How many times does the Supreme Court have to affirm that the right to own a gun is our right not a privilege. Tigris 115 you need to think about this a little more. So should freedom of assembly be taken away from people we think are not responsible? Should houses of worship need to get a permit before having services? You can not pick and choose which constitutional rights should continue.
Now think about this. When most people carried guns, 1880 to 1910, we didn't have nut jobs go into schools or public gatherings and shoot the place up. You know why? Because 75 to 80 % of males carried a gun and would turn on the nut jobs and gun them down if they tried to shoot others. These sick SOBs are not normal and my right should not be taken to exclude them from getting a gun.
Think about this......until about 1965 nut jobs in this country were locked away and kept from hurting themselves and others. But now we turn them out In The streets and mainstream them in our schools to help them live full filling lives. What a crock of crap! We put up with so much liberal crying about guns they are about to wear people down just like they have on every other social issue over the last 100 years.
But guess what Tigris115. You and your friends need to try for a constitutional amendment to repeal the 2nd one. But you will never get it because you have to have it ratified by two thirds of the states. That means you need 38 states to go along with stupidity. Thank God for Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi , South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee , Utah, Arizona, Montana, Alaska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas and Arkansas. These states population would never approve and thus will save the rest if the country from making the biggest mistake of our history. Government you see derives it's authority from the people in the USA and as long as we have our right to bear arms it will stay that way.
Ask those vets from the greatest generation what they fought for? Freedom! Freedom from a government that would terrorize its own people. It can happen when the people are not armed.
In South Africa if you own three guns the government requires you to gave a permit for each one that looks like our drivers permit. You can't even buy ammo for a gun that you can't produce a permit for. That means when the government decides to change the rules they can come get your gun. No way we should ever let that happen here. Period!