Remember the H1N1 epidemic in 2009.? Approx 15,000 deaths, and 60 million infected.Took Obama 6 months to try and do anything.?

Rumors said a vaccine for COVID 19 could take a year?

Is the world going to shutdown in that timeframe?
Sorry but the science supports the facts that the panic is media hype. Yes, people are getting sick, but that happens every day. The "normal" flu is still more contagious, has a higher rate of reported cases, and has a higher death rate too. The media is manipulating numbers and facts, surprise surprise. It's a horrifying truth that they would do this selfishly with no regard to the consequences to others, but the truth it is.

Pretty much every other outbreak of the last 2 decades has had more cases and more deaths at the same time period past discovery, covid 19 is just getting more media coverage. The suspected specifics of their motivation are particularly embarrassing for the US, but in the end it comes down to money

Yes and no.

Everyone is using the flu as the measuring stick because that’s what we are most familiar with.

Though they are both viruses with some similarities in symptoms, they are quite different.

Sure the flu is more widespread in America at this moment and will kill more people if infection rates for both stay the same. The big issue is to contain Covid-19 because if it reaches the saturation rate of China many more people will die.

Influenza mortality rate = 0.1%
Covid-19 mortality rate = 3-4%

Even if you discount the numbers for Covid-19 because of sample size, unknown reporting rates of mild infections and short history, this is an exponentially higher risk once infected.

I am more likely to die from a car crash than a snake bite. When I was a kid the farmer would cut the corn next to the house causing all manner of snake to find new homes. I both wore my seatbelt and made every effort to keep the damn snakes out of the house.

If the US sees China levels of infection with the comorbidity of flu season there will be many deaths.

This being said, I have spent about 48 hours in airports and airplanes this week. No mask, some hand sanitizer, lots of gross people and sticky surfaces and little personal concern that I will get sick. We’ll see. I’m more concerned for people like my in-laws who are older. I don’t want to see them get sick and die cause we think this’ll blow over by spring.
Sorry but the science supports the facts that the panic is media hype. Yes, people are getting sick, but that happens every day. The "normal" flu is still more contagious, has a higher rate of reported cases, and has a higher death rate too. The media is manipulating numbers and facts, surprise surprise. It's a horrifying truth that they would do this selfishly with no regard to the consequences to others, but the truth it is.

Pretty much every other outbreak of the last 2 decades has had more cases and more deaths at the same time period past discovery, covid 19 is just getting more media coverage. The suspected specifics of their motivation are particularly embarrassing for the US, but in the end it comes down to money

Thought the same thing, till it happens around you. The problem is not per se the deads but the huge strain it has on the available beds in the hospitals. A lot of people, especially the older ones get pneumonia and they need a hospital bed and breathing equipment. The problem with that is their is just not enough of that with the speed the virus is spreading. So the lethality is enhanced by the fact there is not enough capacity. And besides the fact that a lot of hospital staff is getting infected. Look at the info coming out of Italy. Hope it is contained, ASAP
I'm in the same boat. We have had a trip planned to Namibia for over two years now and are set to leave May 11th. We purchased tickets months ago - through Amsterdam- then last night I hear about the Europe travel plan. It has me worried about losing money I don't have to rebook another route or potentially blowing up the whole hunt. I'm already kind of pouting, bordering on just plain pissed off, because it is obvious to anyone looking at past worldwide illness that the media is blowing this all out of proportion. I hate that people are sick and especially that there is loss of life, but no more than I hate it ever year during flu season. The 24 hour news cycle thrives on hype, crisis and disaster- not to mention the US political implications. When major cable news commentators are on tape saying this will be Trump's Katrina and actually getting excited about it, you know its part of their game plan.
Take the anti-Trump media out of the equation and the stock market would be at 30k. MSM is reveling in the virus news and playing it up to the hilt.
The death rate of 3-4% is manipulated to suit the media's agenda. There are many cases not reported because healthy folks ages 18-50 are not showing severe symptoms. Places like Iran, China, and even Italy (which has a very old population by the way) have horrible healthcare which effects the numbers too. Death rates in people with no major health issues, especially respiratory, under the age of 55 are .01-.03%.

The hard facts are, unless you live in one of the few absolutely most effected countries and are under 60 without major health complications, it's really not a big deal, especially if you have common sense and basic hygiene. I dont know about elsewhere but here in the US, shelves are bare, because as a whole our population is absolutely dumb and cannot think for themselves (yes, rest of the world, you heard it here first...the stereotype of Americans being dumb is true for the majority of our population)

If you do fall into the above categories of age, location, or medical condition, you should absolutely take every precaution necessary to protect yourself because you are at the most risk of being greatly effected.

This is NOT the most serious spring illness ever to come along. Heres the debatable part of the why but is actually irrelevant because the damage is done: it IS a moderately concerning illness that 100% DOES occur in an election year of the president the media hates the most. People are ABSOLUTELY getting rich of the panic and those people influence the panic and have no reason to stop it.

