@ Vintageguy - I hear ya 1000% & good messaging to get on & continue living life large! I equally organized a 4/group & we travelled to the Eastern Cape Aug/Sept 2021.
The Planning started late 2020 for my preferred hunting month, May 2021.
*Travel Restrictions. Germany had strict travel requirements, testing, and quarantine upon return home - I was not deterred.
*Lockdown. Germany put us in 3rd lockdown (March) & the trip seemed to be a wipe for 2021 - I was not deterred.
*New Dates. We did not canx … we postponed, Marius @ KMG Safaris was a Champ & worked my group in for late August.
*COVID Testing. US test site failed to produce results after 48-hrs & half my group missed their Int. Flight - they were not deterred. They travelled 90-miles & retested @ a Hospital w/ same day results (worth the time/$$), then worked the phones & new Int. Flight 24-hrs later.
*RSA Testing. Professional & many options … KMG was On Point w/ COVID rules & has a solid plan in-place.
*Be Smart. Don’t be a risk taker - trust/have good COVID hygiene & precautionary measures during travel & in camp. Know the COVID testing rules for your Country ie
don’t PCR Test if your Country only requires an Antigen test upon return.
*Most Important. Get out & travel, support the hunting industry & live your pre-COVID life! Happy Trails.