For those who went alone

I also do not care to share a PH or guide 2x1 which cuts out a lot of potential partners. It effectively cuts in half one's hunting time

It does save you a tremendous amount of money in terms of shooting less animals / taxidermy. It lets you share in the success of your family / friend; you are in effect hunting on your buddy's dime. But duly noted it cuts your time in half.

I prefer to travel with someone. I have moderate anxiety and I would prefer someone else with me in new/complex situations.

I also prefer for me / my party to be the only ones in camp. Inevitably, there is always someone partying too hard or otherwise shooting his mouth off - which ruins my good time as I retreat to my bed early.
I hunt and do pretty much everything alone. Yes, sometimes it would be nice to have a family member or a friend along to later have help ((n):whistle::ROFLMAO:) reminiscing events (or not:ROFLMAO:). But I have come to wait for no one, too many times I have lost out on: doing things, going on hunts, traveling, etc., waiting on others that talk but don't want to walk.

You dont want to go with a whiner! That's worse than going alone!

You only live life once make the best of it!
Going alone is better than not going at all!
Find your niche in life, share your experiences and listen (perhaps with a grain of salt(n):whistle::):ROFLMAO:) to others' experiences and learn, laugh, have fun.
Take plenty of photos, videos, and keep diaries/journals of your excursions to reflect back on.

Just my 2 cents worth of an old man's advise. "Work hard, Train hard, Play hard, Live hard,...Die Harder!"
It does save you a tremendous amount of money in terms of shooting less animals / taxidermy. It lets you share in the success of your family / friend; you are in effect hunting on your buddy's dime. But duly noted it cuts your time in half.

I prefer to travel with someone. I have moderate anxiety and I would prefer someone else with me in new/complex situations.

I also prefer for me / my party to be the only ones in camp. Inevitably, there is always someone partying too hard or otherwise shooting his mouth off - which ruins my good time as I retreat to my bed early.
Well yes - but I am not sure about the logic of shooting "less" animals. I allow my budget to determine that. Typically, all my trips have had one or two specific goals and then whatever the country provided as my PH and I set out each day. Even when I take my son, he has his own PH or guide. There is enormous freedom in not wondering whose turn is up, or whether a particular animal is good enough, or whether one of us should go ahead and take him so the other hunter can have an opportunity. When last in Mozambique, I spent four solid days dawn to dusk hunting a Livingstone Eland. A fabulous hunting experience that I will cherish the rest of my days. Having another hunter along sharing the PH would have made such a focused effort almost impossible.

I am also not sure the savings are all that real. Yes, there is reduced cost, but cost per opportunity has literally been at best increased by 50%. That, at least to me, is false economy. An exception would be a trip where I was taking someone where I didn't care if I ever fired a shot - with a grandchild let's say. In that case 2x1 would be preferred. All that said, on a well managed South African game ranch, sharing a PH might well be a good idea when one is taking those first representative African animals.

I absolutely get traveling with a companion internationally. I have done it alone my whole professional life, so for me it is interesting rather than anxiety producing. But I am lucky to have an ear for languages (Arabic/French/German/ and a bit of Spanish) so foreign environments are rarely intimidating.

I also get hating being in camp with a jerk(s). It has happened rarely to me (one from Pittsburgh - a quintessential rude damned Yankee braggart - wait until I have had a drink and can recount how I really felt - and one a Russian - a quintessential vodka drunk). When that has happened, I simply double down on quality time with my PH or guide.
Funny, I’ve spent seasons taking so many friends hunting that I’ve realized I’ve put tremendous pressure on myself to produce for them. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy it. However, as the season winds down I love to spend a few days completely on my own. One year I finished the season in Alaska running down the coast without another human in sight. It was awesome!

Man, I am in the same boat, I take a lot of first time hunters and fishers and the pressure is real. My wife has even commented that I seem stressed, lol. I take it way more serious then they do apparently.
I have done 2 safaris alone, one as the group coordinator and one where I met up with @gillettehunter. I have enjoyed them all!!! I have even shared camp with strangers and had a good time with them. Maybe I am just so happy to be out of the office that nothing else phases me.

The hunt with @gillettehunter is the only true 2x1 and I enjoyed that immensely. We were targeting different animals and both are decent are judging trophies and genuinely encouraged each other. It was a great time and trip I wont soon forget.

I did a trip in the UK, where I hunted and met up with my wife after the hunt everyday, not sure I will do that again. Was always a little worried she would be pissed if I was running late (which when hunting I always am). Some times I think I try to do too much.
Shooting less animals??? Maybe 2x1 hunts, but why???, to save money???, how???

If you are going on a hunt, any hunt, you should already have a budget and know what animals you are going after! You should also have a budget for your taxidermy!

2x1 hunts: either lengthen your stay or take fewer animals. Photo and/or video each others hunt, enjoy the camaraderie of each others success and the freindly brunt of defeat/missed opportunity.

