Chest Holsters


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Mar 20, 2016
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Several of the lower 48, Alaska, South Africa, Ireland, Argentina, Peru
this could be an outrageously long post... so I'll do my absolute best to keep it to a minimum...

Im giving some thought to investing in a small business that makes chest holsters (among other pistol related things)..

I currently use a "litepath" chest holster for my G40, 10mm Glock made by 2A Holsters.. Its far and away the best designed and best built holster Ive ever used for "outdoors" type activities (hiking, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc)...

2A was sold a few years back, but the prior owner retained intellectual property rights to some designs, techniques, etc.. since 2A was sold no litepath or "outdoorsman" (basically the same holster, but heavier built with thicker/wider straps and webbing, etc) has been made...

Ive got an opportunity to be involved in getting these products back on the market (along with other things).. but I honestly have no clue what the market looks like, how many people really like or prefer chest rig type holsters, etc..

just because I love mine doesnt mean anyone else wants to use one or thinks the idea is a good one...

I also have quite a bit of experience with kydex and other thermoplastics.. I have worked with kydex for several years, built hundreds upon hundreds of knife sheaths out of it and other types of kit.. and know how to turn out a pretty decent product...

This would NOT be a new "job" for me.. at the end of the day, I'd have to be in a position to sell tens of thousands of products annually to get remotely close to making the same sort of salary that I do in the position I currently hold.. and honestly, while I enjoy tooling around in my shop making an occasional knife, designing an occasional new kydex product for me, my wife, or my friends to use, etc.. I dont really see myself as being the sort of person that would enjoy being out in a small manufacturing facility somewhere for 8-12 hours a day overseeing the build, inventory, shipping, etc.. of dozens of line items of inventory, etc..etc..

What this would be is an opportunity to provide a small quantity of extremely high quality product that is specific to the outdoors/firearms industry, at a very competitive price (extremely small initial investment and start up capital is needed) ... next to no money would be made in the endeavor (Im actually ok with this).. but I think a really nice product would be provided to a community I care about (hunters and outdoorsmen)... which is really the motivation (I think).. Clearly I dont want to just throw money into an endeavor that has no value and never pays me back.. but, as descibed above, I also dont really care if it "makes" $500 a year, or $50K a year.. thats not going to be life changing money in any way.. Im much more interested in doing something good/nice here if possible..

Which brings me back to the statement about not having a clue what level of demand is out there for this sort of thing.. Of all of the hunters I hang around and/or know.. Im the only one that Im aware of that wears a pistol in a chest rig while hunting (in the US).. and while I do know a few more people that own chest rigs, I truly dont have a clue as to when they wear them or under which circumstances, etc..

So.. with all of that said....

Does anyone else here use a chest rig with any frequency? or have an interest in chest rig type holsters? Or see other people using them with any frequency?

A couple years ago, I purchased a Springfield XD-M in 10mm and they were offering a large discount on the Diamond D leather Guide's chest holster. I bought it for when I do archery elk hunts in bear country and 2 legged predator repellant. I like it, but have nothing else to compare it to.

This is a photo from the Springfield website.

The short answer is yes, but I'm the wrong person to ask, because I tend to be frugal about such things. A big tip for the PH? No problemo. Paying for a buddy's half of the air taxi? Absolutely! My own gear? As long as it functions - find. the. best. deal.

I have a Blackhawk Universal that I bought on Amazon a decade ago for $40. It has worked well for a couple of semiautos I have, including the one I often have strapped to my chest when I hunting moose or caribou, or dressing out the successes of such hunts. It has been very durable, and it's super comfortable; I don't even notice it's there. I do use it quite a great deal.

Best of wishes on whatever you decide Dave. I have a great deal of respect for you, based on your postings on this site.


I wear one occasionally, mostly when I’m on my snomachine, atv and when stream fishing using waders, mines leather though, it’s from simply rugged. Good luck in your endeavor
I have one for my . from my days in Alaska. I also have a gunfighters Inc chest holster for a S&W .. I use it extensively working on the farm in Alabama (shot shells for snakes).
I have a Diamond D for my S&W 500 4".

At the time I bought it, Diamond D was about the only one on the market. Now I believe there are several good Kydex options available such as the Kenai Rig from Gunfighters and others.

I bought the chest harness primarily to use for bear guard duties at work. But, I also used it a lot when I was bear baiting from a tree stand stand and riding ATV.

The reality is now I find my self wearing my bino harness a lot more these days and only use the chest holster my when I am fly fishing....

