Dallas Safari Club Convention Summary

Was Atlanta so bad because it was Atlanta? Or was it the weather?

I'm sure both contributed but had the weather been good, would it at least have been an ok show?

Impossible to know... but.. what I do know (as do most others, and DSC should know) is long before January and the unexpected snow storm, there were a lot of very disgruntled exhibitors that had been complaining for months about the decision to go to Atlanta.. there are a TON of very disgruntled people that normally attend the show that had stated they were not going to Atlanta and that they would either just go to SCI instead, or stay home, or give TTHA a try.. , and there were a lot of life members of DSC expressing their concern about not only the decision that was made, but how the decision was made, and how the decision was messaged..

And until DSC had the inconvenience of a snow storm to add to the problem, they essentially refused to address any of the concerns.. which was viewed by most (all?) as being shown the middle finger by the DSC board (since the CEO was by then gone and no new CEO had been appointed to replace him)..

After the snow storm, it at least appeared that DSC was going to attempt to right the wrongs of 2024.. the email from the new CEO was a pretty good start (IMO).. but since then, clearly some additional decisions have been made.. and once again, the exhibitors and life members are scratching their heads and asking a collective WTF???? (i.e. the email that went out offering a new membership level... email that went to exhibitors with a price increase and Atlanta on the logo without speaking to any changes/improvements/intentions/etc first, etc..etc..)..

My guess is better weather would have produced a better show.. Hell, it wouldn't take just 1000 more people to have made a "better" show.. the ATL show was a complete and total disaster..

But my further guess is better weather still wouldn't have produced a "good" show, much less a show worth attending for most exhibitors or participants..

And if DSC stays on the path it appears to be intent on sticking with (poor messaging, poor engagement with exhibitors and life members, etc) that if next January is 70 degrees, clear skies, and they offer free hotel rooms to everyone that attends.. they'll still have a terrible turn out..

It pains me to say these things.. Ive been a life member for a long time.. Ive spent A LOT of money with DSC over the years (well beyond my membership costs).. Ive brought several other people to the club to become members.. Ive volunteered at 6x shows.. I used to attend every monthly meeting in Dallas and participated in numerous functions of the Dallas chapter..

I seriously want DSC to not just survive this.. but to find a way to thrive..

But if they continue down this same path, all I see is disaster in the future..
Was Atlanta so bad because it was Atlanta? Or was it the weather?

I'm sure both contributed but had the weather been good, would it at least have been an ok show?
If I wanted to sell safaris to gangbangers, then we're golden.
Impossible to know... but.. what I do know (as do most others, and DSC should know) is long before January and the unexpected snow storm, there were a lot of very disgruntled exhibitors that had been complaining for months about the decision to go to Atlanta.. there are a TON of very disgruntled people that normally attend the show that had stated they were not going to Atlanta and that they would either just go to SCI instead, or stay home, or give TTHA a try.. , and there were a lot of life members of DSC expressing their concern about not only the decision that was made, but how the decision was made, and how the decision was messaged..

And until DSC had the inconvenience of a snow storm to add to the problem, they essentially refused to address any of the concerns.. which was viewed by most (all?) as being shown the middle finger by the DSC board (since the CEO was by then gone and no new CEO had been appointed to replace him)..

After the snow storm, it at least appeared that DSC was going to attempt to right the wrongs of 2024.. the email from the new CEO was a pretty good start (IMO).. but since then, clearly some additional decisions have been made.. and once again, the exhibitors and life members are scratching their heads and asking a collective WTF???? (i.e. the email that went out offering a new membership level... email that went to exhibitors with a price increase and Atlanta on the logo without speaking to any changes/improvements/intentions/etc first, etc..etc..)..

My guess is better weather would have produced a better show.. Hell, it wouldn't take just 1000 more people to have made a "better" show.. the ATL show was a complete and total disaster..

But my further guess is better weather still wouldn't have produced a "good" show, much less a show worth attending for most exhibitors or participants..

And if DSC stays on the path it appears to be intent on sticking with (poor messaging, poor engagement with exhibitors and life members, etc) that if next January is 70 degrees, clear skies, and they offer free hotel rooms to everyone that attends.. they'll still have a terrible turn out..