2x1 hunts: also have there pit falls: #1 ENVY and Competition!!!; first hunter gets a really decent animal/ second hunter gets a record animal or visa versa: perhaps first hunter only gets really high quality animals and the second hunter ends up with multiple record book animals, OR animals Not of the same horn length, or of quality but slightly less size than the other hunter.

How much anxiety and stress has suddenly been put on a PH to ensure friends stay friends in that each hunter come away with equal amounts of record book animals?

Cost savings on a 2x1 personally IMO I dont think there is much money to be saved. But the shared enjoyment of having someone to reflect upon the time long past the days of any memory is well worth it; be it a hunting trip, fishing trip, amusement park trip, etc.. Maybe inspirational to others listening to the story (stories) being told.

Just another 2 cents.
I concede 2:1 hunting can create tension on who shoots and when.

I guess where I am coming from is some folks have a smaller budget and 2-3k may be the difference between not going for another year or two or maybe not going at all if they redirect their money to a different North American option.

Yes you should plan a budget and stick to it. However, an individual on a budget may feel pressure (real or not) to shoot more animals if he finishes early. So there may be some awkwardness that might be mitigated if your buddy isn't finished.

Point taken an extra couple days would add $800. If you shoot 4 animals instead of 6 (let's say a $1000 animal, $500 animal and another $1500 in taxidermy) you net save $2200. See my above points as to why that may be beneficial to certain people.
As a variation on this theme, I should probably mention the hunts my spouse and I have taken. She is not a hunter, nor particularly interested in the great outdoors - something about growing up on a Kansas sheep ranch. (n) Africa was not a great adventure for her. However, we do both enjoy traveling in Europe and South America. I typically hunt for three days or so on the front or back end, and then we do 10 days or so playing tourist (typically only 4 or 5 days in Argentina). We have done these sorts of vacations to both Spain and Argentina twice and to Austria. Next year we are going to Austria and Hungary, and the following year back to Spain and then Morocco (short hop). Our outfitters have always been very gracious to have someone to take her out and about to pillage the local villages while I am chasing wild boar or stags. Next year, it will be for Alpine Chamois - an animal I have never yet had the opportunity to hunt. Should be fun. In any case, it is the sort of vacation we both enjoy doing. Needless to say, she will not be accompanying me to Kamchatka in April.
I absolutely love to travel and it’s always the best when my wife is with me. She doesn’t care about hunting but enjoys going with me. I took her and both the kids to RSA in 15. That was the greatest trip of my life. In 16 I took my wife to Romania on a hunt/touring trip and that was also wonderful. I’ve been to Mexico several times fishing with my Dad and son which is always great to get to spend time with both of them. I went to Brazil the first time with my Dad fishing in the Amazon and the second time I went with Royal but due to an odd number of us in camp I fished the majority of the time by myself. I absolutely had a ball on that trip, I wasn’t alone by any stretch but got to spend several days on the boat fishing alone. That was actually nice because I really needed some “me” time to deal with some stress. The days I fished with Royal and Mine were awesome too as I really enjoyed both of their company. I did find myself at several moments when we would go somewhere into a super remote spot, I mean even remote for the Amazon, wishing my wife was there to share the moment with me. She would hate it though, too many bugs and it’s hot. But she loves birds and I was always thinking of her when we would see groups of Macaws, especially the blue ones. I want to share that experience with my son also as he loves the remote parts of the world and traveling also. My daughter of course wants to hunt leopard one day and I hope to be able to share that experience with her also.
I think an option for a lot of folks that enjoy being with friends and family on trips is a group trip but on a 1x1 basis. You get to be together but also have time to do your own thing during the trip. I don’t mind a 2x1 deal 99% of the time but I could see a certain few instances where I wouldn’t want someone hunting with me.
I’m extremely lucky!! My wife/best friend is my hunting, fishing and shooting partner. We’ve traveled the world the last 13 years and are having a blast. I have thought too about what it would be like to go alone. I don’t think I would like it!! I know lots of people go alone and I always think they are missing so much!! Our kids don’t hunt at all so like I said I’m a lucky man!
Same with my wife....first one was a was is right with this one and life it great...
I hunt and do pretty much everything alone. Yes, sometimes it would be nice to have a family member or a friend along to later have help ((n):whistle::ROFLMAO:) reminiscing events (or not:ROFLMAO:). But I have come to wait for no one, too many times I have lost out on: doing things, going on hunts, traveling, etc., waiting on others that talk but don't want to walk.

You dont want to go with a whiner! That's worse than going alone!

You only live life once make the best of it!
Going alone is better than not going at all!
Find your niche in life, share your experiences and listen (perhaps with a grain of salt(n):whistle::):ROFLMAO:) to others' experiences and learn, laugh, have fun.
Take plenty of photos, videos, and keep diaries/journals of your excursions to reflect back on.

