Fan mail


AH elite
May 30, 2013
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On a daily basis I do get plenty of fan mail from those around the world who adore me and what we as hunters do. I just wanted to share one and get your thoughts on it.

Hi James, I saw your ad for discounted hunt of endangered rhinos. You are a sorry excuse for a human being and when a hunt is opened up for useless male homosapiens, you will be the first to go. You have done no good in life. and may you rot in hell.
Karen Jones

Thanks Karen
I'm glad you feel like I should be killed. It makes no difference to you that these hunts fund rhino research and protect rhino who are still viable and valuable to the herd.

Have a nice day


keep on telling yourself that the killing you do fund rhino research and protect rhino that are still valuable and viable, who are you to decide who is valuable and viable when you are not viable and valuable. I wish you all that will make you sad and unhappy. You are a horrid and evil excuse for a human being.
Karen Jones

Thanks for pointing my character flaws. But the fact is hunters do more in a year for conservation and protection of wildlife than peta wwf and all the rest in a decade. Hunters can and do physically put themselves in harms way to protect wildlife all the while paying for that privilege.

A 100 dollar donation to WWF puts less than 5 dollars to protection in the field. Parties and drinks don't come free. I appreciate your views and I understand you don't agree with hunting, that is your right. But I would hope you understand the governments in countries where many of these animals live don't care one bit about them. The funding for animals like rhino is all paid by individuals and were it not for hunters those animals would be fully extinct.

Have a nice day


So many of these people think with their hearts and their emotions instead of logic and reasoning.

Your thoughts?
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It must be awesome being a superstar.... just beware of the paparazzi!
James- When I read comments like this person made it makes me think of the quote "people who don't get it don't get that they don't get it and we can't make them get it"...aka try to keep fighting the good fight but some people just aren't going to change..

"people who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it and we can't make them get it"

That is a great statement.
This by the way was one of the less offensive better written fan letters.

Pretty regularly I get ones that are truly threatening to me and my family.
Our way of life truly is under attack. Sorry you have crap like that. Bruce
I think its funny, that even though we are hunters and gun guys, we would never call or email an anti-hunter and say "if you don't start hunting and killing I'm going to kill you".
But it seems OK and inline with their way of thinking to do it to us?
Dam right, their parties cost tons of money..
Want to give us her email so we can send her some fan mail?

Something like:

Hi Karen,

I saw you wrote hate mail to James at Sorry you feel that he is a horrible excuse of a human being. I will personally book a hunt with him to make sure that he is a valuable and viable resource to the economy. In the meantime, I will continue to fund conservation through controlled and managed harvesting of game animals. Please be sure to include me any fundraisers you are having for HSUS or PETA, I always have plenty of deer meat leftover and instead of given it to the foodbank like I usually do, I will be sure to bring it as a dish to the next event. Think of it as an organic potluck dinner.

Have a wonderful and blessed day.

I think we send 300 to 400 of these. What do you guys think?
@LivingTheDream, thanks for the offer, but I don't think that's the right way forward. I know your heart is in the right place, but its not worth the effort. The only way we will ever win anything is with education and helping those who are on the fence understand where we are coming from in the conservation world.

Mainly this is the reason I take time and write these folks, hopefully they read what I write..
James, I have to agree with you. It is just frustrating, I talk with a lot of people and they all know I am hunter so they ask a lot of questions. I am the main source of education when it comes to hunting and some of the stuff they have heard it just unbelievable and the problem is they believe it to be true. Thank god they know me and know that I am rational person, it is tough battle and I just don't understand why the anti's feel a need to spout off and talk smack.

Education is the hardest part, but to me it just seems like it doesn't sink in. I do honestly believe in my heart of hearts that when I talk to people we are winning the war, most people are willing to listen and though they will never do it, they are open and respectful about it. I think the wonderful people like Karen Jones, aren't going to be influence one way or another.
No matter what we say or do, or show where our dollars are going and where there donated dollars are going they will never understand or accept our way of life. When our fellow humans base opinion on emotions it's like trying to push over a solid brick wall....Ain't happening. Just a shame they are unable to accept hunting as an irreplaceable tool for managing and saving wildlife. They have no problem eating a burger but god forbid we hunt. We are barbarians....Again.......A high powered PR firm to represent hunters and bring awareness to the general public. We cannot keep losing ground. The next generation must see , feel, and admire wildlife as we do. I know I love wildlife. I don't have to hunt. I do it because it connects me to them regardless of the hunts outcome. This is something the antis could NEVER understand. Thank GOD we do.
I think its funny, that even though we are hunters and gun guys, we would never call or email an anti-hunter and say "if you don't start hunting and killing I'm going to kill you".
But it seems OK and inline with their way of thinking to do it to us?

I have seen this countless times. I think just goes to show that these people really are disturbed. They used to really anger me but I truly piety them now. We as hunters get to really experience some wonderful things because of our hobby but those anti's are just full of anger and hate.
Time and resources are not unlimited. You need to decide where you can make a difference. I don't believe Ms. Jones is one of those people who is interested in the facts, or in education.

In my interactions with people, I have found many who are against hunting because they think it's bad for animals. Once they understand, they come around. They won't become hunters, but they understand the utilitarian arguments in favour of hunting.

I've also found those like Ms. Jones. People like her, and like Johnny Rodriguez in Zimbabwe, should be left alone. It does no good to engage with them at all. These are not rational, thoughtful people. It's their way or no way. Once I've decided I've come across such a person, it's best to have no more to do with them. Waste of time, breath and potentially other things.
I've also found those like Ms. Jones. People like her, and like Johnny Rodriguez in Zimbabwe, should be left alone. It does no good to engage with them at all. These are not rational, thoughtful people. It's their way or no way. Once I've decided I've come across such a person, it's best to have no more to do with them. Waste of time, breath and potentially other things.
Could not agree more… Engaging in any manner gives them what they were looking for, it's just feeding the beasts.
We get the same type people giving one star reviews on our face book page and telling us how evil and sick we are. It is tempting to respond but I just let it be and they seem to go and annoy James instead.
I think its funny, that even though we are hunters and gun guys, we would never call or email an anti-hunter and say "if you don't start hunting and killing I'm going to kill you".

A threat from someone with a firearm would be taken seriously and we know the consequences of criminal acts.

Evidently, this person needs to have their mother teach them some manners.


You are way more patient with Mrs. Jones than I would be James.

Sorry you and your family have to put up with all the manure.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt