Wyatt Smith
AH legend
Bore snakes are for emergencies only (IMO) - or at the least for very limited use. The serious long range precision shooters I know, tell me bore snakes will scratch the bore (proven by using a bore scope). I keep a few handy, but they will usually be one size below the rifle's caliber. 7mm for 30 cal, 243 for 6.5mm, as examples.
Only difference is that I use Ballistol.
...I suspect that what is causing the first shot to be different is the cold bore shot. I've never found an answer to why that happens.
I know for a fact that as a bore warms up POI changes. It happens with my 7RM and to a lesser degree my 6.5CR. My 7 moves up to 4 inches and the 6.5 about 2In. Not so much my 375 because of the heavy bbl., maybe an inch or so. This is at 100yds with all my guns after 3 or 4 rounds. Nothing to worry about when hunting because all shots are cold bore.If that was the case then I would have not made a single hit on my recent hunt as the bore was cold on every shot.
Wasn't the OP about clean vs dirty barrel though?Tanks, we're talking about differences in POI that are too small (usually) to matter on game shots but are easily noticed at the range.
I don't find clean/dirty first shots to be too interesting a subject since you can solve that problem by not cleaning your barrel.
So very true. I hadn't even realized that. We all just skipped the question and hijacked the thread to dirty vs. clean bore and the cold...barrel...shot.Everybody except Mark-Hunter is answering questions that weren't asked.
So, continuing in that vein, I think clean bore shots are most often caused by something other than bore preparation. Whether it is an uncleaned bore or a bore partially cleaned and then with the oil or powder solvent cleaned out with a patch or patches or a copper-solvent cleaned barrel. I suspect, but don't know, that spraying some non-gun related solvent like Oops, or Gum Out, or carburetor cleaner, or brake cleaner won't make a difference either. I guess I might try one of those but you have to be careful as they can remove the finish of things you don't want the finish to be removed on, like scopes or stocks.
The reason I don't think these are relevant is because I've had rifles that wouldn't move between sessions and ones that would -- most would -- all with the same routine.
Most of you are confusing cold bore shots with clean bore shots. I suspect that what is causing the first shot to be different is the cold bore shot. I've never found an answer to why that happens.
Good job. Keeping us all honest-ish...
@NhoroSo I was thinking, if you use something like electrical switch cleaner spray to get all the oil out of the bore before going hunting, does it reduce the first shot flyer ?
@Joker12Not in my experience. In some barrels just one fouling shot is all thats needed and in some it takes 2 or 3. I have a 7x57 (one of my favorites) that seems to shoot much better after a few fouling shots. I never take that one hunting with a clean barrel.
@Wyatt SmithIn my rifles if Hoppes No.9 doesn’t take it out, it stays in.
@Nhoro I guess you could zero your rifle with a clean bore one shot at a time, cleaning in between.