AH elite
Many guys on here traveling various continents to market their safari's, in certain cases the word cheap is deserved, especially when bottom lines are simply not in line with the broad market....
Cheap means exactly what it refers to a product of lesser quality.
Not to be used as a synonym for affordable quality product.
For one i would never announce that i sell cheap safari's as the connectation could be negative and attached to my product which would be unfair, or not the truth.
There are many guys offering lower spectrum market related packages and good ones at that,.
Each to his own everyone can pick they're demographic IMO a good balance brings about diversity and equals success.
My best always
For all the rest i am with you James
My best always
Cheap can also mean "worth more than its cost"
When starting this thread I mentioned in inverted commas that some hunts I sell can be considered as "cheap" this is in comparison to hunts advertised on this forum,albeit to determine cheap or average price proper research will have to be done involving all outfitters in various provinces. One of the reasons for this thread is to determine potential client perception off lower priced hunts. Of course demographic plays a very large role in the marketing of all products, that being the reason for pre-selecting a target market before one starts your marketing campaign.
On the other hand all of us do not have the same sums when determining our bottom-line. Some outfitters own property and have very large expenses on salaries,maintenance,fodder etc. Others hunt non-owned properties and have a fixed cost which makes the sum easier. I for one own butcheries where carcasses get turned into value added products such as biltong,various sausages and other delicasies, for me this puts a total different perspective on income and cost which gets directly transferred to my clients.