Mr. 16 gauge
AH fanatic
The photo laying by the giraffe is neither disrespectful nor distasteful. Anyone who has issue with it needs to get over it, there is no defense needed for it. I for one will not bend or bow down every time the narrow minded have a problem with something that they have little to no information or understanding of.
The fact that there are those of us here that are supporting the antis position that this photo is somehow wrong quite frankly disturbs me.
There are other photos of her that are certainly disrespectful but this is not one of them and we must judge it on its own merits.
Well, I'm afraid I must respectfully disagree with most of what you posted......I feel it is distasteful, but that's just my "narrow mind" at work. As for "defense", I hope you remember that as more and more fence sitters get pushed over to the antihunting side of things by photos and actions such as this, and lend their support to such things as .....oh, I don't know; maybe ivory and lion importation bans?
I don't think I am supporting the anti's position by being opposed to this photo, I rather feel that I am trying to take the high road and promote that not everyone that goes to Africa to hunt behaves in such a childish manner, and has some respect for the animals that they are hunting (unlike the individual who put the beer can in the lions mouth

But, hey.............that's just my opinon; you do what you feel best.