Good Luck with your endeavor. I look forward to seeing your products
I have one for my . from my days in Alaska. I also have a gunfighters Inc chest holster for a S&W .. I use it extensively working on the farm in Alabama (shot shells for snakes).

the holster I'd be involved with pretty much directly competes with the gunfighter kenai model.. very similar concept, similar design, similar construction, etc.. when I purchased mine I looked at the kenai also, but opted for the 2A "litepath" because it was an all USA component (all webbing and elastic and plastic and metal parts are US mil-spec, berry compliant, etc.. so very rugged/quality materials down to the screws and the nylon).. was slightly lower profile (I knew I'd be wearing it under a pack occasionally, and didnt want the straps being pressed into my waist or shoulders, etc..).. it was slightly cheaper... and I knew the owner of 2A (not well.. but did "know" him)... if the 2A holster hadnt been available, I would have gone with the gunfighter kenai for sure..
this could be an outrageously long post... so I'll do my absolute best to keep it to a minimum...

Im giving some thought to investing in a small business that makes chest holsters (among other pistol related things)..

I currently use a "litepath" chest holster for my G40, 10mm Glock made by 2A Holsters.. Its far and away the best designed and best built holster Ive ever used for "outdoors" type activities (hiking, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc)...

2A was sold a few years back, but the prior owner retained intellectual property rights to some designs, techniques, etc.. since 2A was sold no litepath or "outdoorsman" (basically the same holster, but heavier built with thicker/wider straps and webbing, etc) has been made...

Ive got an opportunity to be involved in getting these products back on the market (along with other things).. but I honestly have no clue what the market looks like, how many people really like or prefer chest rig type holsters, etc..

just because I love mine doesnt mean anyone else wants to use one or thinks the idea is a good one...

I also have quite a bit of experience with kydex and other thermoplastics.. I have worked with kydex for several years, built hundreds upon hundreds of knife sheaths out of it and other types of kit.. and know how to turn out a pretty decent product...

This would NOT be a new "job" for me.. at the end of the day, I'd have to be in a position to sell tens of thousands of products annually to get remotely close to making the same sort of salary that I do in the position I currently hold.. and honestly, while I enjoy tooling around in my shop making an occasional knife, designing an occasional new kydex product for me, my wife, or my friends to use, etc.. I dont really see myself as being the sort of person that would enjoy being out in a small manufacturing facility somewhere for 8-12 hours a day overseeing the build, inventory, shipping, etc.. of dozens of line items of inventory, etc..etc..

What this would be is an opportunity to provide a small quantity of extremely high quality product that is specific to the outdoors/firearms industry, at a very competitive price (extremely small initial investment and start up capital is needed) ... next to no money would be made in the endeavor (Im actually ok with this).. but I think a really nice product would be provided to a community I care about (hunters and outdoorsmen)... which is really the motivation (I think).. Clearly I dont want to just throw money into an endeavor that has no value and never pays me back.. but, as descibed above, I also dont really care if it "makes" $500 a year, or $50K a year.. thats not going to be life changing money in any way.. Im much more interested in doing something good/nice here if possible..

Which brings me back to the statement about not having a clue what level of demand is out there for this sort of thing.. Of all of the hunters I hang around and/or know.. Im the only one that Im aware of that wears a pistol in a chest rig while hunting (in the US).. and while I do know a few more people that own chest rigs, I truly dont have a clue as to when they wear them or under which circumstances, etc..

So.. with all of that said....

Does anyone else here use a chest rig with any frequency? or have an interest in chest rig type holsters? Or see other people using them with any frequency?


For western hunting, you may want to look into seeing how whatever holster you end up making doesn't only work as a standalone, but can also be incorporated into a bino harness, there's a handful on the market. Chest holsters are pretty popular here in MT. I see everyone from hunters, hikers, people picking huckleberries, people riding horses, etc. wearing them both as standalone as well as with a bino harness. I see them when I'm hunting in Idaho as well. I'd also make sure that whatever you end up making ensure you make models for pistols equipped with lights.

I personally run a Glock 29SF, with a magazine from a Glock 20 and a gap filler from X-grip with a Streamlight TLR7, and 10mm's seem to be the way forward for bear defense handguns. Vortex actually put together a pretty good video last year showing how effective a 9mm with hardcast bullets can be.

