CB Finance debate, Egg Recipes, etc.

The problem is I do know people harmed by his irresponsible behavior. I further believe there is evidence that he played the system - again to the detriment of folks who couldn't afford it. Were he still in the reserves, he wouldn't have to worry about his promotion to General Officer because he would no longer qualify for even a security clearance. As a Colonel, at least in the Army, he would have been forced to submit his retirement papers because he would have lost the service's trust in him as a commissioned officer (pretty much automatic with chapter 7). That is the hard school I grew up in, and how I now view him. That inevitably affects my view of everything he does. For those who are not bothered by that behavior - fine. I think, however, it is absolutely appropriate everyone should be aware of the complete picture before we put him on too high a pedestal or write him a check.

And can someone tell me what the hell an "organic" egg is? Or better yet, what might qualify as an 'inorganic' one?!?
The problem is I do know people harmed by his irresponsible behavior. I further believe there is evidence that he played the system - again to the detriment of folks who couldn't afford it. Were he still in the reserves, he wouldn't have to worry about his promotion to General Officer because he would no longer qualify for even a security clearance. As a Colonel, at least in the Army, he would have been forced to submit his retirement papers because he would have lost the service's trust in him as a commissioned officer (pretty much automatic with chapter 7). That is the hard school I grew up in, and how I now view him. That inevitably affects my view of everything he does. For those who are not bothered by that behavior - fine. I think, however, it is absolutely appropriate everyone should be aware of the complete picture before we put him on too high a pedestal or write him a check.

And can someone tell me what the hell an "organic" egg is? Or better yet, what might qualify as an 'inorganic' one?!?

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And can someone tell me what the hell an "organic" egg is? Or better yet, what might qualify as an 'inorganic' one?!?

They are easy to tell apart. In-organic eggs are $2 a dozen, whereas organic eggs are $7. :cool:
I assumed the inorganic were made from Italian marble.
I assumed the inorganic were made from Italian marble.

Damn hard to fry and even harder to scramble!


It can be done though....



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Another question about CB and his eggs would be, if he went out a bought several dozen eggs at the grocery store, did he pay his bill, or simply tell Piggly Wiggly to stick it up their $&%^@# ?
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I think that the organic ones hurt more on the way out, since they haven't had the rough edges smoothed off. I say I think, because I've asked, but never found a hen which could supply a meaningful answer.

Fits right in with this thread!
Is THIS the reason for the BID to BAN members post?? Couldn't really understand the logic until these two started......NOW it makes a WHOLE lot of sense!! :ROFLMAO:
Our man Jeff better not visit the other forum on this subject. He'll be curled up in a fetal position in the corner...........
The problem is I do know people harmed by his irresponsible behavior. I further believe there is evidence that he played the system - again to the detriment of folks who couldn't afford it. Were he still in the reserves, he wouldn't have to worry about his promotion to General Officer because he would no longer qualify for even a security clearance. As a Colonel, at least in the Army, he would have been forced to submit his retirement papers because he would have lost the service's trust in him as a commissioned officer (pretty much automatic with chapter 7). That is the hard school I grew up in, and how I now view him. That inevitably affects my view of everything he does. For those who are not bothered by that behavior - fine. I think, however, it is absolutely appropriate everyone should be aware of the complete picture before we put him on too high a pedestal or write him a check.

And can someone tell me what the hell an "organic" egg is? Or better yet, what might qualify as an 'inorganic' one?!?

I take no issue with how you view the situation for two reasons. You both served in the military and as such I can see how'd you may see this as a tarnish on the armed forces. And you know someone who was financially harmed, so there's a personal connection. But not unexpectedly so, while you're the one on this thread with the most to have a beef about, your comments have been measured. Others who I don't really think have much to bitch about have made some pretty harsh statements.

For me, I don't see what happened as putting any negative light on the armed forces, but then I'm a civilian and never served. And I don't have a personal connection to those who lost money in business dealings with the man. It's not that I have zero empathy for those who did, I just don't see where it's my place to stick my nose either into their's or CB's finances.

Furthermore this subject has been out there for years now. When do we let it go?

@Supercat you said the following in the OP:

Actually, and not trying to be a wise-ass here, I would like to know how he paid for 100 plus African Safaris on a writers salary since I remember reading him say that he never took a free hunt.

