard. I am talking 20 deer at time. Of which 15 would be limping or not using a leg at all. In the middle of fall you could see thier rib bones. The herd was over populated! The land could not support the wildlife. Not only does this effect the deer, but the chipmunks, birds, squirels, and anything that lives in the wild. All from one animal being over populated. I for one do not like to see an animal suffer. So our comunity decided to pay $3,000,000 (I typed that out so you can really see the number) to cull some animals. This works for about one or two years. But then we are back to a large number in a matter of time. We then instated a bow only hunting season in our town. I no longer see 15-20 deer every night, but when I am lucky enough to see them they are healthy and strong. This is the way it should be.

I also enjoy my time with the animals. I do not kill every time. I love being right next to them and just observing. Watching their every day movements. I have watched hawks catch their food. I have video of a bobcat here in Ohio. It was one of only a few videos of them in the wild a few years back. They are now being seen all over the eastern part of the state. Watching the turkey feed right under my stand. Then doing my own mouth calls and getting them to talk back to you. It is great stuff. I live for it every year. There is nothing like sitting in the woods when its dark out and hearing the wild come to life. one of the greates things to hear in life. I owe it all to hunters. 35 years ago in Ohio we had no deer. Where I hunt if you spent an entire week in the woods and you spooked a deer you where the lucky one. And turkey...they did not exist. In a matter of 35 years we have more deer and turkey than we know what to do with. I see 20 deer in a week of hunting. Flocks of turkey all over. I love it. And I know hunters are resonsible for this. Animal right did nothing 35 years ago to help them and I feel they are doing nothing now.

Ok enough ranting for now. I would encourage you to get on Facebook and look for
Ivan Carter. I feel he is one of the best when it comes to Conservation Through Hunting. He is always posting things on the topic of, why we do what we do. I included a link to his page. I think it will work. Please go back and read his old, old, old posts, up untill today. I promise you it will be worth your time.


Good luck in your research. I will try and help when and where I can.
:beer: Very well said Rick :thumb::thumb:
Iona-I am heading to Africa for the first time this summer after only hunting here in the US. I would tentatively be interested in being part of your survey. I have done Master's level research too and understand the process.

Anyway-in researching areas for my hunting trip on this site-I ran across a very interesting post. The URL is below. If that doesn't work-type "Chete" in the search box on the upper right. 17 results come up. The pertinent one is at the bottom and titled "Big Game Hunting Memoir" and is dated March 3, 2008. Very long post about a Rhodesian game ranger and his adventures in the Bush war. As you get to the bottom-he has definite views about African conservation and hunting and so forth. These may not be views that you run across in a university in the UK-but I encourage you to read the post.

Hunting - Big Game Hunting Memoir
also chose this particular subject because as a Masters student I studied the impact of national parks in Tanzania on local people.


I had some more thoughts based on this. You have never said your department-that I have seen anyway-But I suspect with that research focus you are probably in something like sociology, anthropology, or something similar. I farm-but my academic area/part-time work is more geography/biogeography/conservation related. I obviously don't know how much general conservation reading you have done-but you really should read David Quammen's "The Song of the Dodo." Not really related to hunting-but gets to the heart of "Habitat Fragmentation" as a major threat to biodiversity. I believe that you need to read this book to at least have a lay understanding of this major threat to African Wildlife. I would recommend this book to any interested reader-It is a good book.

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell