Can you save having taxidermy work done in South Africa

NO.....Billc my logic, and I think I can make my point real clear also....Support Americans where and when I can and even if it hurts a little. Why because i'm tired of this BS about loving america and then DO NOTHING ABOUT IT ! Hunt Africa all you want and every time you can. I think everyone should experience it .IT"S FANTASTIC ! BUT you CAN support American Business and Fellow Americans, Don't wave your flag at me and then buy the cheapest foreign made stuff you can find. Even when I buy appliances I look for American made. I would walk before buying a car not made by americans. I TRY really hard to do it, even when it costs me a few more dollars...WHY because I'm supporting The United States, Families in MY COUNTRY , so if your just watching out for your own checkbook. Don't talk to me about patriotism or how great your country is....Support your own ! And the quality is better in taxidermy I know something about that...
Here are south african wages, your supporting this......below. PS. For a reference 5000 rand a month is $340.00 a month for a salary. My two employees make more than that in one day and our work as you see it still competitive in any the market. Yes I raise my flag high for my country, a lot of others also.....for show, do but with no conviction.....Yes I'm going to hear it now, like Billc stated he can talk about what he wants to talk about , so can I.
I don't care, I am proud to support american businesses. Bring the work back HOME !!!

KNOW who is mounting your trophy, Even here in the states big box taxidermy studios have many many many employees,who has your stuff laid on there workbench by the foreman? the new guy? The guy that's kinda okay? disgruntled employee? Burned out employee? Guy looking to make his weekly quota and is behind? Lots of things to think about....I am NOT your typical studio I MOUNT EVERY TROPHY MYSELF and Jamie finished every one himself . The other helps me with forms and salts skins and sews.....

LINK some make as little as 1.00per hour
Sort of a silly statement. $6-10k difference for some people is a lot of money hardly makes you unpatriotic... What type of vehicle do you drive?
Sort of a silly statement. $6-10k difference for some people is a lot of money hardly makes you unpatriotic... What type of vehicle do you drive?

A 1955 Ford F100, see photo. But my everyday ride is a E350. :sneaky:
A 1955 Ford F100, see photo. But my everyday ride is a E350. :sneaky:
The 55 is awesome. Unfortunately there is almost no such thing as American made automobiles anymore, assembled yes. But back to taxidermy, I just think that painting someone unpatriotic is a little extreme when that amount of money for some people is a years daycare for their family or something of equivalent importance.
Question why don't you make a list that shows the $6-$10k so we know what you are having done.
Sounds like an alternative fact to me!
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Question why don't you make a list that shows the $6-$10k so we know what you are having done.
Sounds like a alternative fact to me!
Look back in the thread. A gentlemen already put that together. I'm going off pictures of his invoices and pricing from taxidermist here in the states he got quotes from. Going off of that, and the commenta made to the gentlemen who presented his "facts" as I saw them I thought it was pretty unfair to label him unpatriotic, it's not a screwdriver he's buying and saving $.50. I'm all for that and buy American on everything I can. Just my $.02 from Texas.
The difference in the work that comes out of Dennis's shop vs most African taxidermy shops I've seen is night and day
Would not begin to question that. Was talking about spending money and being patriotic. Feel like I'm talking to Don Lemon or something haha.
Look out now you guys are going to piss Dennis off again and getting ready to mount my stuff so Please keep him happy and in a good mood:)
and yes Dennis isn't the cheapest I will not disagree but his work is excellent
Look out now you guys are going to piss Dennis off again and getting ready to mount my stuff so Please keep him happy and in a good mood:)
and yes Dennis isn't the cheapest I will not disagree but his work is excellent
Here here, his work looks incredible. Congrats on your trophies!
His work is undoubtedly excellent. And I use a competitor who in my opinion is as good if not better. AGAIN just my opinion. Look I even asked for a quote on my next safari.

Since you have never been to Africa yet. I will give you a quick example of what kind of work you can get from there.
The Kudu on the right in the top picture was saposto be facing to my left, the second picture is his ear if you look at the shadow going across it the shadow should indent into the ear not be flat,(the person that did it said that is what they should look like, the person that I hunted with said they would get a new cape for me to have it done over here in the states), about a year later I noticed the hole in the back of the ear and the larger circle of fill that they tried to use to fill in the lack of hide. When you go there and see the work from the local taxidermist remember yours will probably be done by some rookie that is doing their first mount not the guy that took your money.
Enjoy the trip. I would still like to know what your 4-5 trophies are and see what they would cost to have done by someone that is as good as Dennis. The one on the left is his work. I said I would never have one done there again. I even flew over to see it when it was allmost done.

