Female hunter under attack again on social media

Taken from our Afrikana page on FB:
STATEMENT FROM REBECCA FRANCIS: I feel it is my obligation on behalf of myself as well as my fellow hunters to respond to the mass criticism I have received ov...er this issue.

I don’t claim to be a game biologist and do not intend to argue specifics about the undeniable necessity of game management to promote the conservation and preservation of animals. There is no question that hunters contribute the most to the welfare of wildlife. I believe in the right to hunt. I believe that hunters promote wildlife more than any other source. However, whether hunting is right or wrong is no longer the issue at hand. Ricky Gervais has used his power and influence to specifically target women in the hunting industry and has sparked thousands of people to call for my death, the death of my family and many other women who hunt.

This has evolved into an issue about the morality of threatening human lives over disagreeing with someone else’s beliefs. It shocks me that people who claim to be so loving and caring for animals can turn around and threaten to murder and rape my children. Where is the logic in that? In a country that was created on freedom of beliefs, it is hard to comprehend that people are so intolerant of each other that they promote vile, disgusting, and explicit ways to invoke death upon others.

I am proud to call myself a hunter. I am proud to be a woman in the hunting industry. I am proud to be a mother. I will never apologize for these things. Hunting is a way of life I have known since birth, and I have experienced first hand all of the good that comes from it. Hunters will continue to unite to educate those who do not have a clear understanding of role of hunting in wildlife management. Hunting has been crucial to the balance of nature since the beginning of time, and it is even more crucial today.

I repeat I will never apologize for being a woman who hunts as I know that my passion for hunting and conservation is making a direct difference on the ground for wildlife. - Rebecca Francis

After reading this post I want to say things that I rarely express on AH because I always want the discussion to be about the members and their opinions and thoughts and not about what I think, but this subject and particularly this post really hits a cord with me!

Firstly, I want to say how powerful this response is, Rebecca is not apologetic and that is great… why should she be? She stands her ground in the face of a lot of negativity, threats and harassment and that is to be admired!

Secondly, I want to ask all of you out there, HUNTERS & OUTFITTERS (or anyone in the hunting industry), why the heck are you still participating/using Facebook???? Seriously, Facebook has a very anti hunting behind-the-scenes agenda. I will not go into details but I have experienced more than my fair share of harassment from people and groups from Facebook, with no help from them to remove stolen content and blatant lies and false information. FB not only allows straight forward Copyright infringement (people stealing pictures from any website and posting them) it but condones and encourages it according to their actions… or lack thereof. As a business you have to go through legal channels to have owned material removed! I don't understand why any hunter or outfitter would use this website to share about a hunting lifestyle or "promote" their company; the negatives far outweigh the positives.

I, like Rebecca, have been threatened personally (weekly for years); for my family outfit in Namibia, for AH (I don't care for myself), but my wife and my daughter have gotten death threats (very personal targeted death threats)… how many things are wrong with that?

We have a great community here where hunters can be themselves, where we can share our common experience, which is more that I can say about many places on the internet, why as hunters should we support social media that does not represent us, what we love, our lifestyles and beliefs?
After reading this post I want to say things that I rarely express on AH because I always want the discussion to be about the members and their opinions and thoughts and not about what I think, but this subject and particularly this post really hits a cord with me!

Firstly, I want to say how powerful this response is, Rebecca is not apologetic and that is great… why should she be? She stands her ground in the face of a lot of negativity, threats and harassment and that is to be admired!

Secondly, I want to ask all of you out there, HUNTERS & OUTFITTERS (or anyone in the hunting industry), why the heck are you still participating/using Facebook???? Seriously, Facebook has a very anti hunting behind-the-scenes agenda. I will not go into details but I have experienced more than my fair share of harassment from people and groups from Facebook, with no help from them to remove stolen content and blatant lies and false information. FB not only allows straight forward Copyright infringement (people stealing pictures from any website and posting them) it but condones and encourages it according to their actions… or lack thereof. As a business you have to go through legal channels to have owned material removed! I don't understand why any hunter or outfitter would use this website to share about a hunting lifestyle or "promote" their company; the negatives far outweigh the positives.

I, like Rebecca, have been threatened personally (weekly for years); for my family outfit in Namibia, for AH (I don't care for myself), but my wife and my daughter have gotten death threats (very personal targeted death threats)… how many things are wrong with that?

We have a great community here where hunters can be themselves, where we can share our common experience, which is more that I can say about many places on the internet, why as hunters should we support social media that does not represent us, what we love, our lifestyles and beliefs?

You are spot on about Facebook but don't forget Google, almost as bad. Unfortunately they are so big that boycotting them won't affect them, but it is the right thing to do. I never have signed up because I refuse to give ammo to the enemy. Frankly this site appears to be the biggest and best on hunting Africa so outfitters will find more clients here than Facebook. If I were an outfitter I would advertize here and phuck Facebook.

my $0.02
You are absolutely right 16 gauge. The whole Facebook think makes no since to people like us. Young people in particular, (not just teenagers) can't get off the crap. They want their so-called "friends" to know every movie they see and every french fry they eat. I will never understand it. If I want my friends to see a pic of a taken animal and myself, or my grand kids for that matter, I will send it to them either by email or a hard copy by regular mail!
I have Facebook to keep track of my old friends from high school and whatever acquaintances I make. I can say that your description of attention whoring is quite accurate for some people whose identities will remain classified:whistle:. I'm actually pretty quiet on my page.
Y................. Frankly this site appears to be the biggest and best on hunting Africa so outfitters will find more clients here than Facebook. If I were an outfitter I would advertize here and phuck Facebook.

my $0.02

Got that right
It is a different world now than twenty years ago. The internet and social media speed communication and information like never before, good and bad. One thing has not changed, there will always be anti hunters out there. They have a radical agenda and like most liberals they are wanna be bullies who try to shout down who ever might disagree with them. As hunters it is important to stand up to these people because there are more of us then them. As hunters we must stick together. Women have just as much a right to hunt as men, The anti hunters freak out when they see a women hunter. The more of us (men and women) there are the better. More votes/more of a voice. I for one refuse to be cowed by some keyboard warrior sitting in his pajamas in his parents basement all jack up on arugula. Me and my family are getting ready to leave in June for a plains game hunt. It will be my wife's first safari and we are taking our four kids. If my wife or daughter take their first animal I plan to unapologetically and proudly post it on facebook (and here). We are never going to talk the antis into seeing our side, but if we consistently tell our message that hunters and hunting play a key role in wildlife education then we will win the day.
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This article was written last summer when they were attacking Kendall jones. The author sums up what these people are really all about.

Texas Cheerleader Poses For Photos With Animals She’s Killed, Gets Death Threats
Jim Goad


Kendall Jones
In the eyes of many, Kendall Jone's first sin is that she’s from Texas. Compounding matters is the fact that she’s a blonde teenage cheerleader. But what’s chafing the flabby calves of the blogosphere’s sundry animal-rights misfits is the fact that she’s a big-game huntress who sees no shame in posing for pictures with the animals she’s just killed and then sharing the photos online. In their minds, this makes her a bigoted redneck privileged animal-murdering cracker—one who must suffer and even be killed for her transgressions.


Kendall Jones
Naturally, the Full-Time Shamers online are doing everything in their power to shame her. And since she is perceived to be preying on “defenseless” mammals, they also see no irony or hypocrisy in openly wishing that she gets brutally murdered: “You’re the pest – and need to be hunted down,” wrote one guest on her FB page. “I hope you get stomped to death by an elephant,” wrote another.

On Twitter, she’s facing the same sort of fire-breathing hatred that has become de rigueur among those faceless flesh-blobs who cloak their hatred behind a shield of compassion:

Someone give Kendall Jones a pair of running shoes and hand me a rifle. We'll see how long she defends her 'fair chase' logic.

— Felice Fawn (@feli*efawn)

What I’d like to see is for any of these perpetually outraged keyboard warriors to be dropped alone on the African plains with only their hands to defend themselves. Let’s see how loving and equality-minded the lions and hippos and leopards are to them then.

This is, yet again, why the idea of equality is so dumb and ultimately destructive—it ignores the fact that nature is largely more predatory and conflict-ridden than it is harmonious. It took untold millennia of evolutionary trials and errors for humans to get to the point where they were able to kill lions rather than be eaten by them, and suddenly we’re so soft and “evolved” that many of us see this as a matter of shame rather than of pride. This is a sign of a species in decline.

But the big giveaway—the thing that proves her critics are far more motivated by hostility than compassion—is the open bloodlust they fling at her. She is a threat to their herd mentality, so she must be shamed, stomped, eviscerated, and murdered. In their blind, dumb, rampaging self-righteousness, in their public-square chest-thumping quest to prove that they are somehow above other murderous humans, they ignore the fact that their unrealistically romanticized wild animals are also murderous. And the topper is that they reveal that deep down, they, too, are murderous animals. Every word they type shows blood dripping from their fangs. But they are simultaneously too dumb to see the contradiction and too cowardly to take matters into their own hands.


Kendall Jones
Personally, I love animals far more than I love people, which suggests a certain level of social maladjustment on my part. With rare exceptions, I’d rather spend time with a cat or a dog than with another human. But I’ve also run across people whose noses are buried so deep in animal waste, they can’t see how it’s warped their ability to interact with other humans on any meaningful level. I’m thinking in particular of a family member who at one point owned more than 90 cats simultaneously and who at last count owned 30 dogs and 20 cats, all of them stuffed into a tiny two-bedroom cottage. This person was pilled-up out of their head on near-lethal amounts of painkillers at any given time and didn’t seem to care in the least how their daughter had just fatally overdosed alone on pills in a motel room and how their stepson had morphed into an HIV-positive crack whore who routinely robbed the family of all their belongings. But God forbid one of the household’s numberless squirming canines came down with the sniffles—it was an immediate, all-consuming crisis.

This person also eagerly joined in all of the tiresome online petitions calling the for the heads of anyone suspected of animal abuse. I saw them express far more rage at the Michael Vick dog-torturing case than at the fact their daughter had died alone of an overdose. I witnessed them out of their mind with anger at a picture, possibly Photoshopped, of two grinning teen boys who’d just lynched a cat—far more anger than they showed whenever the HIV-positive crack-whore stepson would burglarize their house and strip it of everything worth more than $5.

So as much as I love animals, I’ve personally witnessed how anthropomorphizing them to the point where they have “rights” is often the domain of severely maladapted human beings—ones who suck both at being humans and at realizing they are also animals, with all of the selfish, predatory instincts such status implies.

In other words, it’s fine if you want to save the whales, but I doubt the whales give a fuck about you.

Source: thoughtcatalog.com/jim-goad/2014/07/texas-cheerleader-poses-for-photos-with-animals-shes-killed-gets-death-threats


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Thankfully we hunters are so much larger in numbers and are so much better organized than those "flower power" anti-hunting terrorist classified groups ever going to be.

I never had Facebook, and don't have any needs to publish what and where I hunting to the whole world...
"...the topper is that they reveal that deep down, they, too, are murderous animals. Every word they type shows blood dripping from their fangs..."

"...who suck both at being humans and at realizing they are also animals, with all of the selfish, predatory instincts such status implies..."

2 very well put statements from above.

Isn't killing hunters, or stating desire to do so, a lot like a hunter killing another predator, such as say... a Lion, leopard, bear, cougar or cheetah for example?
"...the topper is that they reveal that deep down, they, too, are murderous animals. Every word they type shows blood dripping from their fangs..."

"...who suck both at being humans and at realizing they are also animals, with all of the selfish, predatory instincts such status implies..."

2 very well put statements from above.

Isn't killing hunters, or stating desire to do so, a lot like a hunter killing another predator, such as say... a Lion, leopard, bear, cougar or cheetah for example?

I would say it is worse. Human life does not equate to animal life.
I would say it is worse. Human life does not equate to animal life.

Granted, but all emotion aside, it is the exact same act, unless they want to eat the hunter I guess... but that would open a whole other bag of worms. :)
You are spot on about Facebook but don't forget Google, almost as bad. Unfortunately they are so big that boycotting them won't affect them, but it is the right thing to do. I never have signed up because I refuse to give ammo to the enemy. Frankly this site appears to be the biggest and best on hunting Africa so outfitters will find more clients here than Facebook. If I were an outfitter I would advertize here and phuck Facebook.

my $0.02

Very true lcq but how could I forget Google, see my posts at:

Google disables AdSense on AfricaHunting.com for violent or disturbing content:

I must say though that Google has been incredibly good to me over the years...
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