I was listening to an otherwise intelligent commentator last night, frantically demanding "everyone" be tested. Her thesis was that those exposed could get back to work and get the economy going. US statistics look very much like yours. Actual exposure numbers, as a percentage of total population, are miniscule. Hospitalizations of those exposed are running about 20-25% of what the "modeling" says they should be (in spite of Coumou demanding "more please" in the way of everything.) If we wait around for enough of the work force to be exposed to make a difference, we will have reverted to the 19th - maybe 14th century.As in America, some areas are worse than others. We are doing pretty well in some regards.
Military support into some remote areas to help.
Police road blocks in some areas out east to stop people heading to the cottage and spreading the virus to areas with fewer resources.
Pretty good job here. We have every level of government working together.
No BS back political back stabbing. (although there are some games being played by shuffling costs onto other levels budgets) I'm sure that will come later.
Government programs to support people, businesses are not perfect, never fast enough but it beats people starving.
We have 704 ICU beds in Alberta and around 600 Ventilators.
(who knows about new orders etc.)
We are testing like crazy. 62,000
Could do more.
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Some concern about PPE.
Mostly due to hoarding elsewhere, ie. NY case..
Local industry is jumping on the issue. Masks, face shields, etc, etc. About to authorize a new Mask that "is one step up from n95" (It was a politician making the claim)
Guesstimates, if we "stay the course" are expecting 250 ICU beds to be used at the peak.
Although they are doing planning for "worst case scenarios", including tents in parking lots.
Todays stats in Alberta.
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Sadly, we have now got positive cases inside extended care facilities. (Old age care facilities) That has jumped the death toll locally.
Secondly, each of those tests is just a snapshot in time. All those in the blue bar can be infected minutes after the test was taken. The only thing it is telling us is that a lot of folks don't have it. Someone will eventually raise their hand and suggest we all get back to work and simply practice social distancing in those conditions. Entertainment venues will likely be an outlier for a time, but this can not continue.