Chest Holsters

IMO chest holsters are the best solution for heavy activity. I spend a lot of time on a chain saw and tractor. I haven’t found anything else that keeps the gun as accessible and out of the way. When I lived in Alaska I did a lot of remote fishing. I’m not sure there is another solution for keeping a pistol handy while wearing waders.
this could be an outrageously long post... so I'll do my absolute best to keep it to a minimum...

Im giving some thought to investing in a small business that makes chest holsters (among other pistol related things)..

I currently use a "litepath" chest holster for my G40, 10mm Glock made by 2A Holsters.. Its far and away the best designed and best built holster Ive ever used for "outdoors" type activities (hiking, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc)...

2A was sold a few years back, but the prior owner retained intellectual property rights to some designs, techniques, etc.. since 2A was sold no litepath or "outdoorsman" (basically the same holster, but heavier built with thicker/wider straps and webbing, etc) has been made...

Ive got an opportunity to be involved in getting these products back on the market (along with other things).. but I honestly have no clue what the market looks like, how many people really like or prefer chest rig type holsters, etc..

just because I love mine doesnt mean anyone else wants to use one or thinks the idea is a good one...

I also have quite a bit of experience with kydex and other thermoplastics.. I have worked with kydex for several years, built hundreds upon hundreds of knife sheaths out of it and other types of kit.. and know how to turn out a pretty decent product...

This would NOT be a new "job" for me.. at the end of the day, I'd have to be in a position to sell tens of thousands of products annually to get remotely close to making the same sort of salary that I do in the position I currently hold.. and honestly, while I enjoy tooling around in my shop making an occasional knife, designing an occasional new kydex product for me, my wife, or my friends to use, etc.. I dont really see myself as being the sort of person that would enjoy being out in a small manufacturing facility somewhere for 8-12 hours a day overseeing the build, inventory, shipping, etc.. of dozens of line items of inventory, etc..etc..

What this would be is an opportunity to provide a small quantity of extremely high quality product that is specific to the outdoors/firearms industry, at a very competitive price (extremely small initial investment and start up capital is needed) ... next to no money would be made in the endeavor (Im actually ok with this).. but I think a really nice product would be provided to a community I care about (hunters and outdoorsmen)... which is really the motivation (I think).. Clearly I dont want to just throw money into an endeavor that has no value and never pays me back.. but, as descibed above, I also dont really care if it "makes" $500 a year, or $50K a year.. thats not going to be life changing money in any way.. Im much more interested in doing something good/nice here if possible..

Which brings me back to the statement about not having a clue what level of demand is out there for this sort of thing.. Of all of the hunters I hang around and/or know.. Im the only one that Im aware of that wears a pistol in a chest rig while hunting (in the US).. and while I do know a few more people that own chest rigs, I truly dont have a clue as to when they wear them or under which circumstances, etc..

So.. with all of that said....

Does anyone else here use a chest rig with any frequency? or have an interest in chest rig type holsters? Or see other people using them with any frequency?

@mdwest - as a “Lefty” I am always looking over “scraps & crap” whenever I shop for a Holster and very use to seeing photos of great looking holsters followed by the words “Not available in LH”. SO, I would be interested in your NEW Shop if IF you make LH holsters of fine leather and light weight, comfortable, etc.. As afar as righties go - they have a lot to choose from and no idea what the market is for your product with “normal” people !! Best of Luck on your endeavor.
I love my Gunfighters Inc Kenai chest holder. I use mine to carry my Glock 29 10mm.
Living in Wyoming where I spend time in Grizzly infested country, I really like being able to carry where My pistol is easy to access as well as comfortable to wear all day working outdoors, hiking etc.
I will wear mine whenever I am in the country whether it be in my truck, in my side by side or on foot. I believe a chest holster is the best solution for carrying in these situations.
I also wear a Badland bino chest pack with my Leica Geovid 10x42’s and the times when I want both, since the two are not integrated I will switch the Kenai should strap to the opposite shoulder and this drops my pistol a little bit to the side where it is easier to access with my bino pack in place.
So, what I would be interested in is an integrated bino pack/chest holster that is as slim as it could be but also very solid against my body.
Best of luck to you.
@mdwest - as a “Lefty” I am always looking over “scraps & crap” whenever I shop for a Holster and very use to seeing photos of great looking holsters followed by the words “Not available in LH”. SO, I would be interested in your NEW Shop if IF you make LH holsters of fine leather and light weight, comfortable, etc.. As afar as righties go - they have a lot to choose from and no idea what the market is for your product with “normal” people !! Best of Luck on your endeavor.

