It's a Remington 597 and a representation. It has a very good trigger shockingly. The magazine design is the downfall of an otherwise accurate rifle. I have no idea what MOA it really shoots as I feed it bulk mostly, but it has been fully free floated and shoots to the cross hairs at 25y for the wife and does about 4 MOA at 100 yards on steel. Perhaps something to investigate further. It's likely quite the straight pull when fed subsonic ammunition.


I wouldn't purchase this rifle for that money and sadly I didn't have to.
The image has that Hipoint vs. Glock visage. I found it suits the point. Surely a rifle with a sub $300 sticker price could never hang with such fine guns. Men have lost their money with such notions. It doesn't need to say Anschutz 54 on the side to make a point, but it would be understandable if it did.
What MOA can one expect from the .22 kit in an R8? Do they come with test targets? Do you shoot spots at fifty feet with it? Likely not, so it matters little if it's ½ or 2 MOA or even what you feed it. You're using it for simulation and not an accurate one at that with the different cycle.
A Marlin 60 would be a good purchase. They are classics as reliable and accurate as I've seen.