Over and above the obvious personal items listed above, I now also ALWAYS check out the hunting vehicle for spare wheels/ tyre spanner/ jack and a proper tool kit.
Hunting elephant in Zimbabwe about 6 x years ago the outfitter supplied a new model Land Rover for the hunting vehicle, with all the bells and whistles.
Well, being about 25kms from the main road and in some really rough, hilly terrain and NO cellphone reception, the Land Rover picked up a branch lying across the track and the left rear wheel brake pipe got ripped out. The vehicle came to a standstill and would not start. NO FUEL getting through. Long story short, there were NO TOOLS AT ALL ON THAT VEHICLE... not a screwdriver, pliers, NADA!!!!!!! So, it turns out that these new model Landies computer brain cuts off the fuel supply when there is a fault in the brake system.. We were in HOT, rugged terrain, very wild... poachers sighted earlier in the day and miles from anywhere. Myself and one of the trackers remained with the vehicle while the local black PH and the rest hiked out to the main road and cellphone reception to call for back up. We got back to camp at 03h00 the next day, so TWO full days lost of my hunt.