What doesn't make sense here is the 40cm of penetration. If the bullet failed to expand....and from your photo it looks like it started but didn't finish, then you would expect it to pencil on through like a solid. Especially with that caliber, weight and muzzle velocity. The only conclusion I can draw is that either the velocity was WAY down on that particular load, (bad round?) or an obstruction that vacuumed up the velocity was hit first. Glad u are here to talk about it!
I used the 300grn TSX in my 375 H&H for lion and buff in 2013 and both recovered bullets looked like the catalog photos. Buff broke right shoulder and recovered in the offside hide. 55 yard shot. Lion, facing me quartering at 40 yd. Bullet back by pelvis. Now 2 animals don't prove spit about anything. I shot my zebra at 150 with the 115 partition out of a 257 Roy. Bullet exited, looked like it didn't expand at all, tiny little exit hole, but he dropped and the innards were a mess. Wife sacked her Kudu and Gemsbok with 130 Hornady IBs out of a 270 win and both recovered bullets again looked like textbook mushrooms. IBs have never failed me but don't shoot as well for me as the Barnes product so Ive been switching over almost totally to them.
I have had great luck with Barnes TSX and TTSX on everything from large black bears and pigs to pronghorns. I have very few recovered bullets to examine and if I do my part the critters hit the deck. I will say that I am concerned a bit about the new LRX though. My bull elk last Oct just didn't exhibit much internal damage despite being hit 2x in the boiler room with the new 175s out of a 300 mag. Yes he died! Very weird. But one animal tells us nothing. We will see what happens this season. I need a few more examples to start drawing conclusions.