The actual trophy measurements for the trophy judging contest are as follows:
Kudu - 53.25 inches
Eland - 37 inches
Wildebeest - 25.25 inches
Warthog - 13.50 inches
No one got all of the measurements exactly right and after computing all of the valid entries to see who guessed closest overall, we have a tie. Two members, nkjonas (
post# 15) and 35bore (
post# 124) both came within 2 inches of difference.
Their guesses were as follows:
- nkjonas
Kudu 54.25 :: 1.00 difference
Eland 37.75 :: .75
Wildebeest 25.25 :: .00 difference
Warthog 13.25 :: .25 difference
cumulative difference 2.00
- 35bore
Kudu 54.00 :: .75 difference
Eland 36.25 :: .75
Wildebeest 25.50 :: .25 difference
Warthog 13.25 :: .25 difference
cumulative difference 2.00
I just want to put this out there... This was a painstaking process to figure out, and I did it to the best of my ability but if you feel that there was an error with the computing of your entry please contact me by email within 24 hours from the posting of this post and I will look at your entry. After this time no entry will be reconsidered.
Since we have a tie, it will be broken amongst the members who have tied by judging additional trophy pictures. The opportunity to participate in the tie breaker will be limited to the members who have tied and who post their tie breaking guesses in this thread within 3 days (72 hours) from the time that the tie breaker photos are posted. The tie breaking trophy photos will be posted after 24 hours.
Kudu to be judged -
[COLOR="#green"]53.25 inches[/COLOR] (measurement for the longest horn from the base along the top of the spiral ridge to the tip only)
click on image to enlarge
Eland to be judged -
37 inches (measurement for the longest horn from the base along the top of the spiral ridge to the tip only)
click on image to enlarge
Blue Wildebeest to be judged -
25.25 inches (measurement for the outside spread of horns only)
click on image to enlarge
Warthog to be judged -
13.50 inches (measurement for the longest upper tusk starting from the base, which is found inside the facial bone, along the outside of the tusk to the tip only)
click on image to enlarge