I’m a lefty.. so lefty in everything absolutely available :)
My apologies. I mis- interpreted your initial question.
Obviously, you cannot put a monetary value on helping a friend, or continuing a legacy. If you are approaching this venture as a hobby, please disregard my comment and do what makes you sleep well at night. As I stated foremost in my response, I was addressing your inquiry with a strictly business forward viewpoint.
Best of luck with your very-well intentioned endeavor.

No apology necessary! Very astute advice for anyone considering a business endeavor… this should probably be approached like one honestly.. I’m just functioning for on the 80% emotion/feeling side of things and only about 20% on the analytics/business side of things…

I don’t want invest time and money into a project/hobby that goes nowhere at all…

But at the same time don’t really care if it really makes any money..

I know.. really doesn’t make a lot of sense…

I’m just at a point in my life where I recognized how blessed I’ve been.. have plenty of money to keep my family comfortable… and occasionally look for ways to pass a few blessings on to others…

I think there might be sn opportunity to do that here… especially after seeing the responses in this thread..
I love the idea. Depending on where I'm hunting, I always carry a side arm and hate it that the holster/gun on my belt gets in the way of carrying my rifle. I don't live in Grizz country, so, it's more for the two-legged predators. I also prefer chest carry if out walking on a trail with a small pack on my back.

Maybe I missed it on the previous post, will this holster be leather or kydex?

Depending on the size of the shop, the one issue I see is with so many different types of handguns, I'm guessing you will be offering just a handful of models, or maybe special orders on request.

I would respectfully suggest, something to carry extra ammo, or a speed loader or two.

You have a picture of the one you have from 2A?
As an idea to create the industry's best chest holder, I naturally love it. HOWEVER, as a business proposition, I personally would be very hesitant to invest any of my disposable income. First of all, I think your customer group, by gun ownership standards is tiny. For instance, were I to dig them out of every drawer on the place, I bet I could find at least fifty holsters - exactly one, assuming I can find it, is a chest design that I may have actually used twice. Any customizing of production for model, barrel length or sighting system will simply add more costs for an already limited market product.

If, however, you want to start a holster business, for which the chest model would be part of the product line, then I think that might make more sense - though I think you will find that market an already a very crowded one.
Because I carried a handgun strong side belt for 25 years for my job in law enforcement like yourself, off duty and during wilderness excursions I tended to carry strong side belt, high ride holster, usually my Glock 29 10mm in grizzly country or a Glock 19 9mm in civilization. With the thousands of hours in training, practice, etc.. I felt it made more sense with the muscle memory.

However, I found with a heavy handgun like my Ruger Toklat 454, a cross draw or shoulder holster worked better and with my Freedom Arms 6” 475 Linebaugh a shoulder holster was the best viable option for me. Since we left Montana and I’m no longer actively traipsing around in grizzly country, I recently sold those guns among many others, really have no need for a shoulder rig now but I would totally buy a belt holster from you if you offered one or one convertible to a belt holster.
I love the idea. Depending on where I'm hunting, I always carry a side arm and hate it that the holster/gun on my belt gets in the way of carrying my rifle. I don't live in Grizz country, so, it's more for the two-legged predators. I also prefer chest carry if out walking on a trail with a small pack on my back.

Maybe I missed it on the previous post, will this holster be leather or kydex?

Depending on the size of the shop, the one issue I see is with so many different types of handguns, I'm guessing you will be offering just a handful of models, or maybe special orders on request.

I would respectfully suggest, something to carry extra ammo, or a speed loader or two.

You have a picture of the one you have from 2A?

I’m on the road this week traveling to see family for Christmas… as soon as I get back I’ll get a couple of pics posted
IMO chest holsters are the best solution for heavy activity. I spend a lot of time on a chain saw and tractor. I haven’t found anything else that keeps the gun as accessible and out of the way. When I lived in Alaska I did a lot of remote fishing. I’m not sure there is another solution for keeping a pistol handy while wearing waders.

IMHO, ditto bending over a lot cutting up a caribou or moose on the ground.
I would encourage building these but also expanding into a few different designs. I’d be interested in a chest holster that rode muzzle left and up so it could draw with a downward pull. I’d wear it concealed under sweaters. If only one design is going to be done I’m not sure how big of a market you’ll have even for a hobby.
A couple years ago, I purchased a Springfield XD-M in 10mm and they were offering a large discount on the Diamond D leather Guide's chest holster. I bought it for when I do archery elk hunts in bear country and 2 legged predator repellant. I like it, but have nothing else to compare it to.
I have a Diamond D for my S&W 500 4".
i too have a Diamond D for my 460 rowland and my 44/45 colt anaconda. it is the best chest holster that i have ever used for a large handgun. if i go outside, away from a road, i have a chest rig on.
I have a Razco stand alone chest rig for a Glock 20. I wear a separate bino pouch over the top of it. The straps are clear of the pistol and I have no trouble drawing. I like it being separate, so I can wear it around camp or while processing game without having the bino pouch in the way. I prefer the pistol up high on my chest vs low on my belly.
I agree on the previous posts that mentioned "heavy activity", to include tractor and chainsaw and other work outdoors.

