Concealed Carry

I Have a S&W 1911 and just love shooting it but unless I'm trying to make the ultimate bad ass statement it's to big to carry and being a single action I'd have to carry it cocked and locked

Hi Rob44,

The 1911 was meant to be carried with a live round in the chamber while cocked and locked, aka "condition one", as far as I can tell (same for several other John Moses Browning's excellent designs).
Far be it from me to try to convince you to carry your handgun in that way if you are not interested in that mode.
However, if you decide to give it a good try before dismissing it as not for you, the following is how I eased into it.

Around your house where you are reasonably sure no bandits will suddenly pop up from behind your furniture, etc., carry your 1911 with a live magazine in place but with an empty chamber, while cocked and locked in your preferred holster, as much as possible for a few weeks / months.
Gradually, your mind will accept the fact that your pistol is not going to do anything by itself, any more than an airplane is going to suddenly warm itself up and fly away by itself.
At that stage, with great confidence you will go to carrying the weapon in "condition one" and never look back.
Incidentally, Sig is just now introducing a 5 inch barrel/slide, all steel 10mm pistol that looks to be a real fine handgun for those who prefer this powerful cartridge (Model 220, 10 MM or some such designator).
It too is designed to be carried cocked and locked.
After examining one yesterday in a gun store, I would not mind at all owning one but they cost $1300.US and at the moment for me personally, may as well cost 13 million - I'm broke for a couple more years.
Getting back on track, I once owned a junk car that seemed to be possessed of evil spirits but, I have never had a firearm, or even heard of one that displayed any symptoms of demonic manipulation.

Perhaps it is cold comfort but, I feel the Glock design is considerably more dangerous than the 1911 is for most people to handle who, have only had some basic handgun training (such as in a Concealed Weapon Class or the average Police Academy) with their respective pistol.

Well anyway, if you are not keen to carry your 1911, I cannot argue against some of the other designs out there (I also like very much the Sig P226 in the .40 or .357 Sig calibers either one and it is a trigger cocking "double action" mechanism with decocking lever that works extremely well, is reliable, accurate and powerful, for a handgun).

Velo Dog.
Hi Rob44,

The 1911 was meant to be carried with a live round in the chamber while cocked and locked, aka "condition one", as far as I can tell (same for several other John Moses Browning's excellent designs).
Far be it from me to try to convince you to carry your handgun in that way if you are not interested in that mode.
However, if you decide to give it a good try before dismissing it as not for you, the following is how I eased into it.

Around your house where you are reasonably sure no bandits will suddenly pop up from behind your furniture, etc., carry your 1911 with a live magazine in place but with an empty chamber, while cocked and locked in your preferred holster, as much as possible for a few weeks / months.
Gradually, your mind will accept the fact that your pistol is not going to do anything by itself, any more than an airplane is going to suddenly warm itself up and fly away by itself.
At that stage, with great confidence you will go to carrying the weapon in "condition one" and never look back.
Incidentally, Sig is just now introducing a 5 inch barrel/slide, all steel 10mm pistol that looks to be a real fine handgun for those who prefer this powerful cartridge (Model 220, 10 MM or some such designator).
It too is designed to be carried cocked and locked.
After examining one yesterday in a gun store, I would not mind at all owning one but they cost $1300.US and at the moment for me personally, may as well cost 13 million - I'm broke for a couple more years.
Getting back on track, I once owned a junk car that seemed to be possessed of evil spirits but, I have never had a firearm, or even heard of one that displayed any symptoms of demonic manipulation.

Perhaps it is cold comfort but, I feel the Glock design is considerably more dangerous than the 1911 is for most people to handle who, have only had some basic handgun training (such as in a Concealed Weapon Class or the average Police Academy) with their respective pistol.

Well anyway, if you are not keen to carry your 1911, I cannot argue against some of the other designs out there (I also like very much the Sig P226 in the .40 or .357 Sig calibers either one and it is a trigger cocking "double action" mechanism with decocking lever that works extremely well, is reliable, accurate and powerful, for a handgun).

Velo Dog.

the 1911 has 2 safety's, the Springfield XD 2, the glock 1. I would carry the first 2 not the glock. In a real world situation where stress is a factor the glock is the most dangerous.

my $ 0.02
Actually what I'm looking for is a 45acp with reasonable Bullet Capacity in a Double/Single exposed hammer configuration . I liked at the Glock 30s but the lack of a safety and the fact thats it's double action didn't get me all that excited
Actually what I'm looking for is a 45acp with reasonable Bullet Capacity in a Double/Single exposed hammer configuration . I liked at the Glock 30s but the lack of a safety and the fact thats it's double action didn't get me all that excited
Soooo........a Sig P220
Hi Chuck / Mekaniks,

Excellent question, definitely equal to; "What is the best deer rifle"? ... (or buffalo rifle, and so forth).
Thanks for posting it.

