For those who went alone

I hunt alone and with my sons... Sometimes with friends as well. I have no issue to hunt alone and have done so in RSA, Tanzania and Zimbabwe... Given the choice, I would hunt with my two sons any day, hands down.
I'd prefer to have people come with me this April now that I've had people back out on me! :W Shotgun::S Help:
I leave out solo next week for Limpopo. Have gone with others and it was fun but solo is good for the soul as well. I seem to feel responsible for others and there success, don’t know why but adds stress. I am on a lease with several others at home but hunt solo except with my kids when they oblige me.
All hunts have been alone. Planning the 1st one and had an individual back out last minute. Since that experience I’ve gone alone each time and avoided any drama. If I had the right guy to go with and share camp that’s great but would hunt 1x1 no matter what.
Since 1961, I have only gone alone twice, (once to Montana and once to Africa) all other times have been with a partner.

The last 26 years have been with my wife to Africa.

I do prefer to go with someone, but I'd go alone rather than stay home.

Hunting since 1961!! Man, I'd LOVE to see your trophy room!! (y)
My three safaris have been solo. My elk hunt in 2016 was a 2x1 which was alright but I much prefer to go solo unless I know who I'm hunting with and we've hunted together before. Not knowing the other guy, my head was always on a swivel to keep an eye on him. Just a little uncomfortable added to the stress of the hunt.
However, I would like to take my kids, even though they have never hunted. We shoot together a lot so I know they are safe to be around.
This is a great topic. I am reminded of one liner, possibly a WC Fields quote, "I only drink with someone or alone."

Like many of the posts so far, I have hunted alone and also with hunting buddies, a daughter, a son-in-law and on a few occasions another hunter that I was paired with by the outfitter. It's all been good! My preference though is to hunt 1x1, but share a camp with people I know.

I did a 10 day brown bear hunt in Alaska, 1x1, in a remote spike camp with a guide that had been mauled by a bear a few years earlier and lived to tell about it. Quite an interesting guy.

I also did a 10 day, 1x1 hunt with @John Sharp in Zim and that was an awesome experience. For those that have read John's book or met John, you know what an interesting life he has had. Conversations with John were always fascinating and entertaining!

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg