Maybe so, but I have a hard time believing that Comey would agree to seeing himself sold out twice. He once had a stellar reputation as one of the most honest guys in govt, and that has been shredded by his failure to recommend prosecution of HRC. I don't see him doing that again, 11 days before the election unless he has something big he is looking at. In other words whats the gain for HRC or anybody else here? It makes all involved look really bad. Now on the other hand one wonders since, there was obvious collaboration between Comey, DOJ and the WH before,, is there now? And if so did Obama and DOJ sign off on re opening the investigation and if so why? The obvious answer is yes, because there is damaging info about Obama, so throw HRC under the bus and then shut it down, after she steps down from the campaign. Now of course this is just wild speculation and there is nothing to support it other than imagination but it does seem to be, given the proclivities of this bunch of crooks from the top down, a possible scenario. And if you really want to let your imagination run wild how about this one? HRC steps down and throws the whole election into spin cycle, Obama steps in, suspends the election until further notice and stays in office until it gets sorted out. Would that be fun??