First Convention: SCI or DSC?

I’ve never been to DSC. I have been to several SCI Conventions: Vegas, Reno and Nashville. Of those, I enjoyed Nashville the most.
Of the vendors I asked about DSC vs SCI, a majority thought DSC was more intimate and a little more laid back, but SCI is bigger.
No offense to those that live in Atlanta, but I’m not a fan of the city, but they do host a lot of conventions, so DSC may be spectacular.
No offense intended. I'd love to have convention in my home state of Texas but that's not going to happen. What it boils down to is that there are very few locations with what Vegas has. Vastly larger convention centers (multiple), massive hotels, and more flights a day to every destination you can think of than any convention city. Even going to Nashville was a big risk. The convention center is smaller, hotels are an issue, and flights are just ok. Going down to the next tier of cities it becomes even more challenging. Then add weather issues of more northern cities (Reno & Indianapolis) and there is a problem. I know many people who refused to attend SCI in Reno due to bad luck with weather. Just look at the predicament DSC has gotten theirselves into. It is the same afore mentioned issues.
I haven't been to Indianapolis in more than 40 years, so I've no opinion in reality on the city itself. My comment was only in regards to the weather. I'd be willing to bet not even a Hoosier thinks of Indianapolis, Chicago, Minneapolis and other such northern cities as a destination to escape winter weather for a few days.

No offense intended to the city itself other than the questionable winter weather. This coming from someone intending to retire in the upper Rockies.
Hey guys, no offense taken here. Like I said it was tongue in cheek and I was good naturedly defending my states honor. (LOL). Phil you are right about the weather. When Indy hosted the super bowl we had an unusually warm week so it was a big success.
Vegas was by far the superior location for SCI but became unavailable during the SCI flip flopping between Reno and itself forcing Them to find an alternative location hence Nashville.
Love the Nashville show and location but the limited hotels and direct flights makes it more difficult for travel.
DSC was always a fun show and the move to Atlanta was chosen for proximity and availability to Dallas. Not my favorite location but will get the job done.
I will be attending both shows as usual but between the 2 you will enjoy Nashville more than Atlanta because of the downtown party environment and general proximity to restaurants and nightlife.

Vegas was by far the superior location for SCI but became unavailable during the SCI flip flopping between Reno

I'm interested in knowing why you think Vegas was by far superior. It is an easy location to get to for sure. And it certainly has plenty of entertainment available in the evening. But I quite frankly grew very tired of Vegas and quite quickly. The biggest reason being that I truly begin to hate casino life after about a day or two. And quite frankly the casinos had an attitude of really not caring about the business you were bringing in to their establishments. I'd doubt that since SCI left Vegas anyone there has any sense of loss of that business.

Maybe it's just me.
I am in a similar place re: Vegas..

I absolutely get why a lot of people like it.. and it is certainly set up for hosting huge shows with ease..

but if I see Vegas once every decade, thats enough for me these days... im not really into the casinos, or the other "adult" oriented entertainment much these days.. Im just not much of a "party" type I suppose..

Its worth it once every 10 years to eat at some world class restaurants, and maybe catch a fun show or two.. but other than that, I pretty much try to avoid it... Ive got enough chaos in my life as it is lol.. when Im "vacationing" I prefer a slower, quieter pace... :)
I am in a similar place re: Vegas..

I absolutely get why a lot of people like it.. and it is certainly set up for hosting huge shows with ease..

but if I see Vegas once every decade, thats enough for me these days... im not really into the casinos, or the other "adult" oriented entertainment much these days.. Im just not much of a "party" type I suppose..

Its worth it once every 10 years to eat at some world class restaurants, and maybe catch a fun show or two.. but other than that, I pretty much try to avoid it... Ive got enough chaos in my life as it is lol.. when Im "vacationing" I prefer a slower, quieter pace... :)

This getting old sheit really sucks doesn't it?! Being on the exhibiting side, my morning consisted of getting a quick bite and off to the booth about a 1/2 hour before the show opened This meant meandering thru the casinos to make it to the convention hall with no time outside. Spend the whole day there and then make the same trek back to the hotel room to drop off computer and what not and start the evening and it would of course be dark by then. After a few days of not seeing daylight, and when in the casino in that constant not quite dark but also not natural daylight, the noise, the hustle and bustle and then to be served a $10 beer by a grumpy overworked bartender, man it just got so old.
If you want to spend less money for flights, hotels and show entrance fees DSC Atlanta
If you don't care and want to be in a nicer city and a show with more intimate atmosphere SCI Nashville.
As far African outfitters most of them if not all attend both shows.
One thing that I don’t think has been mentioned…if you absolutely need certain dates from a specific operator, I would go to the earliest show and also make an appointment with the operator before coming. Get to them straight away and not at the end of the show.

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