I personally don't wear one on a chest harness (for a couple of reasons), I have a hip holster system I like. But I don't think you could go wrong with entering the market space, I think there's still room left for competition as well as innovation.
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For western hunting, you may want to look into seeing how whatever holster you end up making doesn't only work as a standalone, but can also be incorporated into a bino harness, there's a handful on the market. Chest holsters are pretty popular here in MT. I see everyone from hunters, hikers, people picking huckleberries, people riding horses, etc. wearing them both as standalone as well as with a bino harness. I see them when I'm hunting in Idaho as well. I'd also make sure that whatever you end up making ensure you make models for pistols equipped with lights.

I personally run a Glock 29SF, with a magazine from a Glock 20 and a gap filler from X-grip with a Streamlight TLR7, and 10mm's seem to be the way forward for bear defense handguns. Vortex actually put together a pretty good video last year showing how effective a 9mm with hardcast bullets can be.

I personally don't wear one on a chest harness (for a couple of reasons), I have a hip holster system I like. But I don't think you could go wrong with entering the market space, I think there's still room left for competition as well as innovation.

From what I can tell, making holsters that will work for pistols with optics on them is relatively simple (you have to "dress" the pistol mold to compensate for the optic.. but one device added to the mold will work for the vast majority of optics)...

Lights are supposedly where things get super tricky.. since a surefire doesnt profile like a streamlight, which doesnt profile like an OLight, which doesnt profile like a nitecore, etc..etc..etc.. so you end up needing to build things to match each make/model pistol to each possible make/model of light...

but I agree with you.. because lights get so challenging, what you arent seeing is any of the big holster makers making them.. or if they do, their options are extremely limited (you might find a holster for a very common pistol like a Gen 5 Glock 19 that is set up to accept a TRL7 light (super common light))... but youre not going to find a holster for a CZ75 with an Olight Mini PL2 Valkyrie for example that is made by one of the big, mass production firms..

thats where I think a lot of the smaller, boutique firms are finding market space.. they will build you a one-off holster, specific to your firearm, your optic, and your light combo... it will cost you.. but they can and will build it for you..
From what I can tell, making holsters that will work for pistols with optics on them is relatively simple (you have to "dress" the pistol mold to compensate for the optic.. but one device added to the mold will work for the vast majority of optics)...

Lights are supposedly where things get super tricky.. since a surefire doesnt profile like a streamlight, which doesnt profile like an OLight, which doesnt profile like a nitecore, etc..etc..etc.. so you end up needing to build things to match each make/model pistol to each possible make/model of light...

but I agree with you.. because lights get so challenging, what you arent seeing is any of the big holster makers making them.. or if they do, their options are extremely limited (you might find a holster for a very common pistol like a Gen 5 Glock 19 that is set up to accept a TRL7 light (super common light))... but youre not going to find a holster for a CZ75 with an Olight Mini PL2 Valkyrie for example that is made by one of the big, mass production firms..

thats where I think a lot of the smaller, boutique firms are finding market space.. they will build you a one-off holster, specific to your firearm, your optic, and your light combo... it will cost you.. but they can and will build it for you..

Then it's just a matter of getting your name out there on places like here or other hunt forums or whatever. There's a bunch of companies out there making cool stuff that you just don't hear about.

For me, I'm always going to have a light on my bear defense handgun (I have lights on all my pistols anyway) especially if I'm hunting or camping.
their options are extremely limited (you might find a holster for a very common pistol like a Gen 5 Glock 19 that is set up to accept a TRL7 light (super common light))... but youre not going to find a holster for a CZ75 with an Olight Mini PL2 Valkyrie for example that is made by one of the big, mass production firms..

Another technique is to tell them to call back when they've made the right choice and bought a Glock, then hang the phone up. Haha
I'm also, like you, a glock 40 guy.
I don't like leather and belt carry for a prolonged time seems to bother my lower back. Chest rigs are wonderful if they fit right.

200gr hard cast over power pistol at about 1100fps is potent bear medicine.
Also penetrates urban cover well if you need to get frosty in a city environment.

I use a kenai chest rig and did so all over Eastern Oregon and Western Washington for bow and rifle seasons for a few years.
Super comfortable. Drop the pack but the pistol stays with me.

I'm actually wearing it while typing this from a hunting blind near Johnson City Texas as I like to walk up on pigs when they show up.

To help you though... It seems most backcountry guys I've seen are carrying a belt rig or had a holster attached to the waist strap of their pack.
But I think chest rigs are a growing niche and am interested to see what you come up with.
this could be an outrageously long post... so I'll do my absolute best to keep it to a minimum...