Yours Truly began carrying a revolver at age 16 after an armed robbery in the all-night restaurant that I was cooking in (Sacramento, California - whata sheethole).
Seems comical now but it was Ruger single action in .22 magnum (only handgun I owned at the time.)
At 17, in said greasy spoon restaurant, I faced down a robber who foolishly threatened to cut my eyes out and jam my face into the hot grease of our deep fryer, if I didn't open the cash register.
I'd be lying if I said I was not scared but, I was also furious that some disgusting dope addict/bully would dare to threaten me so, I stood my ground and he ultimately walked out empty handed.
My parents would've revoked my weapon (probably my deer rifle, shotgun and duck decoys, as well as my fishing tackle for that matter) if they had found out but, they never did and I became a folk hero among my peers at that point.

And without yet knowing it, I had sealed my own fate to become a career Police Officer a few years later.
Well anyway, my point is that the above incident caused me to think much about handguns for defense.
By now, I have tried many things in the "concealed weapon" category and so I figured I would toss in my two pennies worth, take it or leave it.
Shortly after the robber reminded me how fast things can get ugly, I was turning 18 and so my father figured my request to get a ".45" was reasonable.
I gave him the money and he bought for me my fist 1911, a brand new "Colt MK IV Series 70" (5" barrel) for the huge sum of $124.95 (those were the days).
Little did he know I was carrying it at work, tucked into my waist band, under my grill apron (as I had formerly been doing with the .22 Magnum).
No robbers showed up and I left that job to take a job welding, until age 22 when I became a Police Officer.

As a cop beginning in the mod 1970's, I was forced to carry a revolver on duty and so I became extremely familiar with same but generally carried my 1911 off duty.
However, in California it gets hot sometimes and concealing a .45 while wearing short pants, sandals and a T-Shirt is not easy.
So, I bought a S&W "Chief's Special", 5 shot .38, 2 inch barrel, Model 36.
Would have rather had the 3" version but could not find one for sale during those years.
Eventually I sold the Model 36 because it had an exposed hammer which sometimes snagged when drawing it from my pocket.
And I replaced it with another little S&W "J-Frame" .38 Special 5 shot, 2 inch barrel but it is "hammerless" (Model 340PD Titanium).
It is very light to carry and surprisingly accurate with Federal 147 +P+ grainers.
I also liked the 3 inch Model 19 (6 shot .357 magnum) but not many were made compared to their 2.5 inch barrel Model 19 and so like the Chief's Special, I eventually ended up with the 2.5 inch version.
The Model 19 was not much easier to conceal than the 1911 but a decent self defense handgun nonetheless.

I also went through a ".380 Phase" (Colt, Walther and Beretta) but I got over it.
Personally, after reviewing hundreds of shooting incidents from all over the world, involving cops & robbers, I firmly believe the .380 is a more effective self defense cartridge than some "Gun Experts" say it is but, I do agree with them that there are better cartridges out there for self defense, especially here in Alaska where people tend to wear very thick clothing well over half of the year.
Likewise, I went through a 9mm phase (Browning P35, aka "High Power") but, I got over that as well, still have it but don't carry any more.
The 9mm is another under rated defense cartridge IMO but again, I do agree with the "Experts" that there are better cartridges for the job.

Lately, since all these International Lunatics are hearing voices from Heaven, telling them to kill non-believers, I have gone back to carrying a full size auto pistol and two spare magazines.
Damn if I will die from lack of shootin' back.

However at the end of the day, since you want a small handgun for self defense, I highly recommend the S&W Model 340PD in .38 Special.
It fits into the front pocket of Carhart jeans or khaki pants and does not show.
I liked the HKS brand "speed loaders" to fit same, reliable, fast, sturdy and cheap.
They make this revolver in .357 as well I believe but, so uncomfortable to practice with as such that, I'd not bother with the magnum version.

Paul / Velo Dogazoid.
A lot of times Paul I carry my Glock Model 29 in 10 mm, with that short barrel you only get about a hundred FPS more than the 40 Cal S&W but it still hits pretty hard regardless.
SIG 938. It weighs in at 17 oz bone dry. I have a DeSantis holster for the right hip. I forget that I have it and tend to wear it around the house. It's not too disimilar to having a cell phone on your belt. It shoots the 9mm Para, but also the 9x19. The controls are just like the 1911, except that the slide will function with the safety on. I'm very thrilled with this purchase!

