Can only full mount one animal ??


AH member
Jan 2, 2021
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Hi. Apologies for not posting more. Been a member for a few years, but don’t post much.

I have recently completed my 3rd trip to South Africa and also travelled up to KZN area where I was fortunate enough to get some very nice animals- prior to my trip I had budgeted and planned to get my Oribi full mounted if I was lucky to get one. As luck would have it a got a very nice example with horn length of 6 inches.

Vaal Rhebuck were also on the list- again I was lucky to get a good example measuring 10 inches and a very good hunt lasting around 5 hours.

Realistically with finances and space allowances I would only want one full mounted. So I am asking people with more experience then me on theses species, which one should be full mounted and the other shoulder mounted.


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Is it not possible to have them both full mounted on one piece???
They are both very special but if I had too choose the oribi for full mount.

For me it easy I do euro skull mounts not even with wood save space and money for my next hunt.
Is it not possible to have them both full mounted on one piece???
They are both very special but if I had too choose the oribi for full mount.

For me it easy I do euro skull mounts not even with wood save space and money for my next hunt.
I did think of that but would be over £3 k on that piece of work, and just to add more confusion and I added the Klipspringer I had to, would make it up over £4k.

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If I could only choose one it would be the Vaal Reebok, only available in parts of South Africa, klipspringer and oribi available in several countries making the Vaal rehbok the most special. IMO.
I would somehow find a way to full body all 3, all are special and exceptional animals as well.
With the current proposed trophy import ban still being pushed by the UK governments I would love to have them all done as could be my last trip- but also have a shoulder mount mountain zebra , steenbok shoulder mount, common reed Buck shoulder mount, bushbuck shoulder mount along with skull mounts of oryx and a baboon to come back in same shipment.
If I could only choose one it would be the Vaal Reebok, only available in parts of South Africa, klipspringer and oribi available in several countries making the Vaal rehbok the most special. IMO.
Out of all of the hunts the Vaal will be the most memorable as it took all day to complete and at over 7000 ft above sea level.
Wow...those are some fine animals you hunted.

That is some dilemma you have as all 3 of those little critters would only be done justice being full body mounts.

Maybe the Oribi.Then again that Klipspringer is really nice. But the Vaal was your most memorable hunt. Oh..Ah hell...Good luck with your decision. I can't make up my mind either. All 3 would look nice as a full body mount.
With the current proposed trophy import ban still being pushed by the UK governments I would love to have them all done as could be my last trip- but also have a shoulder mount mountain zebra , steenbok shoulder mount, common reed Buck shoulder mount, bushbuck shoulder mount along with skull mounts of oryx and a baboon to come back in same shipment.
This is just my opinion of course but with a ban looming in the UK I may really try to full body mount all three since you stated you may not go back to Africa. Make the last shipment a great one.
Nothing to do with your import ban, but is the UK going to allow exports of trophies? My wife wants us to make a trip over there and I will try and squeeze in a deer hunt or two. Always wanted a roe deer. But I’m of the frame of mind if I can’t import/export a trophy I probably won’t hunt it.
Wow...those are some fine animals you hunted.

That is some dilemma you have as all 3 of those little critters would only be done justice being full body mounts.

Maybe the Oribi.Then again that Klipspringer is really nice. But the Vaal was your most memorable hunt. Oh..Ah hell...Good luck with your decision. I can't make up my mind either. All 3 would look nice as a full body mount.
Thank you, I did have an exceptional trip this time, everything just fell into place perfectly.
You CAN ship the salted skins home, have them tanned and put them in your freezer. That way you can have them mounted later when it’s more affordable or you have more room or whatever. And you can always just cut the parts off if you choose to do a shoulder later. You don’t have to get it all complete at one time and it will be safe if tanned and in your freezer-good luck!
This is just my opinion of course but with a ban looming in the UK I may really try to full body mount all three since you stated you may not go back to Africa. Make the last shipment a great one.
Nothing to do with your import ban, but is the UK going to allow exports of trophies? My wife wants us to make a trip over there and I will try and squeeze in a deer hunt or two. Always wanted a roe deer. But I’m of the frame of mind if I can’t import/export a trophy I probably won’t hunt it.
It is all still up in the air at present on what will be banned, all on hold as we have a general election looming with Labour set to win so they will push for as much restrictions as possible.
Out of all of the hunts the Vaal will be the most memorable

That might be your own answer, right there. The fact you made him your avatar says the same.

Your Oribi shows a lot of secondary growth and was obviously an old guy; your Vaal also has a lot of that as well. Fine trophies, indeed.

What about doing all 3 shouldermounts klippie vaalie and oribi on a wall pedestral mount on one piece
Something like this is where my mind went-this is just off the internet but there are
Many options similar that are creative and fun and show the animal and the habitat nicely without the full body.
I’ve always wanted a full klippy standing on a rock as a floor pedestal mount. . . One of these days!
Another vote for spending more of your money and doing all 3.

If I had to pick only one, I’d say the Oribi. I think a shoulder mounted Oribi can come times look like a Steenbok to some, especially someone without a lot of experience chasing the Tiny 10.

Are 1/2 body mounts not something you could do on the Vaalie and Klippie to save a little money and space compared to all full body mounts

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matt2H wrote on matt vejar's profile.
Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.
Smo1127 wrote on duckfish's profile.
Neen doing Zelle or Venmo with other members, let me know if good for you and Ill give you my info. Im semding other orders out tomorrow so if paid today ill ship tomorrow
cwpayton wrote on Trogon's profile.
Hey trogon thanks for the shipping trophys info, so this being my first time shipping ,did you hire a firm here in the states to handle the import or was that an African firm, I would be happy with a cost around 3000+.
JG26Irish_2 wrote on 9412765's profile.
RE: Interarms Whitworth 375HH f/sale f/$850. If still available, I will buy it. I am in KY can do a face to face deal. My e-mail is: or PM me here. Cell is: 606-923-3162

Your 5 hrs f/me. You travel to OH w/work. If you can be at Cincinnati, OH that 1/2 way. I can travel most days but Friday afternoons are best. Let's set up a date/time/location to meet up.
thriller wrote on Sue Tidwell's profile.
Just finished your book (audio) and ordered a hardback for my Library. You did a wonderful job explaining the way conservation works in Africa, and my wife is interested in reading your book now. Thank you for your work.