Are terms all relative to the individual assessing the value, enjoying or not enjoying the experience and paying the cost of anything......be that a hunt, a new rifle or even a new car.
I'm not convinced that the terms in the context of this thread have to be mutually exclusive. ( Experience and Value vs Cost) As mentioned by some one can have a bad experience on a hunt after perceiving the hunt offer to have great value but at a reduced cost. No argument there from me. We need only read the hunt reports of dissatisfied customers to understand that truth. You can also have a great experience with high perceived value and crazy high costs on an offered hunt.
You can in fact have all three...great experience, high perceived value and low costs. In my four safaris to date, I have had 4 great experiences at high perceived value (my opinion), 2 at low cost and two of the safaris at high costs(my relative opinion). We all live and learn about the cost part of safaris. We read threads on this site as well as others and realize that maybe we didn't ask all the right questions on the first safari. You know.....those hidden costs or unexplained charges come into play. Of course there is always that apples to oranges thing to consider. Hopefully we do a little better each time we book a new safari adventure.
All of us have our own opinions derived from our life experiences. When somebody asks a question, any question on this site, that invites opinion in my humble view. People can sort through opinion at their own discretion and we know members on here are not shy about challenging the opinions of others when there is disagreement. Robust discussion and debate are what makes any forum worth it's salt, this one included. Hope that continues here in a respectful manner.
Furthermore, I do hope that we can all continue to share our opinions on this forum. To silence the opinions of others does no good service to anyone. I for one offer my opinions and thoughts to fellow hunters in good faith and I trust that others do so as well. After all, the experiences someone else has had my inform us and shape our opinions of the future.
Ranch hunts, free range hunts, put and shoot, low fence or high fence hunts, high costs or low costs all seem to sell without regards to the country in which they will take place or the size of the property. Any hunt that sells does so because in some way or another it represents a value to a given buyer.
Good luck selling the hunt is my wish for any outfitter. As some have said he is just trying to feed his family. If the outfitter isn't selling hunts he might want to re-evaluate his business model and maybe his marketing plan. It's not because someone on this site made an unsupportive comment about his offer. Conversely, I'm not at all convinced that an outfitter is selling a hunt because someone posts, Great Offer, Good Price, Wish I could take you up on this one! But nobody seems at all concerned by positive posts.....even the silly ones.
I don't necessarily place the same value on a particular hunt as the next guy nor should I. Why??!........because I have an opinion and mine is just as relative to me as the opinion of the next guy is to him.
When I share an opinion it's just that and nothing more! I don't claim to be an expert nor do I have any Outfitter Credentials listed under my name. So the next guy doesn't have to agree with me or give a rip about what I say and likewise I don't have to agree with him.
If my opinion is worth something to a fellow hunter......great! If my comment gives someone pause to reflect and ask more questions....great! If not......ok ....have a blessed day!
By the way I want the name and contact information of the outfitter providing the strippers! All opinions on this matter and topic are highly valued by me as they may well help determine my experience on the next safari!