The other common carry gun is a 4.5" XD-M. In my state I don't have to conceal if I choose not to. Lifetime carry permit is the only way to go! :A Rock:
When you use those small calibers like the 380 you have to try to put two between the eyebrows and the mustache
how about one of these as you presumably wear big coats most of the time in that part of the world..... ...a nice little MP5K.......;)

Hello Mr. Spike.T,

Very well made weapon but not really my thing because it does not have a shoulder stock (great one to carry in a lunch box or similar innocent looking container though).
As 9mm sub guns go, I like the original UZI with shoulder stock (in other words, not their pistol version aka "Mini Uzi".)

Not really a sub machine gun technically because it uses a rifle cartridge but, I also like the USA M4, when used for sub machine gun type work (room clearing with capability for street fighting as well, within reasonable distances).
Rather like the good old Thompson very much as well, while we're on the sub machine gun topic and as usual, I only like it with the shoulder stock installed.

I have fired all the above and was issued a regular MP5 (not the K version) and learned to shoot it very well (10 inch barrel and shoulder stock of course).
Also was issued an M16 but not the shorter M4 version (have fired an M4 though, and really liked it.)
None of the above weapons that I like are very handy to carry under my coat so, a decent handgun and a couple spare magazines are my thing these days.

Men who do not find guns interesting are quite puzzling IMO, yes quite.

Mr. Velo Disease.
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My every day conceal carry is a Springfield XDS in 45 ACP. Here in Texas, as of Jan. 1, 2016, open carry will be legal with a CHL. At times I will probably carry my RIA 1911 in 45 ACP. With either, two extra magazines will also be carried.
A lot of times Paul I carry my Glock Model 29 in 10 mm, with that short barrel you only get about a hundred FPS more than the 40 Cal S&W but it still hits pretty hard regardless.

Hi Larry,

Some of my friends prefer Glocks in various sizes and various calibers but most of these Glocksters have theirs in .40 caliber.
And lately one of my sons has gone over to the dark side with a very small frame/short barrel .40 Glock.
When I was harassing him about this, he said to me with his best Arnold Schwarzenegger accent: "Once you go Glock, you never go bock".
And one character I work with carries a full size Glock in 10mm away from work (our organization requires that we carry the issue Model 22 Glock full size .40 at work.)

Glocks are an excellent pistol in many ways and it is my weirdness, not so much the Glock's fault that I do not own one.
Won't bore you and others as to why Glock doesn't make me have naughty dreams like some other designs do.
I will just say that if you run your Glock as well as you do your rifles, I'd be happy to have you cover me any time the bad guys decide to show up around here.

Well anyway, I endure a bit of fun poking at me over my oddball outlook on Glocks but it turns out that I enjoy humor, even at my own expense many times.

Furthermore, I do carry one at work and can run it like a stolen Porsche but, for an auto pistol design newer than about 1911 to 1935, I prefer some of the Sig P226 series and P220 series (not to imply they are totally perfect either in my fickle opinion, always room for a little improvement in most any design IMO).

Paul Dog.
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how about one of these as you presumably wear big coats most of the time in that part of the world..... ...a nice little MP5K.......;)
Hi Larry,

Some of my friends prefer Glocks in various sizes and various calibers but most of these Glocksters have theirs in .40 caliber.
And lately one of my sons has gone over to the dark side with a very small frame/short barrel .40 Glock.
When I was harassing him about this, he said to me with his best Arnold Schwarzenegger accent: "Once you go Glock, you never go bock".
And one character I work with carries a full size Glock in 10mm away from work (our organization requires that we carry the issue Model 22 Glock full size .40 at work.)

Glocks are an excellent pistol in many ways and it is my weirdness, not so much the Glock's fault that I do not own one.
Won't bore you and others as to why Glock doesn't make me have naughty dreams like some other designs do.
I will just say that if you run your Glock as well as you do your rifles, I'd be happy to have you cover me any time the bad guys decide to show up around here.

Well anyway, I endure a bit of fun poking at me over my oddball outlook on Glocks but it turns out that I enjoy humor, even at my own expense many times.

Furthermore, I do carry one at work and can run it like a stolen Porsche but, for an auto pistol design newer than about 1911 to 1935, I prefer some of the Sig P226 series and P220 series (not to imply they are totally perfect either in my fickle opinion, always room for a little improvement in most any design IMO).

Paul Dog.
Hi Paul, everybody has their own opinion on what to carry. I would not want to carry something I would not be comfortable with. I like my glocks, I have two. I also have two Kimbers 1911's. All these pistols are 10mm (I like the 10). I carry the 10 because it is easier to conceal for me with the Glock. I like the 1911 better and I agree with you i think they're a little safer than the Glock but its harder for me to hide. A lot of people who don't want to carry cocked and locked also forget about the grip safeties on the 1911's.Also when I carry the glock I like a holster that covers the trigger.
Had the Frei Bros....good wine
Hi Paul, everybody has their own opinion on what to carry. I would not want to carry something I would not be comfortable with. I like my glocks, I have two. I also have two Kimbers 1911's. All these pistols are 10mm (I like the 10). I carry the 10 because it is easier to conceal for me with the Glock. I like the 1911 better and I agree with you i think they're a little safer than the Glock but its harder for me to hide. A lot of people who don't want to carry cocked and locked also forget about the grip safeties on the 1911's.Also when I carry the glock I like a holster that covers the trigger.
Had the Frei Bros....good wine

Hi again Larry,

The 10mm makes more sense as a daily carry pistol here in The United State of Alaska than it does in many places of today's criminal friendly world.
Not only do we have our share of rather large boned and hard to put down criminals but, we also have the occasional grumpy bear, not to mention grumpy cow moose when they're tending a calf.
If that's not enough, we all quite often wear thick clothing most of the year, including the "zombies" (aka - violent drug saturated criminals).
The more cloth and insulation/stuffing, also bear hair/moose hair, muscle and bone that a projectile has to pass through before reaching the right spot, the better a 10 mm looks, up here on the wild frontier.

The Glock 10mm is a very good buy these days IMO, and even if it was to cost more than it does, I'd still rate it as an excellent self defense / carry pistol (and not bad for a hunting handgun either) for people like yourself who are willing to stay in practice and familiarity with it (should be standard behavior for all of us really, no matter what brand/model/caliber we choose to carry - IMO).
The 10mm that has gotten my attention (the new / all steel Sig P220 10mm Elite") costs almost twice what the Glock 10mm costs but, I am sure is no more adequate for the tasks mentioned above than the Glock is.
If I didn't already have more than one excellent carry pistol IE: a .357 Sig P226, a .40 Caliber Sig P226 and my old custom ("Street Fighter" as I like to call it) 1911, .45 ACP built on an early 1980's vintage Springfield Arms frame and slide, I would definitely consider the 10 mm cartridge now.
If the wild animals or zombies rush me now, I expect to survive it all with what I have but, that 10mm would be better if it was a grizzly or moose that tried to get me.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Frei Brothers vino, it's a personal favorite of ours, especially when enjoying any red meat/domestic or game either one.

Adios for now my friend,

I am definitely with you on holsters that completely cover the trigger on handguns.
I carry an HK45C, which I believe to be a tack driver! I use the Raven Concealment holster which hides the gun well enough to carry to work even. It is .45 act, has a 8 or 10 round magazine, and is currently used by the Navy Seals. The reason I throw that did bit of info in this, is so you will look up the SOCOM test that this gun had to endure! It is absolutely bullet proof! The HK45C also has a recoil reduction system that keeps the muzzle on target for fast follow up shots. Great iron I never leave home without.View attachment 53205

i had a look at one today at the shop and it was very nice. if you dont mind how much was it in usa? the price in jersey is equivalent to $1,260.00 . cheers mike
Velo Dog: Are you familiar with the website They just did an article and video on a custom 1911 in 10mm.
At north of $3000, a little on the pricey side.

been :E Drooling: over them since i read an article in guns & ammo on them.....a commander size with the damascus slide :P Gorgeous::K Crazy Love:...but it would prob be the around £4,000.00 by the time the dealer got it over the ocean and into jersey, if they $3,000.00+ there........:(.......well it would be more than one as the combinations i keep creating on their website are too nice to only have one.....just as well they are over there and too much!
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Velo Dog: Are you familiar with the website They just did an article and video on a custom 1911 in 10mm.
At north of $3000, a little on the pricey side.

Hello "375 Ruger Fan,

Never heard of that web site but just took a peek at it.
Their 10 millimeter 1911 looks like it is very well made for sure and it'd probably be a decent hunting pistol.
However, for my taste the barrel/slide is a bit too long to carry concealed every day, all day long.
That being said, it appears they will build a 5 inch version (my preference for auto pistols) if you have a spare 3 grand or so.
For those who just can't get by with anything but a 10 mm in the 1911 format, it looks like a great one.
I hope this company stays in business in today's fierce market place.

Thanks for sharing,
Velo Dog.
I carry one of three guns as a concealed carry

1. ruger LC9- double action only, less than 1 inch thick 8 round capacity- fits in pocket with no trouble
2 kimber solo- very similar, a little thicker smaller in size and made of metal not plastic
3. taurus judge (with crimson trace)- harder to conceal, but an absolute terror at 10 yards or less very hard to miss a man sized target with this gun.
Full size SA 1911 milspec for me.

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