Im giving some thought to investing in a small business that makes chest holsters (among other pistol related things)..

I currently use a "litepath" chest holster for my G40, 10mm Glock made by 2A Holsters.. Its far and away the best designed and best built holster Ive ever used for "outdoors" type activities (hiking, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc)...

2A was sold a few years back, but the prior owner retained intellectual property rights to some designs, techniques, etc.. since 2A was sold no litepath or "outdoorsman" (basically the same holster, but heavier built with thicker/wider straps and webbing, etc) has been made...

Ive got an opportunity to be involved in getting these products back on the market (along with other things).. but I honestly have no clue what the market looks like, how many people really like or prefer chest rig type holsters, etc..

just because I love mine doesnt mean anyone else wants to use one or thinks the idea is a good one...

I also have quite a bit of experience with kydex and other thermoplastics.. I have worked with kydex for several years, built hundreds upon hundreds of knife sheaths out of it and other types of kit.. and know how to turn out a pretty decent product...

This would NOT be a new "job" for me.. at the end of the day, I'd have to be in a position to sell tens of thousands of products annually to get remotely close to making the same sort of salary that I do in the position I currently hold.. and honestly, while I enjoy tooling around in my shop making an occasional knife, designing an occasional new kydex product for me, my wife, or my friends to use, etc.. I dont really see myself as being the sort of person that would enjoy being out in a small manufacturing facility somewhere for 8-12 hours a day overseeing the build, inventory, shipping, etc.. of dozens of line items of inventory, etc..etc..

What this would be is an opportunity to provide a small quantity of extremely high quality product that is specific to the outdoors/firearms industry, at a very competitive price (extremely small initial investment and start up capital is needed) ... next to no money would be made in the endeavor (Im actually ok with this).. but I think a really nice product would be provided to a community I care about (hunters and outdoorsmen)... which is really the motivation (I think).. Clearly I dont want to just throw money into an endeavor that has no value and never pays me back.. but, as descibed above, I also dont really care if it "makes" $500 a year, or $50K a year.. thats not going to be life changing money in any way.. Im much more interested in doing something good/nice here if possible..

Which brings me back to the statement about not having a clue what level of demand is out there for this sort of thing.. Of all of the hunters I hang around and/or know.. Im the only one that Im aware of that wears a pistol in a chest rig while hunting (in the US).. and while I do know a few more people that own chest rigs, I truly dont have a clue as to when they wear them or under which circumstances, etc..

So.. with all of that said....

Does anyone else here use a chest rig with any frequency? or have an interest in chest rig type holsters? Or see other people using them with any frequency?

My 2 cents.
The chest holster space while not over- saturated
this could be an outrageously long post... so I'll do my absolute best to keep it to a minimum...

Im giving some thought to investing in a small business that makes chest holsters (among other pistol related things)..

I currently use a "litepath" chest holster for my G40, 10mm Glock made by 2A Holsters.. Its far and away the best designed and best built holster Ive ever used for "outdoors" type activities (hiking, fishing, hunting, backpacking, etc)...

2A was sold a few years back, but the prior owner retained intellectual property rights to some designs, techniques, etc.. since 2A was sold no litepath or "outdoorsman" (basically the same holster, but heavier built with thicker/wider straps and webbing, etc) has been made...

Ive got an opportunity to be involved in getting these products back on the market (along with other things).. but I honestly have no clue what the market looks like, how many people really like or prefer chest rig type holsters, etc..

just because I love mine doesnt mean anyone else wants to use one or thinks the idea is a good one...

I also have quite a bit of experience with kydex and other thermoplastics.. I have worked with kydex for several years, built hundreds upon hundreds of knife sheaths out of it and other types of kit.. and know how to turn out a pretty decent product...

This would NOT be a new "job" for me.. at the end of the day, I'd have to be in a position to sell tens of thousands of products annually to get remotely close to making the same sort of salary that I do in the position I currently hold.. and honestly, while I enjoy tooling around in my shop making an occasional knife, designing an occasional new kydex product for me, my wife, or my friends to use, etc.. I dont really see myself as being the sort of person that would enjoy being out in a small manufacturing facility somewhere for 8-12 hours a day overseeing the build, inventory, shipping, etc.. of dozens of line items of inventory, etc..etc..