I HOPE AND PRAY it goes away in a month or two like EVERY other "Scary" flu does. This is a predictable cycle. It used to just be "flu season", now we have the technology to determine exact strains and make it seems like the damn black plague. 20 years ago, this wouldve just been a bad "common flu season". I dare say, under a democratic president in the US this wouldnt be much more of a 2 cycle news story. Sad, But true

At the end of the day, im worried for my safari too. I will be crushed if it effects my trip. But let's just see how it plays out and not feed into the problem
The death rate of 3-4% is manipulated to suit the media's agenda. There are many cases not reported because healthy folks ages 18-50 are not showing severe symptoms. Places like Iran, China, and even Italy (which has a very old population by the way) have horrible healthcare which effects the numbers too. Death rates in people with no major health issues, especially respiratory, under the age of 55 are .01-.03%.

The hard facts are, unless you live in one of the few absolutely most effected countries and are under 60 without major health complications, it's really not a big deal, especially if you have common sense and basic hygiene. I dont know about elsewhere but here in the US, shelves are bare, because as a whole our population is absolutely dumb and cannot think for themselves (yes, rest of the world, you heard it here first...the stereotype of Americans being dumb is true for the majority of our population)

If you do fall into the above categories of age, location, or medical condition, you should absolutely take every precaution necessary to protect yourself because you are at the most risk of being greatly effected.

This is NOT the most serious spring illness ever to come along. Heres the debatable part of the why but is actually irrelevant because the damage is done: it IS a moderately concerning illness that 100% DOES occur in an election year of the president the media hates the most. People are ABSOLUTELY getting rich of the panic and those people influence the panic and have no reason to stop it.

I HOPE AND PRAY it goes away in a month or two like EVERY other "Scary" flu does. This is a predictable cycle. It used to just be "flu season", now we have the technology to determine exact strains and make it seems like the damn black plague. 20 years ago, this wouldve just been a bad "common flu season". I dare say, under a democratic president in the US this wouldnt be much more of a 2 cycle news story. Sad, But true

At the end of the day, im worried for my safari too. I will be crushed if it effects my trip. But let's just see how it plays out and not feed into the problem
I promise you, Italy does not have horrible healthcare.
I HOPE AND PRAY it goes away in a month or two like EVERY other "Scary" flu does.

Im not an alarmist.. and am of the crowd that thinks the media, governments, wall street, etc are blowing all of this way out of proportion....

but.. one of the problems on the other side of all of this is people keep thinking this is just another "flu".. its actually not a flu at all.. it just has similar symptoms (respiratory issues).. its actually a completely different sort of bug all together.. its not an influenza virus..

Johns Hopkins is putting some pretty good information out related to Covid-19.
Surely there are many who will revel in any and all failures of this administration. Saying “I told you so” when the chimpanzee with the chainsaw doesn’t end up building you a gazebo does not kill one’s credibility though.

Election year or not, your sniffles may be more serious this year than last.
Im not an alarmist.. and am of the crowd that thinks the media, governments, wall street, etc are blowing all of this way out of proportion....

but.. one of the problems on the other side of all of this is people keep thinking this is just another "flu".. its actually not a flu at all.. it just has similar symptoms (respiratory issues).. its actually a completely different sort of bug all together.. its not an influenza virus..

Johns Hopkins is putting some pretty good information out related to Covid-19.
Correction: scary spring season illness.

It's closer to a "viral pneumonia", yeah?
Some common sense is being used and it's backed up by experienced, knowledgeable and smart people. Agree with others, the news media is total junk and in the business of selling hysteria and paranoia, not truth and facts. The deaths in the U.S. are 38. What a bunch of fkn bullshit the media is foisting on the country. They should be banned from reporting on it.

Social distancing, it works. Good read on this protocol.
What a bunch of fkn bullshit the media is foisting on the country. They should be banned from reporting on it.

In China there is social pressure to refrain from saying negative things about the government in addition to the government’s free program of re-education for those who do. Most citizens feel it is only troublemakers who report things that may make the country look bad. This has proven to reduce Happy Virus Number 1 Very Good outbreaks to nearly zilch.

Defiantly should ban media from reporting such things here. And books, probably ban books too.
I know lot of you live in America but sometimes not everything is about America. Sometimes both can be true at the same time. Do the American media try to blame Trump, hell yeah, that is what they are doing since the day he was elected (great president BTW). On the other hand their is a real pandemic , and our media in Europe are not obsessed with American politics so whats the argument for hem covering it? Easiest answer is because it really an emergency. We are talking about real problems here. Already two of my colleagues, mid forties, healthy people have pneumonia with one being treated at the IC unit.

