there are a lot of mod. 94 30-30s in Africa with the farmers and cattlemen, they just don't know how tough African Game is!!!

As a matter of fact the Kudu is one of the softest anmals Ive seen yet, much softer than our native elk..I shot Zebra, Black Wildebeest, Warthog, Blue Wildebeest, Kudu, Gemsbok with my 30-30 all one shot kills and nothing went over about 25 yards....Leopard? a leopard is no larger or heavier boned than a whitetail deer, just has a worse disposition when someone muffs a shot...A shot in the Heart lung spine of brain pretty much sudden death..Also from the real world of African hunting you have a PH to back you up...If he is whining about it you picked the wrong guy...
either the 150 gr. or the 170 will expand perfectly on a Leopard, his skin is much like a mule deer or whitetail, and Win and REm has spent a 100 years perfecting the 30-30 bullets to work at listed velocity on game..If I could have shot a Leopard with my 30-30 I would have done so and would shoot to break both shoulders and it would do just that..however African Law prevents the use of any caliber short of the 375 H&H, in some cases the 9.3x62 gets a free walk on that also..If I were going for Leopard Id use my 7x57 and a 145 gr. Speer. but that too is .375 has always been my choice..
I hunted with the 30-30 as an experience and found it to add a great deal of enjoyment too my hunting..I like to hunt with iron sights also frjom time to time.