Gert Odendaal
AH legend
4/3 of people have trouble with fractions.All this talk is reminding me of a mate during my Army days. He was explaining to us the uniqueness of his heritage. It seemed that his great great grand daddy was part indian, so that made him 7/8 Cherokee, 5/8 Pawnee and 12/8 Mohawk. He was going to go on, until I pointed out that he's already about 3 indians worth, so I asked how much white blood he had. He said 7/8 German, 1/2 French, 5/4 English, 7/4 ... And so on and on it went.
I still get a laugh out of it when I think back.
Forgot to add that he also thinks that the 458 is a Classic. Do the math. It is 2/3 work horse, 6/5 deadly, 3/2 available, 8/7...