It pains me to say these things.. Ive been a life member for a long time.. Ive spent A LOT of money with DSC over the years (well beyond my membership costs).. Ive brought several other people to the club to become members.. Ive volunteered at 6x shows.. I used to attend every monthly meeting in Dallas and participated in numerous functions of the Dallas chapter..

I seriously want DSC to not just survive this.. but to find a way to thrive..

But if they continue down this same path, all I see is disaster in the future..
Thanks for that reply!

Hard to believe DSC has gone to ruin just like that. Crazy but true that an organization or a business or even an individual can slide so far and so fast based on a few bad decisions but we see it every day around us.

Crazy good opportunity for SCI which to me has always seemed to have more issues connecting with common members than DSC.
Was Atlanta so bad because it was Atlanta? Or was it the weather?

I'm sure both contributed but had the weather been good, would it at least have been an ok show?
Both. However I made the trek down there and so despite the snow, drove the 2 blocks to the show. I gotta believe that most stalwart sportsmen would…..if they had made the trip down.
Well said @mdwest as usual. Inclement weather doesn't really stop serious sporting people who are bringing a checkbook to book a hunt. It slows down the walk in traffic and the tire kickers but not someone who is planning and making decisions on expensive hunts. Besides, there was bad weather at Dallas and Atlanta the same weekend. Don't be distracted by the weather issue...it's NOT the root problem.

I will add one more time...I don't want DSC to fail. I'm a member.
Well said @mdwest as usual. Inclement weather doesn't really stop serious sporting people who are bringing a checkbook to book a hunt. It slows down the walk in traffic and the tire kickers but not someone who is planning and making decisions on expensive hunts. Besides, there was bad weather at Dallas and Atlanta the same weekend. Don't be distracted by the weather issue...it's NOT the root problem.

I will add one more time...I don't want DSC to fail. I'm a member.
100% agree. The weather can simply not be used as an excuse. Maybe accounted for 10% of traffic.
This was going to be first time to any DSC show the first time and returning to a big show in more then a dozen years.

Flights canceled 3 times out of 3 airports, rearranging flights any way I could.

Guess I'm just not dedicated enough.
I think the poor weather played a big role in attendance. Lots of cancelled flights, ATL airport was a disaster that weekend.

I checked the San Antonio convention center and they are booked solid next January and February, so that not happening. The San Antonio rumor its not possible without another convention canceling in San Antonio. Houston does not have their complete schedule for January and February available yet, it does show the first two weeks of January booked. My bet is DSC in Atlanta for 2026. I looked at their 990's they might not be available to buy out until after 2027, if at all.
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I drove down from St. Louis on Thursday. The weather was beautiful….sunny and cool. The many exhibitors I spoke with on Friday said the hall was a tomb on Thursday. I believe the die was cast well before the first snowflake flew.

Since it appears the show will remain in ATL next year, we’ll learn what the root case really is.
Was Atlanta so bad because it was Atlanta? Or was it the weather?

I'm sure both contributed but had the weather been good, would it at least have been an ok show?

The weather was such a large factor that there is really no way to assess it.

It was really once in a decade or more kind of snow event. The news was non-stop telling people to stay at home. Nearly all the restaurants and business in town were closed. I personally know over 30 people who had planned to attend but didn’t because of the weather.

I had a number of other friends in metro Atlanta who were without power.

There were two other shows going on the same weekend at the convention center, the Boat show and a travel show. Both are very well established and well attended. Both were ghost towns this year.

I heard someone from DSC say they had sold a record number of tickets in advance of the show. If that is true they should be publicizing that information.

I think Atlanta has great potential for a show.

I also understand the rightful concerns about moving the show away from their core base.
Both. However I made the trek down there and so despite the snow, drove the 2 blocks to the show. I gotta believe that most stalwart sportsmen would…..if they had made the trip down.
We had planned to drive our Motorhome out, it is a 2 day drive.. Waste the time between shows someplace fun, and then head to Nashville early and enjoy the town. We'd have towed a Jeep and I guarantee I'd have made the drive to the show.