I'd like to know why you think you need to know? What is the point of this thread? Is it to bitch yet again about a subject that's already been hashed over many times? What answer would satisfy you? Do you really have a weighing interest, or do you just want to embarrass CB?

@JGRaider, whether it be here or over at the other place, from what I've seen over the last several years is that you take every opportunity to criticize CB that you can. I get you have a strong sense of right and wrong and can respect that. But when are you going to get over it? If you just can't get over it, maybe instead of coming onto these public forums to gossip like some teenager, go confront CB directly. He's at DSC and SCI every year, quite easy to find him at his booth.
Is THIS the reason for the BID to BAN members post?? Couldn't really understand the logic until these two started......NOW it makes a WHOLE lot of sense!! :ROFLMAO:

Now you get it. WTF!
........... @Supercat

I'd like to know why you think you need to know? What is the point of this thread? Is it to bitch yet again about a subject that's already been hashed over many times? What answer would satisfy you? Do you really have a weighing interest, or do you just want to embarrass CB?

Truly, this thread was started by me to moderate. It was not headed in a reasonable or topical direction in the original thread: "The Q&A thread was to be about HUNTING IN AFRICA."

I don't know this man from Adam, just like he does not know me.
Typical, of any public figure, they attract attention and some is always negative; everything from writing style, writing content to the bankruptcy. (At least everyone seems to have had enough manners to skip going after Donna, even though she is a joint debtor)

If this topic truly matters to anyone. Look up the case number.
I have been provided the PUBLIC DOCUMENTS on the matter.

Voluntary Bankruptcy 36 page application filed 07/12/13 10:43.55 PST US Bankruptcy Court California
CASE: 9:13-bk-11796-PC


Screen Shot 2018-04-06 at 09.58.47.png

@Supercat can certainly answer for themselves regarding the motivations for the questions.

As @Red Leg noted earlier, the guys African hunting knowledge and experience is significant (paraphrasing) and can be drawn upon to learn something. Use it, or don't. That is your choice.
@JGRaider, whether it be here or over at the other place, from what I've seen over the last several years is that you take every opportunity to criticize CB that you can. I get you have a strong sense of right and wrong and can respect that. But when are you going to get over it? If you just can't get over it, maybe instead of coming onto these public forums to gossip like some teenager, go confront CB directly. He's at DSC and SCI every year, quite easy to find him at his booth.

Anyone that purposefully puts themselves out in the public eye, especially those soliciting financial gain, deserve all the scrutiny they get.

BTW, gossip is the casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. CB's bankruptcy is not hearsay, therefore you have no basis for your "gossip like some teenager" attempt at belittling me or my stance on the subject.
Anyone that purposefully puts themselves out in the public eye, especially those soliciting financial gain, deserve all the scrutiny they get.

BTW, gossip is the casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. CB's bankruptcy is not hearsay, therefore you have no basis for your "gossip like some teenager" attempt at belittling me or my stance on the subject.

I'm not belittling your stance. You're entitled to your opinion just as anyone else is. As far as CB being in the public eye soliciting financial gain goes, buy his stuff or don't.

And by the definition of gossip you used, it says "typically" not being confirmed as true, that's quite different than never being confirmed true. So I'll still consider this thread as gossip.

And I'm not belittling you, but I don't understand your continued anger and posts belittling CB. And to the larger question of this whole thread, what is it's purpose? Why are we having this discussion? If there is no other purpose than to just talk about the man's failings completely ignoring the man's accomplishments, without question this thread and the many others like it are nothing but gossip. But if you want to remain angry that is certainly your choice, but I think you do so only to your own detriment.

I'll end with this post with this quote:

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. -- Matthew 7:2
:S Topic: of eggs

I just need to know are the eggs from a free range area or a fenced one. :whistle::)

@billc ,

This should get you the information you were looking for in order to determine whether or not I made a wise and ethical egg choice, or not.

If you should need any additional information please feel free to let me know. :D

Kind of clears the egg debate up. I will need to check up on that becky the chicken though and get back to you.

I will now need to know if the milk used in the cheese was from free range cows or not.
Kind of clears the egg debate up. I will need to check up on that becky the chicken though and get back to you.

I will now need to know if the milk used in the cheese was from free range cows or not.

I was told that cow was well taken care of and could drive anywhere it wanted, thus making it a high producer.


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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?