On internet:
If there was no internet, most probably I would never go to african safari. Due to pure lack of information by conventional means.
The books are also great source of information, but not all safari books are available locally, but are available to order on internet as well.
Interenet is great source of information, and it makes world smaller indeed. The only thing is, opn internet - one must be smart enough to make difference between good and false information.
On 22:
Of course I have never killed leopard (yet), and especially not with 22. But, since poaching was mentioned above, and 22, it reminded me on one event, not related to leopard, but I will share the story anyway
I was hunting fallow deer with a friend of mine. Actually it was his hunting area, and he was guiding me.
I had 30-06, I have to say, before you guys get any ideas on 22...
Anyway, we were quietly stalking through the bushy terrain, and rare forest trees. For an hour already that morning, started early at dawn.
And at one moment, my friend stopped, and stiffened, and esily-slowly kneelled... I was few steps behind, and knew he HAS observed the game.
I immediately prepared myself for shooting, safety off. No words spoken yet, but all clear in body language for both of us
He came back to me, whispering, "a deer is sleeping! Quiet! Look there"
I was not carrying shooting sticks in woods area, but came quietly a step or two forward, found a rest on a small tree, and started looking for a fallow deer, sleeping as described with rifle on good rest.
My Zeiss scope power was on minimum, 3 or 4x.
In a moment I found in my cross hairs a sleeping deer. Distance maybe 20 meters!!!
Should I shoot, or not, I came to ethical dilemma!
Certainly I can not shoot a sleeping animal!
So I decided to wait until the deer wakes up. It should be in a moment!
Moments are passing. Deer not moving.
I was thinking to whistle to wake him up, or throw the stone, or something ... several options were passing on my mind.
Anyway, how long a deer sleeps in daylight, average, per day at all?
My friend was quiet and tense!
He was not a bit ethically concerned, having no idea of my thoughts, and was expecting my shot at any moment.
The deer, doesnt move.
The seconds last for ever!
I was watching through the scope, and at one moment saw a fly, landing on deers ear!
And the fallow, dosnt flinch an ear!!! Ear doesnt move!
I got it!~
A stood up noisily, and said loudly (to my friends disbeleif!), and said out loud THE DEER IS DEAD!
(That was the look in my friend eyes.

Okey, after such loud statement of mine, the deer really did not move (or should I say "woke up"), so the statement obviously proved itself the same moment.
It was now obvious!
The authopsy:
So we approached the deer. Laying on his right side, neck stretched, tongue out.
My friend takes a look at deer, and says "don touch it! There is no bullet wound, he must be sick. That why he died."
I took a better look, actually trying to judge to antlers size, and said:
"This is not sickness, its lead poisioning, take a look here, he's been shot" and showed him the head.
Forehead, and area around ear had 5-6 hits, obviously by 22 lr.
A poached deer, left for poachers to collect.
We found a poachers kit nearby in the bush knifes and backpacks and plastic bags,
The deer was stiff and cold, so probably a kill from previous evening.
We reported by mobile to local club, and went on.
This hunt I did not get a deer, but only a young boar.
But this deer had good antlers, in my estimate around bronze medal as per cic scoring system.
It was killed by 22, probably stunned with first shot, and then gunned down with several consecutive head shots after.
fallow can grow up to 220 pounds, a bit more in weight then leopard, and for fallow one shot in the head is not sufficient with 22 lr.