But we looked at the weather and decided driving a 43' Motorhome amongst a bunch of Southern drivers in snow and ice was not a good idea.

We were not thrilled with going to Atlanta. But the weather was the final straw in our decision to not attend.
If I wanted to sell safaris to gangbangers, then we're golden.

That’s a remarkably ignorant post. Georgia is a huge potential market for outfitters.

Hell, my wife and sister threw me a surprise birthday party a few weeks ago. One of my RSA outfitter friends was in attendance. A number of my friends came down from Atlanta. Many had planned to attend DSC but didn’t because of the weather.

My buddy booked 4 separate groups from my party alone. Really good hunts. When it’s all said and done easily over 100k in business from my one little group of my gangbanger friends from Atlanta.

I suppose I better make sure to tell them not to hold their rifles sideways.

Surprised we had that many Atlanta folks in one place with nobody getting shot.

Pro tip, in your line of work no good comes from insulting or alienating potential clients.

There are a lot of hunters in Georgia. There are a lot of hunters with money in georgia. There are relatively few gangbangers and they don’t hang out at the world congress center.


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I for the life of me cannot fathom why DSC in their right mind did not consider FTW Convention Center , hell Jerrys world would have been better than going out of state. I just understand the direction they are wanting to move. yes I know Dallas Convention Center is getting torn down but there were way better options than route they took.
That’s a remarkably ignorant post. Georgia is a huge potential market for outfitters.

That may be true...


If it is true.. what has DSC done to convince a very well and long established outfitter that it is true?

and what actions have they taken to prove that is true?

therein lies the problem.. outfitters, life members, etc expressed very serious concerns.. some real, some maybe not so real from the moment DSC announced its intentions...

other than ignoring those key stakeholders until after the show was a train wreck, what was done by DSC to address those concerns, mitigate risks, or show that DSC even placed 1/10th of a rat turd in value or consideration to those vendors and life members?

since the show belly flopped, other than the new CEO sending out an email saying that he intends on looking into things and taking some action, whats actually been done? and if anything has been done, how has that been conveyed to the vendors and life members?

the core of DSC's membership (Texans) and the core of its exhibitors, remain disenfranchised.. and the clock is ticking.. people are making decisions RIGHT NOW whether or not to renew memberships, to reserve booth space, etc.. and people are making decisions RIGHT NOW whether or not they intend on spending any time in ATL in January 2026..

It doesn't really matter how many hunters and outdoorsmen are in Georgia.. that number could be 10 or 10,000,000.. Unless DSC can figure out how to get a similar number of Georgians to not only come to the show, but to buy Rigbys, buy Swift bullets, and buy hunts from outfitters as they have had Texans coming to Dallas to do the same.. The show will fail...

Which leads to the question of.. if DSC is doing nothing to quell the concerns of the Texas population that are very clearly not coming without some sort of demonstration by DSC that convinces them of something different than what they currently believe is true..

What exactly are they doing to convince a similar number of Georgians to attend that could/would replace the Texans?

The ideal situation would be to convince the Texans (and many others outside of TX) to attend while at the same time working extremely hard to convince Georgians, Floridians, Tennesseeans, Alabamans, South Carolinans, etc.. to come also.. and actually IMPROVE their numbers..

But from what I can tell, DSC is failing to win over either group, much less find a path to get both to attend in large numbers..
That may be true...


If it is true.. what has DSC done to convince a very well and long established outfitter that it is true?

and what actions have they taken to prove that is true?

therein lies the problem.. outfitters, life members, etc expressed very serious concerns.. some real, some maybe not so real from the moment DSC announced its intentions...

other than ignoring those key stakeholders until after the show was a train wreck, what was done by DSC to address those concerns, mitigate risks, or show that DSC even placed 1/10th of a rat turd in value or consideration to those vendors and life members?

since the show belly flopped, other than the new CEO sending out an email saying that he intends on looking into things and taking some action, whats actually been done? and if anything has been done, how has that been conveyed to the vendors and life members?

the core of DSC's membership (Texans) and the core of its exhibitors, remain disenfranchised.. and the clock is ticking.. people are making decisions RIGHT NOW whether or not to renew memberships, to reserve booth space, etc.. and people are making decisions RIGHT NOW whether or not they intend on spending any time in ATL in January 2026..

