AH member
Get some North Fork 430 grain PPs or SSs and run them at around 2150 FPS. can’t go wrong.A question occurred to me about proper bullet selection for my .404J. I am loading 400 grain bullets primarily for use on Cape Buffalo. Looking at muzzle velocities of about 2250 to 2350 fps. My two choices for bullets are Woodleigh Weldcore 400 grain SN RN and Swift A Frame 400 grain bullets.
Studying recommended impact velocities and looking at the range of impact velocities at the MVs that I am loading for, it looks to me that the Swift A Frames will be well below optimal impact velocity at about 2000 to 2100 fps at 100 yards and they may not expend optimally. With the Woodleigh 400 grain Weldcores this owuld be the 'sweet spot' and I am led to expect their performance would, at these speeds, be superior to the Swift A Frames.
For those with experience with the caliber and bullets above, I'd like to know your opinions on performance in this application.