Just my 2 cents worth of an old man's advise. "Work hard, Train hard, Play hard, Live hard,...Die Harder!"
WAITING ON OTHERS! I understand exactly what your saying. I too have missed out on SOME hunting and other adventures trying to adjust to somebody else’s work schedule, indecision and time schedule. There’s nothing worse than an OP backing out of something at the last moment and leaving you hanging. I’m at the point in life, that I’ll drive separately so I’m not relying on someone else’s time schedule. A minor example is a recent large gun show I went to with a brother-in-law and we drove together. I only was able to see about half the stuff there, as he had to leave for a hockey game. I’ll dive separately next time.
I've done a lot of solo hunting for all of the "common" game I chase regularly. Big game, small game, upland and waterfowl birds, etc. I very much enjoy the peaceful time to myself, and it's nice not worrying about others success / enjoyment / whatever. I'm on my own schedule and can do as I please.

On the other hand, my two major hunts have been done with close friends and family, which I've enjoyed the camaraderie and sharing the experience. My one trip to RSA was with my brother and step-dad. Each others successes were just as important and enjoyable as our individual achievements. We had 3 hunters with 2 PHs, so we all spent time 1x1 and 2x1. And my favorite experience was a back and forth affair where my brother and I swapped the rifles 5 or 6 times in chasing a black wildebeest and blesbuck in close proximity to each other. Both of us wanted the other to get their trophy, and didnt care about our own. My other big trip, to Alaska for caribou/moose would have been terribly boring if not with companions.

All that is a long way of saying, there are pros and cons to both. I wouldn't hesitate to do either group or solo adventures, with one big exception: I wont go on a "major" trip with someone I dont know or care for. A bad companion can easily ruin a trip, and I do not want to spend big money to have a bad time.

There's my .02
@Tbitty I remember enjoying reading your report which included you sharing that experience with your brother. I feel that is something you will livingly remember for the rest of your life. Can you ever put a value on that?
I have been on two safaris so far and third coming up. First one I went alone and had a great time. I was the only one in camp and they only do one group or hunt at a time. Just me the PH and staff. Great time and had all the hunting property to myself. Second trip I had a friend join me back to Bos en Dal again. Enjoyed sharing camp with him and PHs for 9 days. But i felt a little pressure with him there it being his first trip and hoping all went well for him. Made traveling easier with a companion along tho. Third trip coming up and back to same place with same PH Gerrit. Going by myself again and looking forward to being in camp by myself just me, PH and staff. No pressure and can do what I want each day for 11 days on the ground. I have hunted at home with friends on trips and solo by myself. I have come to find out I prefer hunting solo. No pressure and do as I want during my trips. When I was younger enjoyed hunting with others. Now in late 50s I prefer hunting solo just me and guide or PH
My first Safari was a solo adventure. It was a trying experience at times dealing with details mishaps and the unknowns of a first timer but allowed me to absorb every part of the trip. Going solo I feel like I was able to learn and get closer to the PH and camp staff. Every day is its own adventure; if you are going alone be sure to bring a journal to write down the details so you can share all the small stuff once you are home. A week in Africa felt like it had the memories, and hunting equivalent of 2 weeks stateside.

Next trip is planned with my father which I am equally excited for. Life long memories to share. I don’t think you can go wrong.
I agree with your perspective. Do you live in WI? Where about? I’ve gone with my awesome brother in law on several hunts. He is fantastic to be around—great hunter and friend. I hunted alone in Namibia in 2018 with Michael and Tiene Duvenhage of Uitspan Hunting. It was my second trip with them and they are friends-great time. Several French hunters were in camp for two days. They were also great to be around. This April I’m going back to Uitspan with my brother in-law and two friends from WI. I anticipate a great time. We have been spending time at the shooting range regularly. Great guys. We had a social with all four of us and spouses at my home (fantastic desert provided by my wife!). I am confident this is going to be a great hunt. Alone, with a close hunting friend, or a small group all are great in their own way. The key—a great PH and outfitter in Africa! It doesn’t get much better! Brian
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@Tbitty I remember enjoying reading your report which included you sharing that experience with your brother. I feel that is something you will livingly remember for the rest of your life. Can you ever put a value on that?
Exactly! With the right people, the memories are just as, if not more, valuable than the experience.
Most of my hunts are by myself, of done 2 hunt with at least one of my boys in Africa. Also 2 hunts with friends in NA. I’ve been on African hunts with other hunters in camp,sometimes it works sometimes not. I don’t like crowds and prefer people in small groups.
Since 1961, I have only gone alone twice, (once to Montana and once to Africa) all other times have been with a partner.

The last 26 years have been with my wife to Africa.

I do prefer to go with someone, but I'd go alone rather than stay home.

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James Friedrichs wrote on Dangerous Dave's profile.
can you send some pics of the 2.5-10 zeiss. I can't click on the pics to see the details. You noted some scratches. thx.
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Remember I will be in the USA for the next 16 days , will post my USA phone number when I can get one in Atlanta this afternoon!
I am on my way to the USA! will be in Atlanta tonight! loving the Wifi On the Delta flights!
Get it right the 1st time - choose the Leopard specialists!