My advice take it serously
In China there is social pressure to refrain from saying negative things about the government in addition to the government’s free program of re-education for those who do. Most citizens feel it is only troublemakers who report things that may make the country look bad. This has proven to reduce Happy Virus Number 1 Very Good outbreaks to nearly zilch.

Defiantly should ban media from reporting such things here. And books, probably ban books too.

The news media reporting is analogous of yelling FIRE in a crowded theater. There's responsibility involved in the news media which they conveniently try and forget.
Italy has the 2nd best healthcare system in the world by the WHO. Personally i believe we have the best and could care less about the WHO ratings.The issue in Italy is ICU beds and ventilators. Triage ongoing in Italian hospitals deciding who they help and who they don’t. Issue here is how quickly it ramps in the US. If our ramp goes as projected and we go about our lives like nothing is happened then our 100,000 ventilators will be filled rather quickly. I am not a pessimist but our lives will change for the coming months and how much so depends on us as individuals. Because it might not be in your hometown now doesn’t mean it won’t be in the coming weeks.
The travel ban and eliminating large gatherings is the correct protocol.

From QUARTZ website:

In 1918, the city of Phila,elphia threw a parade that killed thousands of people. Ignoring warnings of influenza among soldiers preparing for World War I, the march to support the war effort drew 200,000 people who crammed together to watch the procession. Three days later, every bed in Philadelphia’s 31 hospitals was filled with sick and dying patients, infected by the Spanish flu.

By the end of the week, more than 4,500 were dead in an outbreak that would claim as many as 100 million people worldwide. By the time Philadelphia’s politicians closed down the city, it was too late.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
A different story played out in St. Louis, just 900 miles away. Within two days of detecting its first cases among civilians, the city closed schools, playgrounds, libraries, courtrooms, and even churches. Work shifts were staggered and streetcar ridership was strictly limited. Public gatherings of more than 20 people were banned.

The extreme measures—now known as social distancing, which is being called for by global health agencies to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus—kept per capita flu-related deaths in St. Louis to less than half of those in Philadelphia, according to a 2007 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The concept of “flattening the curve” is now a textbook public health response to epidemics, including the spread of Covid-19. Once a virus can no longer be contained, the goal is to slow its spread. Exponential growth in infections leaves health care systems struggling to handle the surge. But with fewer people sick at once (and overall), services aren’t overwhelmed and deaths diminish. This buys time for doctors to treat the flood of patients and researchers to develop vaccines and antiviral therapies.

But it wasn’t always this way, says Richard Hatchett, a physician and head of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations in London, who co-authored the 2007 paper. Social distancing interventions were not always trusted, he wrote in an email; they were widely ignored during flu pandemics in 1957 and 1968. But in the 2000s, several papers including Hatchett’s reanalyzed Spanish flu data to show the efficacy of distancing measures—and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention later incorporated them into their outbreak guidance.

The key to effective social distancing, though, is timing.

“I think the critical lesson from both the modeling and the historical work is that the benefits of multiple interventions are greatest if they are introduced early (before 1% of the population is infected) and maintained,” wrote Hatchett, who has also directed medical preparedness in the Obama White House. Distancing measures are less effective once more people have contracted the virus, especially in cases where the vast majority of people are not sick enough to need medical attention.

This outbreak is one of those cases. Only 19% of confirmed cases of Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, become severely or critically ill, reports the CDC. Those with mild symptoms (or none at all) may easily pass the virus on to vulnerable people, particularly those who are older or have pre-existing health conditions. “You can compare the outcomes in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, which used such interventions aggressively from the very start, with what happened in Wuhan and what is happening now in Iran and Italy,” wrote Hatchett. “There is no reason to expect the virus to behave differently in Europe and the US than it has in Asia.”

China and Italy may have waited too long; both were forced to take drastic steps weeks after the first cases were discovered. China’s government locked down nearly 60 million people in Hubei province while restricting travel for hundreds of millions of others. Now Italy is banning public gatherings and imposing travel restrictions for 60 million citizens, a first for a modern democracy.

In the US, these restrictions are just beginning. New York state has closed large gathering spaces and deployed National Guard to disinfect buildings and deliver food in a “containment zone” in New Rochelle just north of New York City.

But social distancing doesn’t have to be draconian. South Korea has adopted a modern version of the St. Louis model; the country never locked its citizens down or quarantined entire cities, but has still managed to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. In recent days, new infections have leveled off thanks in part to thousands of free daily tests and a coordinated government effort that closed schools, canceled public events, and supported flexible working arrangements. “Without harming the principle of a transparent and open society,” South Korea’s Vice Health Minister Kim Gang-lip told journalists in the South China Morning Post, “we recommend a response system that blends voluntary public participation with creative applications of advanced technology.”
Surely there are many who will revel in any and all failures of this administration. Saying “I told you so” when the chimpanzee with the chainsaw doesn’t end up building you a gazebo does not kill one’s credibility though.


Or even if it's Mrs chimpanzee who has the chainsaw.

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