I’ve hunted w Dirk. He is a gentleman and a true hunter. I am supposed to hunt with him again next year, but not sure if we will be able to meet in Zimbabwe due to the virus. I’m not old enough to have even crossed paths w Hemingway, but a friend did a million years ago when he was a young USMC officer. His ship docked at Gitmo, and my friend, who grew up to become a war correspondent, left his men and wandered through Havana to get to Hemingway’s house. He rang the bell at the gate and an old man came out to greet him. Papa no here, is all the man could say in English, and my friend, in his uniform, and a bit dejected, made his way back to to the ship. The next morning, he had breakfast with his guys. One of them said ”What was the name of that writer guy you wanted to meet?” Hemingway. ”he’s a helluva guy. He spent all night drinking with us.“ The Marines were at some nasty dockside bar where Hemingway had gone to forget himself for a while.