Does a Blaser action suffer from any of these bolt gun issues? Just curious, since it seems to be a real advance.
Of course they do
Kevin. I am not surprised by this and in this case I blame it also on the ammo rather than the rifle.
But for example, another grand classic R8 quirk, that can be replicated at will by any R8 owner, is the fact that if one closes the R8 bolt forward too delicately while attempting to load silently, one is likely to be rewarded by a "click" rather than a "bang." This is because there are two distinct mechanical stages when closing a R8 bolt and one can inadvertently stop at the first one when manipulating the bolt slowly. This is the explanation for the usual and well known urging to slam the R8 bolt forward vigorously.
This would likely not happen on a turn bolt because a century of collective practice taught us to turn the bolt down, while the difference between the R8 two stages of bolt closure is merely 1/8th inch or so forward, but R8 lovers generally dismiss this as improper manual of arms rather than rifle issue.
As long as the firing pin does not hit the primer as this stage of bolt closure and the rifle does not fire, I guess that one who got a "click" once rather than a trophy will learn the quirk...
My experience, this was the only instance I ever had an feeding issue with any of my barrels and handloads- appears all related to cartridge length. With the large soft blunt nose and and short OAL with the 400 SP's, had two strikes against this combo for me, akin to getting an empty cart case to feed! As long as I got reliable feed/ejection with the hunt loads that was the end game for me. We handloaders open up a can of variables with various combo's and I don't have the expectation that a factory can check nor address each case. Yep No 1's are dead 100% reliable for any combo for this feature!
It is not often than R8 owners volunteer on AH to share the issues they have encountered. Blaser has been marvelously successful in creating a fiercely loyal customer base, well represented in this community. So, thank you for your candor
I do not see it as a strike against the R8, mind you, I see it exactly for what you characterize it: home reloads occasionally create unexpected issues, as does home gunsmithing if I may add...
Looking retrospectively at the title of this post: "Got the CZ blues," it is more than likely going to count as yet another strike against CZ, although for those who read it entirely, the inescapable conclusion it that this is not a rifle issue but a reload issue...
PS: On that note, I might share than shooting reloads purchased from an unknown private party on the internet is quite a daring move. It is a good thing that this gentleman is apparently more reliable with powder charge weight than bullet weight..........................................
Pulled a couple bullets from the batch i bought, and sure enough they are 405g, not 450s like the nice man that sold them to me online assured me they were. Think i will pull them all, get some 500g of some barnes, nosler, etc and start from scratch. Then i'll know for sure what i have.