I for one am willing to help when I can. Spike, I agree with you as well. In this day and age we can no longer tell who is honest or pulling our leg. 99% of the people do not care to learn both sides of the fence. They just have their opinion and do not care. I am willing to give it a shot after what I have read from Meera.
I will start with one of my favorite quotes.
"Those who dont know history are destined to repeat it."
I encorage people all the time to live life on the other side. If you have an oppinion you must know the other sides take. Weather its global warming, animal rights, what ever the topic. Know your oponent better then they do. This will allow you to make an informed oppinion.
When it comes to conservation through hunting. As others have said, hunting is the most efective way. History shows this. We as humans are the ultimate conservationists. We have the ability to help everything. I for one will put my love for animals against any animal rights person. I have done more for wildlife than they will ever dream of.
I hunt for several reasons. The first is the love of the animals. I hate seeing road kill and wounded animals walking arround. We here in the U.S have tried the do nothing approach. I live in a sub-urb and have seen the effects of no hunting. 8 years ago my town was over populated with whitetail deer. I would have parrades of deer walking through my back yard. I am talking 20 deer at time. Of which 15 would be limping or not using a leg at all. In the middle of fall you could see thier rib bones. The herd was over populated! The land could not support the wildlife. Not only does this effect the deer, but the chipmunks, birds, squirels, and anything that lives in the wild. All from one animal being over populated. I for one do not like to see an animal suffer. So our comunity decided to pay $3,000,000 (I typed that out so you can really see the number) to cull some animals. This works for about one or two years. But then we are back to a large number in a matter of time. We then instated a bow only hunting season in our town. I no longer see 15-20 deer every night, but when I am lucky enough to see them they are healthy and strong. This is the way it should be.
I also enjoy my time with the animals. I do not kill every time. I love being right next to them and just observing. Watching their every day movements. I have watched hawks catch their food. I have video of a bobcat here in Ohio. It was one of only a few videos of them in the wild a few years back. They are now being seen all over the eastern part of the state. Watching the turkey feed right under my stand. Then doing my own mouth calls and getting them to talk back to you. It is great stuff. I live for it every year. There is nothing like sitting in the woods when its dark out and hearing the wild come to life. one of the greates things to hear in life. I owe it all to hunters. 35 years ago in Ohio we had no deer. Where I hunt if you spent an entire week in the woods and you spooked a deer you where the lucky one. And turkey...they did not exist. In a matter of 35 years we have more deer and turkey than we know what to do with. I see 20 deer in a week of hunting. Flocks of turkey all over. I love it. And I know hunters are resonsible for this. Animal right did nothing 35 years ago to help them and I feel they are doing nothing now.
Ok enough ranting for now. I would encourage you to get on Facebook and look for
Ivan Carter. I feel he is one of the best when it comes to Conservation Through Hunting. He is always posting things on the topic of, why we do what we do. I included a link to his page. I think it will work. Please go back and read his old, old, old posts, up untill today. I promise you it will be worth your time.
Good luck in your research. I will try and help when and where I can.