Do the 577 and 600 nitro really offer anything?

Is this ok for starters??

A random youtube video blurred without any face pics..?
Where are your pics of all the dangerous game you claiim to have shot..either way or another..?
I have a certain amount of skepticism about everything I read and see on the Internet. In the age of AI and deep fakes photos and videos can also be faked. What I am interested in is polite and civil discourse and learning from others, not petty arguments. Trust, but verify in other words.

I learned a reasonable amount about big bore cartridges from this thread (thanks for the pictures), but it has become quite a bore as well. I’m ‘unwatching’ and moving on to more enjoyable and interesting threads.

Cheers, gentlemen.
I have a certain amount of skepticism about everything I read and see on the Internet. In the age of AI and deep fakes photos and videos can also be faked. What I am interested in is polite and civil discourse and learning from others, not petty arguments. Trust, but verify in other words.

I learned a reasonable amount about big bore cartridges from this thread (thanks for the pictures), but it has become quite a bore as well. I’m ‘unwatching’ and moving on to more enjoyable and interesting threads.

Cheers, gentlemen.
I apologize, @375Ruger416 . I share the exact same sentiments as you. Most of us come to these forums as a means of recreation to take our stress away from the shackles of daily responsibilities. And to share our mutual love for hunting, firearms & Africa. Not to fight with other members.
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Thank you, Hunter-Habib. I don’t blame you or IvW for that matter. Something about the medium seems to lend itself to these sorts of disagreements. I’ve been dragged into them myself.

I’m going to watch the Boston Toronto game 7 now. Hope everyone has an enjoyable Saturday evening!
A random youtube video blurred without any face pics..?
Where are your pics of all the dangerous game you claiim to have shot..either way or another..?
Well, I shot a charging rabbit once, great big mashing teeth on the wee beastie…..
no pictures though, everyone was too busy laughing at me…..mostly as I had stepped in a rabbit hole and was up to my thigh in it when the rabbit came at me.
The posting was an opinion on the 577 vs the 600. Why is it necessary to bring personal remarks into the discussion.
I am over 90 and in my life time there have been few if any whose memory at times is incorrect or as is remembered. We are all human, at least once in awhile.
Come on guys this has been and is a great forum let’s not go the way So many others have.
Let He who is without sin cast the first stone!
The posting was an opinion on the 577 vs the 600. Why is it necessary to bring personal remarks into the discussion.
I am over 90 and in my life time there have been few if any whose memory at times is incorrect or as is remembered. We are all human, at least once in awhile.
Come on guys this has been and is a great forum let’s not go the way So many others have.
Let He who is without sin cast the first stone!

That's honor you that you are with over 90 still active on a Forum.

It's inevitable that there will be disputes on a Forum because we don't know each other and may therefore misinterpret some postings. Certainly one have to be careful when posting so that comments are not misinterpreted, especially for people like me who don't come from English-speaking countries. Despite everything, thanks to the competence of the majority of the members on this Forum, the disputes are kept to a minimum and all comes to rest by clearing up some misunderstandings. Unfortunately, on some Forums it looks different.
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That's honor you that you are with over 90 still active on a Forum.

It's inevitable that there will be disputes on a Forum because we don't know each other and may therefore misinterpret some postings. Certainly one have to be careful when posting so that comments are not misinterpreted, especially for people like me who don't come from English-speaking countries. Despite everything, thanks to the competence of the majority of the members on this Forum, the disputes are kept to a minimum and all comes to rest by clearing up some misunderstandings. Unfortunately, on some Forums it looks different.
Thank you for your thoughts but I am even luckier then that as turkey season is in and I am in my camp chasing the old toms.

Thank you for your thoughts but I am even luckier then that as turkey season is in and I am in my camp chasing the old toms.
You’re a true inspiration. My father turns 93 years old this year and is still extremely passionate about hunting jack snipe in the local rice paddy fields.
You’re a true inspiration. My father turns 93 years old this year and is still extremely passionate about hunting jack snipe in the local rice paddy fields.
In the past I have hunted Jack snipe in the black alder patches of Maine, N.H and Vt. Takes good reflexes and fast swing to wing shoot snipe.
Apologize to all for hijacking the thread
OP orginal. 577 vs600
You’re a true inspiration. My father turns 93 years old this year and is still extremely passionate about hunting jack snipe in the local rice paddy fields.
I'd imagine those 600's sound noticeable when touched off?
erroneous question, but curious.

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1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
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Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles