I worked in Burkina about three years ago. Drove most of the perimeter. Burkinabe are some of the nicest, hard working, and artistic folks on the continent. You really need French to get around. There were a few outfitters there at the time with mostly French clients. Best I recall, there are three parks where one can hunt and none are near the North or Mali border. I can vouch for staying away from that area, minimum border security and AQIM comes and goes at will. The last herd of West African elephants was protected in one of the parks (unless something changed). I saw roan, warthog, duiker, probably some other game while there (besides the elephants in and outside the park). Hunting is not as developed as Tanzania or Namibia, for example, and the French system is different. Same for tourism in general. Still a neat place and one of my favorite countries to visit. I would consider hunting there.