Bought a CZ 550 458 Lott last week. Loaded up the magazine today and..... 100% failure to feed every time. Will not feed Hornady 500 gr solids, the only ammo the gun shop had. I'll try another type of ammo but I'm not hopeful. I had a 550 in 416 Rigby and it worked perfectly out of the box. Honestly I'm not mad or surprised, kind of expected this result. It will get fixed but, the itch I had to scratch was to finally shoot the Lott. Had to see what the recoil was like for myself, it wasn't bad. John
Not altogether suprising, but still disappointing I'm sure, John. The problem is that each of these large bores has a different cartridge dimension and bullet size. One-size-fits-all feed ramps are not a winning plan. A good gunsmith would surely get it working perfect with every type of ammo if you handed him 5 different brands of dummy rounds and turned him loose on it. In defense of your Rigby, its an easy-feeding cartridge shape, just as the 375HH is. The 458 Lott is bulky and has a big bullet in relation to neck. It needs an hour or two of time with a gunsmith to feed well.