That will be the trophy I will look at as I get older! At about 30 you want yours to last a long time.
View attachment 173431 View attachment 173432 View attachment 173433
Since you have never been to Africa yet. I will give you a quick example of what kind of work you can get from there.
The Kudu on the right in the top picture was saposto be facing to my left, the second picture is his ear if you look at the shadow going across it the shadow should indent into the ear not be flat,(the person that did it said that is what they should look like, the person that I hunted with said they would get a new cape for me to have it done over here in the states), about a year later I noticed the hole in the back of the ear and the larger circle of fill that they tried to use to fill in the lack of hide. When you go there and see the work from the local taxidermist remember yours will probably be done by some rookie that is doing their first mount not the guy that took your money.
Enjoy the trip. I would still like to know what your 4-5 trophies are and see what they would cost to have done by someone that is as good as Dennis. The one on the left is his work. I said I would never have one done there again. I even flew over to see it when it was allmost done.
View attachment 173434
That will be the trophy I will look at as I get older! At about 30 you want yours to last a long time.
No doubt shoddy work appreciate the information, and I am still looking at all options. My Uncle was the president of the Houston Safari Club so while I've never been many men in my family and close friends have. Also am close to my Taxidermist here in the States, again not questioning his work, questioned his statement. That's all. Beautiful animals.
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Look out now you guys are going to piss Dennis off again and getting ready to mount my stuff so Please keep him happy and in a good mood:)
and yes Dennis isn't the cheapest I will not disagree but his work is excellent

Don't sweat it Dan, your's and Pete's trophies will be stunners !! As Always.....

Just saw this old dinosaur of a post revived after doing a 36 straight work day...Sunday Morning 7am started a dead bushbuck mount and tweaked out a cool leopard snarling on a limb. Worked the Dead Bushbuck mount custom made lying on a limb, had to mount it in three pieces because of the realistic leg bends around leopard legs and branches , I do things to difficult sometimes would be easy to just put a walking mount in a tree sideways and call it a day, but then my work would look like everyone else's just a mount...mounted it up sewn and tweeked and added it to the branch below the leopard I mounted on my normal 14 hour day sat.
After getting the Leopard and Bushbuck wrapped up and finished it was 2 am. Took a quick shower and then loaded the Trailer with salted bears, deer, and elk and off the the tannery 120 miles...Met Ty at 6am unloaded trailer at tannery and loaded 16 big boxes of tanned skins dozens of life-size skins for mounts and 70-80 shoulder capes and 6 huge incoming safari crates that had arrived at the tannery full of skulls and horns.

Then I climbed in my , Since Texan LTH asked what kind of truck I drive , My Flint Michigan Built 70% American made by american workers making good money in the USA , 2015 Silverado LTZ 3500 Duramax crew cab 8' bed, single axle that waited 8 weeks to have built truck. And headed north 80 miles to my base builder and picked up some cool pedestal bases with my africa cut out and engraved paw prints and a couple with bear carving in the corners .

Loaded those and head 160 miles back to studio. Talked with Jamie on finishing work and paul doing his thing took care of some business and and hit the coach at 6pm just woke up and went into studio to get three skins out to mount tues and weds nyala life-size and a kudu and hartebeest.

14 hours sat 36 hours sunday/monday I got my 40 in and it's not even tuesday yet. Thats the start of my week...LOL

TexasLTH, Your right not everyone can afford me. I'm not to expensive when you think about what I give you and what you get....You go hunting you spend thousands to 10's of thousands for a few days or few weeks and you get the experience the sights sounds excitement exhilaration and whole experience and then it's gone, it fades with time ...A picture.... a memory that you flip thru and see but can't touch or make any other sense come alive with the experience ...I give you something you can feel and touch with your hands and your eyes , Everyone here when they look at a mount and look into it's eyes, feels MORE and remember more about the hunt and that day that any picture can give you or any sub standard mount that is just so so...and that mount will last to your dying day...What else can you buy that you will keep for the rest of your life? 50k truck nope it;s gone in 1o years, 5k of Furniture nope you'll redecorate, anything mechanical nope it all breaks, 90% of what we buy we get rid of or breaks or has to fixed at an expense. My taxidermy will last more will keep your trophies no matter what....

As for being patriotic...Support American workers yes, I am more political than others as you can easily tell . I don't like supporting business's that are owned by Democrats, Unless I HAVE TO nor hire contractors that are not Republicans or Conservatives, and yes I ask them.

Not happy about trackers and skinners in Africa that make about 200 or so a month working 6/7 days a week. From before dawn to after dark sometimes 16 hour days. There pay also includes plus food and clothes I forgot that but I do hunt there and tip twice what the PH recommends to them and never give it to the PH I hand it to the worker.

I know taxidermist in Africa and know their Labor costs that's why they can charge the price they charge. One has 6 guys working 6 days a week 12 hours a day for a month and his labor cost is the same as my 2 guys for 4 days. My clients support American workers that hunt and are a part of the same community as you are in. Support their families and enjoy a life. A life more than mine. I never make them work a they can enjoy a life. I work Every weekend by myself to make sure they have their family time.

Most that know me call me the machine...80-100 hours a week because I LOVE MY WORK ! I create mounts that are above and beyond what you would ever say I'm okay with. They are the blood and sweat of an artist that doesn't settle for the words , " that's okay or good enough" and they are made by my hands, every mount...