Do you know what I think would be really handy? This is still just a fetus of an idea, and I'm not sure it's really feasible, but a combined pistol/bear spray chest holster. I'd even be willing to go with a smaller pistol to make that work. Somewhat smaller: We're not talking PPK here, but maybe Glock 36 or H&K 45C smaller.

I guess there's just a difference between a hunting need, where I have both a rifle and a pistol from which to choose, and those times where I'm not carrying a rifle, and really need something that's both accessible, and not in the way for other things. There are also times where bear spray is a better choice, but that only works if it's accessible too.
I would LOVE to have a chest rig and wear it all the time. Living where I do (just outside our nations capitol) the climate for open carry isn't the best. Although legal in Virginia...DC and Maryland are a no-go.

If I spent more time in wilderness country, it would be at the top of my list. I've looked extensively at the Gunfighters Kenai and the Invader Concepts Recon, but would certainly consider an offering from @mdwest if you chose to do so.

As far as a business plan, I'd fall closer to what @Red Leg said. It's tough out there. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor. Cheers.
I'm confused. Do you want a project/hobby, make at your leisure, take what I got, corner of basement, sell a handful a month in classified sections and ebay type deal? OR do you want a full time, marketed, orders placed business with employees and fulfilment obligations? One ain't like the other.

To be honest and just my opinion, it doesn't make sense to lose a bunch of money on holsters no matter the driving force.

The real question is time and scale desired.
I would encourage building these but also expanding into a few different designs. I’d be interested in a chest holster that rode muzzle left and up so it could draw with a downward pull. I’d wear it concealed under sweaters. If only one design is going to be done I’m not sure how big of a market you’ll have even for a hobby.

That was actually one of the intents / original thought behind the “litepath” model… because of the lightweight rigging it conceals under a shirt or jacket well… when the original maker started offering it, it just took off with hunters, hikers, etc as well…

Rigging it so its muzzle up, down, or perfectly horizontal is easy to do with the straps… the user just sets it the way they like it..
I agree on the previous posts that mentioned "heavy activity", to include tractor and chainsaw and other work outdoors.

Do you know what I think would be really handy? This is still just a fetus of an idea, and I'm not sure it's really feasible, but a combined pistol/bear spray chest holster. I'd even be willing to go with a smaller pistol to make that work. Somewhat smaller: We're not talking PPK here, but maybe Glock 36 or H&K 45C smaller.

I guess there's just a difference between a hunting need, where I have both a rifle and a pistol from which to choose, and those times where I'm not carrying a rifle, and really need something that's both accessible, and not in the way for other things. There are also times where bear spray is a better choice, but that only works if it's accessible too.

Doing a bear spray combo would be easy… but… it would be something of a one-off since there is no industry standard on the dimensions of a can of spray… the holster would have to be made for a specific product.. (I’d be happy to do that for you)… the problem would be if you ever wanted to change product, or if your preferred spray changed can dimensions, the holster wouldn’t work anymore…
I would LOVE to have a chest rig and wear it all the time. Living where I do (just outside our nations capitol) the climate for open carry isn't the best. Although legal in Virginia...DC and Maryland are a no-go.

If I spent more time in wilderness country, it would be at the top of my list. I've looked extensively at the Gunfighters Kenai and the Invader Concepts Recon, but would certainly consider an offering from @mdwest if you chose to do so.

As far as a business plan, I'd fall closer to what @Red Leg said. It's tough out there. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor. Cheers.

I’m getting pretty close to pulling the proverbial “trigger” on this… I think it would likely be a fun thing to pursue as an “occasional” activity (I’d never want it to become even a part time job)… assuming we move forward I’d guess it would be mid February or maybe early March by the time I was ready to actually put something out there for people to purchase… and honestly I think the first run or two would be done as fund raisers for charitable causes (like I said earlier… this is in no way intended to be a money maker for me… I just don’t want it to be a waste of money or time…)…
Nothing against chest holsters. But I have always preferred cross draw hip holsters.

Worn on the right side, if I'm riding a motorcycle!

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell