I think they got the mid-range of the market. Private party sales of modern doubles (except Heyms and English makes) take a real beating.
a Chapuis like that could sell private party from $4800-$6700. A dealer would try to get $7000-$8000 and may succeed with consultation, credit card processing, layaway, and accepting trade-ins.
no mistakes, nice gun for a decent price, but for a private party sale on gun broker, it was in the midrange for what was a typical outcome.
I’ve found that gun auctions are about the worst place to sell a gun because that’s where people go to dump defective guns. It lowers the value because there is a risk premium.
that’s why I like AH, you will pay a touch more in the classified but buyer and seller can converse in detail and make a better informed decision without watching a countdown timer.
to buy a double requires $1000 of your time in the due diligence process. It means you could have $10,000 in time spent on 10 guns you researched on a gun auction that ultimately resulted in being outbid by fifty bucks in the last minute.