Blaser R8 for Dangerous Game

I mean, what in a barrel, even with iron sights, can command $2,000?

This question should in my opinion go to manufacturer.

In other words: how much skilled gun smiting hand work goes to make barrel universally usable on all actions of same line of rifle?
And are these barrels finalized by cnc machines, or human hand? (I do not know the answer, but maybe we should look in that direction)

I know that many good combination guns (or lets say double barrel break action firearms) when buying spare set of barrels, the manufacturer recommends final fitting to be done by factory.

I believe that final product is total cost of production where human specialized work hours are good part of cost, plus brand name, plus materials.
So, how much cost to produce such barrel?

When checking the price range of some makers, like Sauer or Mauser:
sauer 101 / like mauser m12 will be in lower price range, when compared to sauer 202 (404) / mauser m03.
The difference in price from lower to higher end, goes greatly to additional feature - changeable barrels.

So this is additional feature that - we need to establish how much this realistically costs to get idea if price is reasonable.
There are virtually NO used R8’s in this country. This tells me there are virtually no problems with them, most of you guys are still lumping the R93 and R8 together and they are not the same guns.
Quick look on one page here shows 27+ used R8's for sale,excluding the extra barrels.
Most guys who owned the R93 upgraded to the R8 when it was released. Blaser has been around here for many many years and there are those who believe in them and those who don't, both models. I can certainly guarantee that more Blasers have been sold in Scandinavia than the whole US market so the issues with them are more widely discussed and known here. Just like the US market may know nothing about the Steel Action straight pull rifle series right now.
Quick look on one page here shows 27+ used R8's for sale,excluding the extra barrels.
Most guys who owned the R93 upgraded to the R8 when it was released. Blaser has been around here for many many years and there are those who believe in them and those who don't, both models. I can certainly guarantee that more Blasers have been sold in Scandinavia than the whole US market so the issues with them are more widely discussed and known here. Just like the US market may know nothing about the Steel Action straight pull rifle series right now.

@TokkieM can you share a few more details on the issues you've seen? No disrespect intended, but also curious if you have seen these first hand or are they just 'heard of'?
@TokkieM can you share a few more details on the issues you've seen? No disrespect intended, but also curious if you have seen these first hand or are they just 'heard of'?
Unlike the common click when not closing the receiver properly, I have seen two Blasers click instead of fire. Both R8 rifles and both had firing pin assembly replaced. I have seen 3 that would not group well, best was 3 inches.
Personally have not had the rifles, but 2 well documented cases where the R8 slam fired, both guns replaced by Blaser.
I am sure with the amount of R8's sold, it is a small percentage of guns that have issues, non the less they are not my first choice for a DG rifle.
Given Blasers refusal to accept a inherent issue with the R93, they are not the kind of guys I want to support either.
Price has never been a issue for me, I own and have owned guns that cost a pretty penny more.
Changing calibers etc is great, if you keep your head about you, I have seen guys forget to switch bolt heads and cost a days hunting, blaser and Mauser. I am for keeping things simple,no offense to Blaser or any other switch barrel gun owners.
Quick look on one page here shows 27+ used R8's for sale,excluding the extra barrels.
Most guys who owned the R93 upgraded to the R8 when it was released. Blaser has been around here for many many years and there are those who believe in them and those who don't, both models. I can certainly guarantee that more Blasers have been sold in Scandinavia than the whole US market so the issues with them are more widely discussed and known here. Just like the US market may know nothing about the Steel Action straight pull rifle series right now.
There are 8 total on Gunbroker right now and for most of this year (I was checking often) there were just one or two super high end collectors guns and maybe one more for sale.
Point is you hate the R8, ok great! Do you own one?
Unlike the common click when not closing the receiver properly, I have seen two Blasers click instead of fire. Both R8 rifles and both had firing pin assembly replaced. I have seen 3 that would not group well, best was 3 inches.
Personally have not had the rifles, but 2 well documented cases where the R8 slam fired, both guns replaced by Blaser.
I am sure with the amount of R8's sold, it is a small percentage of guns that have issues, non the less they are not my first choice for a DG rifle.
Given Blasers refusal to accept a inherent issue with the R93, they are not the kind of guys I want to support either.
Price has never been a issue for me, I own and have owned guns that cost a pretty penny more.
Changing calibers etc is great, if you keep your head about you, I have seen guys forget to switch bolt heads and cost a days hunting, blaser and Mauser. I am for keeping things simple,no offense to Blaser or any other switch barrel gun owners.
So you’ve never owned one? You’ve heard of two slam firing? Was the guys finger on the trigger? How do we know?
Again guys I don’t put any stock in anyone’s opinion about guns they’ve never owned!
Let’s hear from those who do own Blasers.
If and when I have problems I’ll gladly post here.
There are 8 total on Gunbroker right now and for most of this year (I was checking often) there were just one or two super high end collectors guns and maybe one more for sale.
Point is you hate the R8, ok great! Do you own one?
I told you before the US market is small on Blaser compared to what we have here, every single gundealer here has a used or a as new R8 on the shelf.
I think that any objective reader would conclude that I did not "disparage" the R8 Philip, I said nothing negative about it. All I said was: the qualities with which the R8 is often endowed by its owners are actually far from unique, and, TO ME, it is consequently not worth the 100% ++ premium asked by Blaser. Objectively, this is not disparaging, and I do not really understand why this is triggering what impartial observers would likely qualify as fairly defensive reactions.

As to suggesting that it might be wise for a new R8 owner intent on DG hunting to practice and acquire a new muscle memory for this rifle, this too is not disparaging, and in the end everyone seems to agree. How could one not agree, right? I am just a bit baffled why this flared up into an "argument."