What this would be is an opportunity to provide a small quantity of extremely high quality product that is specific to the outdoors/firearms industry, at a very competitive price (extremely small initial investment and start up capital is needed) ... next to no money would be made in the endeavor (Im actually ok with this).. but I think a really nice product would be provided to a community I care about (hunters and outdoorsmen)... which is really the motivation (I think).. Clearly I dont want to just throw money into an endeavor that has no value and never pays me back.. but, as descibed above, I also dont really care if it "makes" $500 a year, or $50K a year.. thats not going to be life changing money in any way.. Im much more interested in doing something good/nice here if possible..

Which brings me back to the statement about not having a clue what level of demand is out there for this sort of thing.. Of all of the hunters I hang around and/or know.. Im the only one that Im aware of that wears a pistol in a chest rig while hunting (in the US).. and while I do know a few more people that own chest rigs, I truly dont have a clue as to when they wear them or under which circumstances, etc..

So.. with all of that said....

Does anyone else here use a chest rig with any frequency? or have an interest in chest rig type holsters? Or see other people using them with any frequency?

My 2 cents... from a strictly business forward viewpoint.
The specialty holster space (chest-rigs) you are considering venturing into is...while not over-saturated...extremely well represented already.
Diamond D, Alien, Invaders, Gunfighter, Galco, Elite, Tourbon, and...I would imagine...several to many other smaller Mom & Pop operations.
The 64k dollar question that is imperative to answer before jumping in is big is the pie? How many players?
Is there room for another at the table? How large is the total market...and what % of that market can you reasonably (not hopefully)expect to capture?

My 2 cents.
The chest holster space while not over- saturated

My 2 cents... from a strictly business forward viewpoint.
The specialty holster space (chest-rigs) you are considering venturing into is...while not over-saturated...extremely well represented already.
Diamond D, Alien, Invaders, Gunfighter, Galco, Elite, Tourbon, and...I would imagine...several to many other smaller Mom & Pop operations.
The 64k dollar question that is imperative to answer before jumping in is big is the pie? How many players?
Is there room for another at the table? How large is the total market...and what % of that market can you reasonably (not hopefully)expect to capture?


the size of the pie really doesnt matter to me at all since Im not really interested in making a living (or even reasonable "side" money) in the endeavor.. its really more about doing a service for a friend thats looking for someone to carry on a bit of legacy for a little longer, and providing a potential service/product to other friends, family, and fellow hunters, outdoorsmen, etc..etc..

To be truthful, "selling" 3 or 5 holsters a month would be FAR more preferable than selling 30 or 40... anything more than a few becomes a "business" that has to be managed, maintained, etc..

Im thinking much more in terms of a "hobby" than anything else..

I just dont want to go down the proverbial rabbit hole and find myself having spent a bunch of hours and a certain sum of money if there is zero demand...
I carry my SA-35 in a chest rig from Crossbreed Holsters that I like a lot. Quick to put on. Comfortable. But as long as this combo keeps working well as a general field gun, I don’t see myself buying another chest holster for one of my other pistols. It’s one of those products I love but only need one of.

I use a chest type holster 99% of the time for revolver and semi autos, for outdoor type use. Rimfire handguns are the only regular exception. I have been using the Diamond D for many years.
the size of the pie really doesnt matter to me at all since Im not really interested in making a living (or even reasonable "side" money) in the endeavor.. its really more about doing a service for a friend thats looking for someone to carry on a bit of legacy for a little longer, and providing a potential service/product to other friends, family, and fellow hunters, outdoorsmen, etc..etc..

To be truthful, "selling" 3 or 5 holsters a month would be FAR more preferable than selling 30 or 40... anything more than a few becomes a "business" that has to be managed, maintained, etc..

Im thinking much more in terms of a "hobby" than anything else..

I just dont want to go down the proverbial rabbit hole and find myself having spent a bunch of hours and a certain sum of money if there is zero demand...
My apologies. I mis- interpreted your initial question.
Obviously, you cannot put a monetary value on helping a friend, or continuing a legacy. If you are approaching this venture as a hobby, please disregard my comment and do what makes you sleep well at night. As I stated foremost in my response, I was addressing your inquiry with a strictly business forward viewpoint.
Best of luck with your very-well intentioned endeavor.
While I can see the practicality of chest holsters, they just don't appeal to me. I prefer a shoulder holster design for hunting (Note: that's just me and not a comment on how good they are). I'm currently looking for a rig for my optics fitted BFR. None of the shoulder designs seem to make one. In the end I decided to try a chest holster and contacted Diamond D for one of their Guide Chest Holsters. Turns out they only do "International Shipping" within North America.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!