No matter what we say or do, or show where our dollars are going and where there donated dollars are going they will never understand or accept our way of life. When our fellow humans base opinion on emotions it's like trying to push over a solid brick wall....Ain't happening. Just a shame they are unable to accept hunting as an irreplaceable tool for managing and saving wildlife. They have no problem eating a burger but god forbid we hunt. We are barbarians....Again.......A high powered PR firm to represent hunters and bring awareness to the general public. We cannot keep losing ground. The next generation must see , feel, and admire wildlife as we do. I know I love wildlife. I don't have to hunt. I do it because it connects me to them regardless of the hunts outcome. This is something the antis could NEVER understand. Thank GOD we do.
I do agree. This preaching to the converted thing where we sit around and get one another's blood pressure up by relaying the facts about hunting and anti hunting to one another is doing our purpose no good. It helps our cause ZERO.
The harm has been done already by us not playing the marketing game like the antis have. We sat around and thought " this will never end , let them rant and rave all they want " Its going to end -- soon , if we don't get our act together. And yes , wildlife will pay the price , bla bla bla. WE know that , but John doe doesn't , and he is the decision maker that will end hunting. Period.
Remember not everyone that is not pro hunting is necessarily anti hunting...... Most people are indifferent , but the antis are working their magic turning them their way !
We don't need to fight the antis , just get the general public ( sitting on the fence ) properly educated. Get them to realize that they don't have to become hunters and pull a trigger on an animal to do their part. " How can you kill an animal ? " should be " I could not do it , but thankfully there are people who can , who enjoy hunting , and as long as its legal and good comes from it , they can go ahead for all I care. " Aggressive PR.
Just like they don't have to kill their own cow/sheep/pig/chicken in the slaughter house to enjoy the benefits. We cant all be hunters , but denying the ones who are hunters their rights will seriously harm the wildlife that we all love.
Lastly , we have to start policing ourselves. We live in a different world we grew up in 30 / 40 years ago , Social media is a powerful tool and sadly the antis are much better at using it than we are. Doing and saying stupid things about hunting and our rights to do so just fuels these people. Be smart about it. Take on the idiots amongst us. Let them know that we don't care for their ways.
Certain practices will never be tolerated by the broader public even if the public is not aggressively anti hunting. Captive bred Lion hunting is right up there. I know everyone defending it say that captive bred lion hunting is just the start , they want to stop all hunting. This is true. It is however a very easy sell for them to convince people that ALL hunting is bad and so muster more public support for THEIR cause.
In my 24 year professional hunting career I have seen things change drastically , it's changing ever faster , if we don't take heed now it will be too late.
Hunting regards