Thanks to all my supports and client there , Royal, Dan, Ted, Tom and all the rest THANKS !
Dennis your work is great, but I do know one or two brilliant taxidermists in SA, they do the majority of work themselves, yes they do have helpers to flesh and do the manual work.

BUT!! I prefer my clients to do the taxidermy in their home country. If there's a problem, the outfitter gets the headache, rather be close to your taxidermist.
Dennis your work is great, but I do know one or two brilliant taxidermists in SA, they do the majority of work themselves, yes they do have helpers to flesh and do the manual work.

BUT!! I prefer my clients to do the taxidermy in their home country. If there's a problem, the outfitter gets the headache, rather be close to your taxidermist.

Great like me then I have some help but my hands put everything together to be sewn...
Thanks for the compliment !
Appreciate your comments about this !
Don't sweat it Dan, your's and Pete's trophies will be stunners !! As Always.....

Just saw this old dinosaur of a post revived after doing a 36 straight work day...Sunday Morning 7am started a dead bushbuck mount and tweaked out a cool leopard snarling on a limb. Worked the Dead Bushbuck mount custom made lying on a limb, had to mount it in three pieces because of the realistic leg bends around leopard legs and branches , I do things to difficult sometimes would be easy to just put a walking mount in a tree sideways and call it a day, but then my work would look like everyone else's just a mount...mounted it up sewn and tweeked and added it to the branch below the leopard I mounted on my normal 14 hour day sat.
After getting the Leopard and Bushbuck wrapped up and finished it was 2 am. Took a quick shower and then loaded the Trailer with salted bears, deer, and elk and off the the tannery 120 miles...Met Ty at 6am unloaded trailer at tannery and loaded 16 big boxes of tanned skins dozens of life-size skins for mounts and 70-80 shoulder capes and 6 huge incoming safari crates that had arrived at the tannery full of skulls and horns.

Then I climbed in my , Since Texan LTH asked what kind of truck I drive , My Flint Michigan Built 70% American made by american workers making good money in the USA , 2015 Silverado LTZ 3500 Duramax crew cab 8' bed, single axle that waited 8 weeks to have built truck. And headed north 80 miles to my base builder and picked up some cool pedestal bases with my africa cut out and engraved paw prints and a couple with bear carving in the corners .

Loaded those and head 160 miles back to studio. Talked with Jamie on finishing work and paul doing his thing took care of some business and and hit the coach at 6pm just woke up and went into studio to get three skins out to mount tues and weds nyala life-size and a kudu and hartebeest.

14 hours sat 36 hours sunday/monday I got my 40 in and it's not even tuesday yet. Thats the start of my week...LOL

TexasLTH, Your right not everyone can afford me. I'm not to expensive when you think about what I give you and what you get....You go hunting you spend thousands to 10's of thousands for a few days or few weeks and you get the experience the sights sounds excitement exhilaration and whole experience and then it's gone, it fades with time ...A picture.... a memory that you flip thru and see but can't touch or make any other sense come alive with the experience ...I give you something you can feel and touch with your hands and your eyes , Everyone here when they look at a mount and look into it's eyes, feels MORE and remember more about the hunt and that day that any picture can give you or any sub standard mount that is just so so...and that mount will last to your dying day...What else can you buy that you will keep for the rest of your life? 50k truck nope it;s gone in 1o years, 5k of Furniture nope you'll redecorate, anything mechanical nope it all breaks, 90% of what we buy we get rid of or breaks or has to fixed at an expense. My taxidermy will last more will keep your trophies no matter what....

As for being patriotic...Support American workers yes, I am more political than others as you can easily tell . I don't like supporting business's that are owned by Democrats, Unless I HAVE TO nor hire contractors that are not Republicans or Conservatives, and yes I ask them.

Not happy about trackers and skinners in Africa that make about 200 or so a month working 6/7 days a week. From before dawn to after dark sometimes 16 hour days. There pay also includes plus food and clothes I forgot that but I do hunt there and tip twice what the PH recommends to them and never give it to the PH I hand it to the worker.

I know taxidermist in Africa and know their Labor costs that's why they can charge the price they charge. One has 6 guys working 6 days a week 12 hours a day for a month and his labor cost is the same as my 2 guys for 4 days. My clients support American workers that hunt and are a part of the same community as you are in. Support their families and enjoy a life. A life more than mine. I never make them work a they can enjoy a life. I work Every weekend by myself to make sure they have their family time.

Most that know me call me the machine...80-100 hours a week because I LOVE MY WORK ! I create mounts that are above and beyond what you would ever say I'm okay with. They are the blood and sweat of an artist that doesn't settle for the words , " that's okay or good enough" and they are made by my hands, every mount...

Thanks to all my supports and client there , Royal, Dan, Ted, Tom and all the rest THANKS !
I dont support Democrat/liberal(now one in the same) businesses either, you sir are a good american.
Save money take a taxidermy course before you hunt Africa

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Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
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I am really fan of you