I have found the trade show info-babes to not be good for much other than to lure potential buyers into the booth. Most lack the technical background to discuss bullet structural failures. Whoever has been heading up engineering at Winchester has been well off the mark for many years. I shoot a lot of rimfire for both small game and target practice and of all the choices out there, the stuff coming out of Winchester has to be the worst or nearly the worst of all. What makes that even tougher is that most factory ammo I have used over the last five years or so, is as good or better than most of my best re-loads from 30yrs ago. This tells me that while the competition has raised the bar for great quality factory ammo, Winchester had gotten worse or remained the same at best. I have used other options from Hornady, Federal, Barnes and Norma to name a few and they ALL beat the best Winchester can offer.
"Hey Winchester, if you are listening, you are in danger of going out of business." Your customers are leaving you and that is a shame. In the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's you made some of the best rifles and at least decent ammo. You have hung on for decades based on your great reputation. But, in the age of social media, your weaknesses get exposed far more rapidly than in the past. Take action to improve your quality of go the way of the buggy whip.