It doesn't really matter how many hunters and outdoorsmen are in Georgia.. that number could be 10 or 10,000,000.. Unless DSC can figure out how to get a similar number of Georgians to not only come to the show, but to buy Rigbys, buy Swift bullets, and buy hunts from outfitters as they have had Texans coming to Dallas to do the same.. The show will fail...

Which leads to the question of.. if DSC is doing nothing to quell the concerns of the Texas population that are very clearly not coming without some sort of demonstration by DSC that convinces them of something different than what they currently believe is true..

What exactly are they doing to convince a similar number of Georgians to attend that could/would replace the Texans?

The ideal situation would be to convince the Texans (and many others outside of TX) to attend while at the same time working extremely hard to convince Georgians, Floridians, Tennesseeans, Alabamans, South Carolinans, etc.. to come also.. and actually IMPROVE their numbers..

But from what I can tell, DSC is failing to win over either group, much less find a path to get both to attend in large numbers..
I certainly understand the criticism regarding moving out of Texas. I doubt there is any greater concentration of traveling sportsmen anywhere in the world. It is also DSCs base. I’m not trying to convince anyone that leaving Texas was the best decision.

It’s also very troublesome that they are looking to increase booth prices after the vendors enduring a really bad show last year. I don’t think they did the appropriate damage control.

I do think there is huge potential in the SouthEast. Look at the number of new member posts we have from Georgia on a regular basis. We had a pretty large crowd lined up for the AH dinner before it was canceled because of the weather.

My point was that it was foolish for an outfitter and site sponsor to make such an ignorant comment. To see the number of members here from Georgia, and to see the number of new member posts from Georgia, and to then make a post about booking hunts to gang bangers is really putting his foot in his mouth.
You and I are likely in agreement on almost everything..

I grew up in the Southeast... went to college in the Southeast.. and have lived most of my life in the Southeast.. Ive only been in TX for about 10 years.. all 4 of my kids live in different places across the Southeast currently..

There are LOTS of sportsmen in the Southeast.. and a good number of them have the sort of discretionary income to be a good fit for DSC.. The per capita concentration of well heeled hunters with an interest in international hunting probably isn't as great as TX (TN, NC, SC, GA, AL combined barely have the same population as TX.. and the concentration of wealth in those states isn't nearly as dense as TX).. but bringing in people from that part of the country would greatly benefit DSC... as long as they don't do it at the expense of the membership core.. which is essentially what they have done to themselves...

I don't think it was on purpose.. I don't think DSC wanted the disruption or the chaos that has occurred..

The problem is from what I can tell (as well as many, if not most others that are significantly invested in DSC with time, money, etc) is they initially refused to acknowledge the problem(s) they created.. and since realizing there was no shit a real problem, have not done anything to fix it..

Which results in disgruntled outfitters (as seen in this thread), disgruntled members (seen in this thread), and poor show performance (seen in ATL)..

While I understand where you're coming from regarding KMG's post.. think about things from his perspective for a minute..

DSC made a decision that has had a negative impact on his business...

DSC hasn't done anything that demonstrates they intend to do anything that will fix the problem they have created (other than send a single email).. if anything, the consensus is for now that nothing is changing or being done that is going to fix the problem.. and DSC will continue to be a negative issue for outfitters for at least the near term if not the mid term, and potentially the long term..

Numerous experienced hunters (membership here) have expressed their anger/concern/frustration/etc/etc/ with DSC.. those members are among the core group that outfitters want to have in their camps... they arent just "possible" future Africa hunters.. they are absolutely going to book hunts in Africa in the near term..

His frustration is in line with many, well established, experienced, hunters.. who wont be turned off by his comment (whether accurate or not)... it might even demonstrate that his thoughts and feelings are aligned with that core group of frustrated, pissed off, key stakeholders to the safari industry..

Whereas a few guys (like yourself) may get turned off by it.. there are a whole lot more people that are in agreement with him (whether in actual agreement, i.e. "gangbangers" or functional agreement, i.e. ATL is going to continue to fail and DSC is going to continue to flounder for whatever other reason.. doesn't really matter... they are indeed unhappy.. and whether right or wrong, wont attend a show in ATL... whether its for real reasons, false reasons, or just out of principle and nothing else.. )..

For what its worth, I grew up in Memphis... and, I was a cop there for a good while.. most of my law enforcement career I worked in units that were focused on gangs and/or dope.. I know what a "gangbanger" city looks like..

Memphis, while it absolutely has a huge problems with gangs, crime, filth, corruption, etc..etc.. also has wealthy people, hunters, outdoorsmen, etc.. and if it had a reasonable convention center (It doesn't) it could be a decent option for a hunting convention IF things were messaged correctly, IF the convention marketed properly, IF the convention got the buy in of key stakeholders in advance, etc..etc.. despite all of its warts, Memphis has a decent airport, some really good downtown hotels, some incredible food options, some neat/interesting history that provides things for people to see and do outside of the show itself (Staxx Music, Beale St, Graceland, Bass Pro Pyramid etc..etc..), is centrally located and easy to get to for most people in the US, etc...

But.. the way DSC handled the move to ATL.. it might as well have been Memphis that was chosen (without proper messaging and marketing, Memphis is only going to be seen as a bad option.. crime, filth, poor, etc..etc..)..

Nothing about ATL was messaged properly.. nothing was marketed well... no buy in was sought out.. etc... and as a result, it failed miserably..

and if they don't figure out how to fix this.. 2026 I believe will be a failure as well.. Sadly, I think they are running out of time very fast.. people wont make final decisions about DSC in the 4th quarter of this year.. they will be making decisions as soon as right now.. and most will have made a final decision before the end of Q2 I believe, certainly before the end of Q3..

Everyone knows all of the reasons they have no interest in ATL..

DSC needs to be telling everyone all of the reasons they should have interest in ATL...

They have yet to do that.. and the clock is ticking..
You and I are likely in agreement on almost everything..

I grew up in the Southeast... went to college in the Southeast.. and have lived most of my life in the Southeast.. Ive only been in TX for about 10 years.. all 4 of my kids live in different places across the Southeast currently..

There are LOTS of sportsmen in the Southeast.. and a good number of them have the sort of discretionary income to be a good fit for DSC.. The per capita concentration of well heeled hunters with an interest in international hunting probably isn't as great as TX (TN, NC, SC, GA, AL combined barely have the same population as TX.. and the concentration of wealth in those states isn't nearly as dense as TX).. but bringing in people from that part of the country would greatly benefit DSC... as long as they don't do it at the expense of the membership core.. which is essentially what they have done to themselves...

I don't think it was on purpose.. I don't think DSC wanted the disruption or the chaos that has occurred..

The problem is from what I can tell (as well as many, if not most others that are significantly invested in DSC with time, money, etc) is they initially refused to acknowledge the problem(s) they created.. and since realizing there was no shit a real problem, have not done anything to fix it..

Which results in disgruntled outfitters (as seen in this thread), disgruntled members (seen in this thread), and poor show performance (seen in ATL)..

While I understand where you're coming from regarding KMG's post.. think about things from his perspective for a minute..

DSC made a decision that has had a negative impact on his business...

DSC hasn't done anything that demonstrates they intend to do anything that will fix the problem they have created (other than send a single email).. if anything, the consensus is for now that nothing is changing or being done that is going to fix the problem.. and DSC will continue to be a negative issue for outfitters for at least the near term if not the mid term, and potentially the long term..

Numerous experienced hunters (membership here) have expressed their anger/concern/frustration/etc/etc/ with DSC.. those members are among the core group that outfitters want to have in their camps... they arent just "possible" future Africa hunters.. they are absolutely going to book hunts in Africa in the near term..

His frustration is in line with many, well established, experienced, hunters.. who wont be turned off by his comment (whether accurate or not)... it might even demonstrate that his thoughts and feelings are aligned with that core group of frustrated, pissed off, key stakeholders to the safari industry..

