AH enthusiast
I carry similar medicine. Top mag carrier is my normal daily carry. Bottom mag carrier is my “aw crap, I have to go to Milwaukee today” rig.
@Desaad I think shotguns are obviously plenty powerful and so is an AR rifle, or a .375 H&H etc… but neither carries as small, light, and easy as a handgun - there is a tradeoff and thats why these discussions get so many opinions on What’s Best…..power & lethality are just one part of the decision.Come to think of it, it's another situation where a handy shotgun might be a better answer. I recall on the old iteration of this board a lot of discussions revolved around what weapon to carry to stop a bear, and I seem to recall that a KSG with lots of slugs in its pipes, or alternating slugs and buck, was high on the list.
A good pump shotgun with loads of buck sounds like a fine wolf re-educational tool to me.