Greenland hunt

Any hunt reports back from hunting with Erik? I hunt with him this October. Any tips on gear to bring? Also, Im getting my flights booked now. Whats it like taking firearms through Copenhagen? Thinking Ill overnight there and take in the city on the way home
Report below.

1. Shots were close, less than 200 yards, so I rented a Blaser from Erik. 30-06.
2. Wear hard-soled boots and bring a good pack (I packed out 80 lbs of muskox my last day).
3. Hunt hard early (go far early in the trip...6-7 miles out...for the biggest caribou)
4. Plan an extra day to visit the glacier if possible
5. Erik was great, I plan to go back in the future for a March hunt.
6. I spent an extra night in Copenhagen both ways...good idea.

Flight out of New Orleans on October 16, 2024. Landed in Toronto that night with a short layover before flying to Copenhagen. Arrived in Copenhagen before lunch and made it to the hotel. Did a little sight-seeing by visiting Nyhavn and the Little Mermaid before making it back to the hotel that evening for dinner. Early flight out to Kangerlussuaq the next morning.

Arrived in Greenland on my birthday (about 48 hours after leaving my house) and met the three other hunters: Mitch and Mike from Canada and Edwin from Louisiana. We were met by Erik, the outfitter, and the guides: Frederic, Rasmus, Mads (pronounced Mess), and Anne. We drove 13 miles to a partially frozen lake where we took a small boat across to our camp. The camp was beautiful and within sight of the Ice Cap that covers most of the country (the glacier). We spent the evening unpacking and sighting the rifles (two Tikkas from Erik). While working with the guns, we spotted an old muskox on the hill behind the target. We hiked a mile, and Edwin was able to take him. This proved very good since Edwin wasn’t excited about a long hike (he was 70). We also saw a ptarmigan and snow hare on this hike (but didn’t have a smaller caliber rifle with us). The old bull was estimated to be 25 years old, and this would likely have been his last winter. His coat was amazing…easily hanging 10 or more inches below his stomach.

The morning of our second day, we woke at 7:00 and had breakfast while a light snow fell. Sunrise was at 9:30, and Edwin and I were on our way with Frederic and Mads by 9:00 am. We saw a few caribou and started stalking, but they moved closer to the area Rasmus was hunting with the Canadians, so we paused. We saw a herd of 20 muskox several miles to our west, but Edwin was done for the day, so we headed back to camp. Mads and I went back out a few miles to a peak to the west of our camp. Didn’t see anything. Hiked 13.4 miles this day, and my feet felt it. The clumpy, frozen ground proved tough…especially while wearing a fairly heavy pack (I usually overpack). Some tips for next time: wear two pairs of socks, make sure blister patches are in my pack, wear boots with firm soles when wearing a heavy pack, always bring the spotting scope, hiking poles are a good idea.

Day 3 – The band split up. Edwin stayed in camp most of the morning to rest while Mads, Anne, Frederic, and I headed north. We hiked further than the day before and eventually saw a good bull caribou on a mountain top in the distance. Without pulling out my binos, I could tell that he was decent…even from 1-2 miles away. We checked the wind and planned a big loop around the east side of the mountain…hoping to come over the top and find him in the valley below. With Frederic leading the way, we started. The plan worked perfectly, and we hit the mountain top with 30-mile wind-gusts blowing into our faces (perfect position to keep our scent away from the caribou below). We quickly spotted the bull with 3-5 cows about 200 yards down the hillside. I quickly got ready and made the shot. Since he was moving, and we were concerned he wouldn’t be visible long, I shot without ranging him. I thought he was 300 yards, but he turned out to be 175 yards, so my shot was a little high. Still, he staggered. I waited for him to turn again, and I made a second shot. This one was dead-on, and he went down. After a few pictures, and the crash from an adrenaline rush, we noticed the cold as we started to clean our kill. The temp for this day, and most of the week, ranged between 13-27 degrees. My choice of clothes was accurate (thin layers for hiking). Heavy down jackets and pants aren’t needed since we didn’t stop for long. Due to the open landscape with no trees, we never glassed more than 10 minutes at a time.

Day 4 – Today, Edwin and Frederic went out and found a small caribou while Mads, Anne, and I headed north again. We eventually found three different herds of muskox (about 35 in total), but no old, mature bulls. Since the muskox didn’t have a reason to move, we planned to discuss in camp that night and make a plan for the next day. That night I decided to hunt hard the next day, but to go after one of the younger bulls if no old timers could be found. These would have the best coats but their bosses (horns) would be smaller.