Whereas a few guys (like yourself) may get turned off by it.. there are a whole lot more people that are in agreement with him (whether in actual agreement, i.e. "gangbangers" or functional agreement, i.e. ATL is going to continue to fail and DSC is going to continue to flounder for whatever other reason.. doesn't really matter... they are indeed unhappy.. and whether right or wrong, wont attend a show in ATL... whether its for real reasons, false reasons, or just out of principle and nothing else.. )..

For what its worth, I grew up in Memphis... and, I was a cop there for a good while.. most of my law enforcement career I worked in units that were focused on gangs and/or dope.. I know what a "gangbanger" city looks like..

Memphis, while it absolutely has a huge problems with gangs, crime, filth, corruption, etc..etc.. also has wealthy people, hunters, outdoorsmen, etc.. and if it had a reasonable convention center (It doesn't) it could be a decent option for a hunting convention IF things were messaged correctly, IF the convention marketed properly, IF the convention got the buy in of key stakeholders in advance, etc..etc.. despite all of its warts, Memphis has a decent airport, some really good downtown hotels, some incredible food options, some neat/interesting history that provides things for people to see and do outside of the show itself (Staxx Music, Beale St, Graceland, Bass Pro Pyramid etc..etc..), is centrally located and easy to get to for most people in the US, etc...

But.. the way DSC handled the move to ATL.. it might as well have been Memphis that was chosen (without proper messaging and marketing, Memphis is only going to be seen as a bad option.. crime, filth, poor, etc..etc..)..

Nothing about ATL was messaged properly.. nothing was marketed well... no buy in was sought out.. etc... and as a result, it failed miserably..

and if they don't figure out how to fix this.. 2026 I believe will be a failure as well.. Sadly, I think they are running out of time very fast.. people wont make final decisions about DSC in the 4th quarter of this year.. they will be making decisions as soon as right now.. and most will have made a final decision before the end of Q2 I believe, certainly before the end of Q3..

Everyone knows all of the reasons they have no interest in ATL..

DSC needs to be telling everyone all of the reasons they should have interest in ATL...

They have yet to do that.. and the clock is ticking..
I agree.

But I’m still going to give KMG a hard time about dissing me and my homies.
My home state, Missouri, is one of the most beautiful in the Union. The Ozark hills are among my favorite spots on the planet. The people are down to earth and friendly too. However, I wouldn’t recommend anyone visit the city of St. Louis or Kansas City for anything. I don’t even go downtown for daytime Cardinal’s games anymore! #hellhole.

I also love the Southeast. Calling out downtown Atlanta for being a larger version of St. Louis isn’t disrespectful of the SE and its people. It’s simply a statement of fact.
We had planned to drive our Motorhome out, it is a 2 day drive.. Waste the time between shows someplace fun, and then head to Nashville early and enjoy the town. We'd have towed a Jeep and I guarantee I'd have made the drive to the show.

But we looked at the weather and decided driving a 43' Motorhome amongst a bunch of Southern drivers in snow and ice was not a good idea.

We were not thrilled with going to Atlanta. But the weather was the final straw in our decision to not attend.
You made the right call! We drove back through Alabama to avoid the Smoky’s the day after a snowstorm. I think DSC also hoped Texans would jump on a plane. I gotta believe that if they had, they’d have made the trudge a block or two to the convention. I wouldn’t have cancelled my trip because of the snow so long as I was staying downtown. I don’t believe people canceled their travel..so much as never planned to go in the first place.
The situation with the show is tough.

But let’s remember the purpose of DSC is to support conservation the show is something they do to generate funds for that. Those of us that are members are members because we support conservation not because they out on a show.

I say that in hopes that whenever they figure out the path forward with the show people will support them because the mission is worth supporting.

Express your frustration with the show for sure. If you hate Atlanta skip it. But don’t quit the organization, maybe find another way to support them. When the show finds a better home I hope you’ll attend.

DSC has done some great work for conservation and we need them to exist.

I know it’s kind of fun to speculate about the competition between DSC and SCI. But the fact is they both do good work and do slightly different work. There is a place and a need for both of them and they will both continue to get my support.

Sorry for the long post it was partially to Tim d myself of this fact.

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MooseHunter wrote on Tyguy's profile.
Im interested in the Zeiss Scope. Any nicks or dings? Good and clear? I have on and they are great scopes
Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.