So were told the 30-06 is Leopard capable and good on Eland at up to 300 to 400 yards..Think about that, the 30-30 is as capable at 200 yards as the 06 is at 300 yards, go figure, lot of adise from those that have never used the 30-30 in Africa, some claiming its illegal...Also the 30-30 bullets have all been designed for the 30-30 with years of design, and they never fail as far as I know, and Ive used it a lot, along with the big bores..It penitrates extremely well with both 150 and 170 gr. bullets, I like the coreelokts, but Rem now has a monolithic hollow point that will shoot through a Eland or Moose, even with some angle to the shot, Im pretty sure its a Barnes X bullet, as BArnes sells such a bullet..
Would I shoot a Leopard with it, well Ive shot several Mt. Lions with a 30-30 and it knocked them for a loop every time, Mt. Lions is almost as large as a Leopard, but if your concerned, remember your PH probably has a 375 ready to back you up..My take is the 30-30 would expand fully on a Leopard and the 375 would make a broom stick size hole as it would not expand, so the 30-30 would kill even better perhaps, I know that's the case on small Texas Whitetail and Coues deer. Just my approach based on a lot of kills, but not on a Leopard, but I know a .270 or 7x57 is a better Leopard caliber that most big bores because they are more intended for light bodied game, thus my case for the 30-30 on Leopard and PG..I know a small number of people that have used it on DG, Eland, Elk, Moose and even Brown Bear and none of them have complained..Its been around a long time and its battle proven within its range of 200 yards, Even Pancho Villa knew that!
Carbina, Trenta-trenta (30-30)
Que los rebeldes portalan
Y decian los federales
que con ella no mataban
Con me trenta-trenta
Me voy a marchar
A engrosar las filas de la rebelion
Si mi sangre piden, me sangre loss doy
Por los habitants de nuestra nacion…
Carbine 30-30
that the rebels carried
And the federal troops said
that with her you cannot kill them
With my 30-30
I am going to leave
to join the ranks of the rebellion
If they ask for my blood, my blood I will give them
for the inhabitants of our nation..
Mexicos version of the battle hymm of the Republic..
As far as I know its the only caliber to wit a song was written..