I’ve always wanted to try a Blaser, so Erik returned to camp that evening with a Blaser R8 for me to use (30-06). I shot it a few times to verify it’s zero.

As I was getting into bed, Rasmus knocked on the door and said the northern lights were visible. I ran outside in my underwear…with my camera…and took a shot. Beautiful!

Day 5 – Our last hunting day. Mads, Anne, and I went north again. Shortly after lunch, having seen dozens of small bull caribou but no other muskox, we headed north. We found one of the herds from the previous day. This herd had 10 muskox with two decent bulls (good for a tanned rug). We hiked fast to get up the hill and upwind of them. I setup with the Blaser…and “click.” Nothing happened. Turns out that neither Mads nor I was familiar with the Blaser, and the chamber wasn’t completely closed. We circled around and got setup in a new spot. I propped on my knee and took a shot around 100 yards. Good hit in the lungs. Unfortunately, the muskox quickly circled, and we couldn’t tell which one was hit. Within a minute, Mads noticed one of the bulls with blood coming from his nose, though he showed no other signs of injury. I quickly made a second shot, and he went down. We cleaned and packed our kill and headed back to camp. This was likely the heaviest pack I’ve ever carried with all the meat from muskox (two back quarters, backstraps, and tenderloins). Made it 4.5 miles back to camp…with a few extra breaks along the way.

The hunters all slept in a heated, portable cabin and the rest of the group slept in heated tents nearby. For breakfast each day, we had a variety of breads, cheese, and cereals. We packed sandwiches for lunch. For dinner, we had plenty of fresh meat each day (and usually pasta, sometimes dessert).

Day 6 – Packout day. We packed up and headed across the lake back to Kangerlussuaq (the small town of 500 people). The weather was warming slightly, and I think it hit 32 degrees F. We made it back to Erik’s hostel around noon before spending an hour or two exploring the small town (ultimately taking the bus and ending up at the airport). We had a final dinner with the whole team back at the cafeteria at the airport. The airport is the center of the small town, and Erik’s hostel is likely the nicest accommodations.

Day 7 – We all said our “goodbyes” and left on a mid-day flight back to Copenhagen.

Overall, a good trip. The hunt was plenty of hiking (averaging 10 miles per day), but no high altitues (so no oxygen issues). For a mature muskox, I’ll plan to come back in March or April (also a great time to hunt arctic fox). These hunts in March and April are also easier physically since you’re traveling by snowmobile. Also, plan on an extra day for a trip to the Ice Cap (it’s their biggest tourist attraction).
I just got back to Kangerlussuaq after 7 days out in the tundra. I will just say it was a successful hunt and will wait until I get time to write up a hunt report for all the details.

@mrpoindexter did you ever do a report? Seems like a lot of guys were planning a Greenland hunt, but haven't seen many reports.

Glad to see @ryno111 report!
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A little bit of history on Kangerlussuaq. When the airport was first built by the US, it was called Bluie West 8. Later it was renamed to Sonderstrom Air Base. My dad was a KC-97 tanker pilot at Plattsburgh AFB in upstate New York in the late 1950s and early 60s and did a few rotational tours in Greenland. The Air Force stationed tankers in Greenland, as they were pre-positioned to refuel bombers, headed for Russia in the event of war.

Any hunt reports back from hunting with Erik? I hunt with him this October. Any tips on gear to bring? Also, Im getting my flights booked now. Whats it like taking firearms through Copenhagen? Thinking Ill overnight there and take in the city on the way home
I'm curious about this hunt as well. Can you travel through Iceland with guns? It seems like a lot of people plan on going through.Iceland. As Iceland does not allow private possession of firearms I wonder if you can get your own firearms through to hunt in Greenland. Denmark seems like a long way out to get to Greenland. Are there no flights from the US or Canada?
I did that trip September 2022:

A new airport is being built in Nuuk and should open later this year. Until then, Denmark is the only good option.
Your report is especially interesting for me, because I have booked a caribou hunt with Eric for October 2025

A few questions:
  1. Is it normal to get within 200 yards for a shot or were your group especially proficient or lucky? In videos the area look quite open, with few opportunities for concealment.
  2. Did any of your group have to sit still for prolonged periods of time, waiting for the wildlife to approach you (ie. way more than say 10-15 minutes)? Your report sounds as if you were on your feet most of the time.
  3. What was the weather like in more detail? Did it change much from day to day?
I've mentioned it before but at least currently the new runway in Nuuk has made it far more difficult.
Coming from Colorado I still have to go to Copenhagen but there are no more direct flights to kangerlussuaq. I leave Copenhagen and then overnight in Nuuk. If I don't I have to leave even 2 days earlier to arrive on time.
On my return I have 2 nights in kangerlussuaq waiting for the next flight to get me back to Copenhagen. And that's with 2 stops on the way. Nuuk and some other place in Greenland.
I was planning to do a side trip to Finland on the way home but all the extra travel time I ran out of vacation days.
I think united is adding flights over iceland that will make it easier but I'm already booked now.
Your report is especially interesting for me, because I have booked a caribou hunt with Eric for October 2025

A few questions:
  1. Is it normal to get within 200 yards for a shot or were your group especially proficient or lucky? In videos the area look quite open, with few opportunities for concealment.
  2. Did any of your group have to sit still for prolonged periods of time, waiting for the wildlife to approach you (ie. way more than say 10-15 minutes)? Your report sounds as if you were on your feet most of the time.
  3. What was the weather like in more detail? Did it change much from day to day?
1. It appeared to be one talked about long shots. In fact, they were proud of how close we could get to muskox (less than 100 yards on every occasion). It would be possible for a longer shot on caribou, but the guides wanted to cover the ground to get there. You'll be camping on the southern border of the hunting area (and hiking north each day). The land is relatively open, but lots of smaller hills and draws make it easier than you'd think to cover the ground. I like long range shooting, but since I was renting a rifle (that was unfamiliar to me), I didn't push for a long shot.
2. I asked this question before I arrived (so I would know how to pack). We NEVER stopped longer than 10 minutes (unless we were cleaning a dead animal). For this reason, I didn't need my heavier down clothing. Layer, layer, layer. Carry latex gloves and "hot hands" hand warmers (these were nice while/after cleaning the animal...and the guides appreciated them as well).
3. I was there the third week of October. Temperatures ranged from 14 degrees to 35 degrees (with a light snow the first morning). They said this was typical weather. I checked when we were leaving, and the weather for the end of October was going to be negative 14 degrees. The weather was almost exactly the same each day. Sunrise was around 9:00 am, so we usually started walking around 8:45 am.
Any issues or concerns with polar bears? I’ve read where polar bears are more to the northern portion of Greenland but occasionally venture south.
Any issues or concerns with polar bears? I’ve read where polar bears are more to the northern portion of Greenland but occasionally venture south.
This fall hunting area is about 200 km from the coast. They only have a record of one polar bear making it that far inland, and it was not healthy. Shouldn’t have any issues.
This fall hunting area is about 200 km from the coast. They only have a record of one polar bear making it that far inland, and it was not healthy. Shouldn’t have any issues.
Emm I don’t think that is even near right !

When I was there (around Kangerlussuaq in 2020) Polar Bears were all over the East Coast & it was dangerous to travel over there, more human - Bear conflicts than ever.
But even where I was Bears had been seen & numbers were increasing, the guys I hunted with saw Bears on their way from Sisimiut to Kangerlussuaq, I understand even more now ?

I don’t think a grave concern or life threatening but numbers are differently increasing near settlements & villages.
Emm I don’t think that is even near right !

When I was there (around Kangerlussuaq in 2020) Polar Bears were all over the East Coast & it was dangerous to travel over there, more human - Bear conflicts than ever.
But even where I was Bears had been seen & numbers were increasing, the guys I hunted with saw Bears on their way from Sisimiut to Kangerlussuaq, I understand even more now ?

I don’t think a grave concern or life threatening but numbers are differently increasing near settlements & villages.
Really...were you in Kangerlussuaq? They mentioned that polar bears were all over the coasts (west and east)...but that they never came as far inland as the hunting grounds. Maybe I misunderstood. Regardless, we never saw one (and the guides never seemed concerned).
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Yeah Canada sent home a buddy of mine on a OIL sheep, moose, caribou hunt , because he has a alcohol related arrest from the 1980’s
Outfitter kept his money I believe close to $75,000
Yes,the only country in the world where your passport isn't enough they want to check your driving record. So Trump is going to screw them.
@mrpoindexter did you ever do a report? Seems like a lot of guys were planning a Greenland hunt, but haven't seen many reports.

Glad to see @ryno111 report!
Sorry, I didn’t do a report. Had harvest at work shortly after coming back and been busy since.

I got my caribou on day one with a 72 yard bow shot. Caribou was down in less than 8 seconds from impact. One arrow.

Musk ox went down on day 2 from I believe 34 yards. Also one arrow. I have no complaints about the hunt whatsoever.

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mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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