Regarding used R8 availability in the US, could one of the reasons why there are not a lot have to do with the fact that maybe not all that many new ones are/were sold? I do not know? I observe that Euro Optics is discounting fairly substantially their inventory (it may just be a marketing gimmick), but I am also observing that, more meaningfully, this barely used demo R8, has been offered by Euro Optics for almost a year on their website, and occasionally on Gun Broker and, I think, Guns International.

View attachment 308642

I actually made a $4,000 offer for it, but they declined it because they said that they paid Blaser more than that for it. As previously noted, synthetic fibers and steel pipes must be pretty expensive in Germany these days... From my point of view, $4,000 buys quite a number of very nice synthetic stocked rifles in the US...

I also notice that some Blaser S2 languish on stocking dealers' shelves despite what most would consider very, very attractive prices... I know Mad Dog Guns, they are located in Scottsdale AZ, not far from Flagstaff where I live. They have many R8 on Gun Broker that have been there for a long time...

View attachment 308640

None of this is a criticism, but it may contribute to explain why there are not a lot of used R8 on the market. R8 owners certainly seem to love them and keep them, and I likely would too, but, objectively, there may not be as many new ones sold as people might think. It would actually be interesting to know the numbers, but I doubt the importer would share these...

I really have nothing against the R8. As I said previously, I was "that close" to get one, and I would still likely get one if I found one in the price range that I think it rationally commands, which is, in MY analysis, about half the price asked by Blaser for the $,7000 Safari Pro and $2,000 second Selous barrel... I mean, what in a barrel, even with iron sights, can command $2,000?

None of that is disparaging, and I am perfectly happy for those who make a different cost/benefit analysis, and I really do not see why this should be conflictual :)
I bought the Pro S in 7mm Mag for my son from Mad Dog Guns for $2995. Affordable? I doubt anyone with any sense would argue about developing muscle memory with any gun whether it be a handgun or an R8. I don’t want to have an argument but every time the Blaser R8 is brought up in a forum there are so many who have no experience at all with them criticizing them with lengthy “articles” on what is so wrong with the Blaser. No offense but I’m sick of it.
So you’ve never owned one? You’ve heard of two slam firing? Was the guys finger on the trigger? How do we know?
Again guys I don’t put any stock in anyone’s opinion about guns they’ve never owned!
Let’s hear from those who do own Blasers.
If and when I have problems I’ll gladly post here.
If you own a R8 you should know that they do not fire if your finger is on the trigger and you operate the receiver,as then you could use them as a semi auto. That alone indicates that you clearly have not tested your gun to its limits and I will take your opinion as such.
I don't have to own a Blaser to like or dislike it, I own a few things I don't particularly like, but they are usefull.
Being brand loyal is one thing, being brand blind is a whole different issue.
No Phil

It really isn't funny, but as of yet I haven't seen anyone taking chops at the rifle. Of course if the owners of the r8 have childish egos and take any critiquing of this "different" rifle as personal pot shots then too bad.

I like all rifles, all calibers and all rounds...... the r8 included. But it like everything else on the planet might not be everything to all people.

Phil....I have seen people jam just about every weapon known to man kind. Mauser rifles included and have come to the realization that it's almost always operator error, but most people blame and continue to blame the weapon til the end of time.

We have people who throw the bad mouth on push feed / non mauser extractor rifles and say that they are not fit for dangerous game. So why no bad mouth on the r8? It's push feed and doesn't have a mauser type extractor.

So why is that? Some girls club bs?

It's all pretty laughable.:A Banana:
Agreed that every gun gets its share of criticism. As I’ve said I criticize the guns that have failed me not guns I’ve never owned.
So many gun experts on here. That’s what’s amazing. More opinions than experience.
Unlike the common click when not closing the receiver properly, I have seen two Blasers click instead of fire. Both R8 rifles and both had firing pin assembly replaced. I have seen 3 that would not group well, best was 3 inches.
Personally have not had the rifles, but 2 well documented cases where the R8 slam fired, both guns replaced by Blaser.
I am sure with the amount of R8's sold, it is a small percentage of guns that have issues, non the less they are not my first choice for a DG rifle.
Given Blasers refusal to accept a inherent issue with the R93, they are not the kind of guys I want to support either.
Price has never been a issue for me, I own and have owned guns that cost a pretty penny more.
Changing calibers etc is great, if you keep your head about you, I have seen guys forget to switch bolt heads and cost a days hunting, blaser and Mauser. I am for keeping things simple,no offense to Blaser or any other switch barrel gun owners.

@TokkieM Thank you for your comments. It is understandable that where there are higher unit sales you should see a correlation in defectives or malfunctions. Both production and user error wise. Ive only shot an R8 at Media at at SHOT show. In which, I had two failures to feeds. I spoke about it here once before. Caveat being that those rifles were heavily shot that day, arguably many hundreds of rounds before I came to the booth.

If anyone has been to Media day at SHOT show, you know that there are manufactures loading all day for the writers and reviewers, and forearms get dirty, dusty, and caked in residue. Ive also had a $4k+ Korth fail on me there as well. Not justifying a malfunction, nor accepting it, just stating what I've had happen or seen in person.

Though not my thread, I very much appreciate all the feedback from the R8 owners, people have shopped for one, or have first hand knowledge. Probably quite a bit of members lurking on this thread gathering knowledge.
If you own a R8 you should know that they do not fire if your finger is on the trigger and you operate the receiver,as then you could use them as a semi auto.

A self repeating firearm cycles the action by itself. R8 cannot be operated in such manner.

If you cycle the action with the trigger depressed the bolt will close with firing pin released and protruding out of the bolt face. Should you do so with a live round in the mag it will strike the primer upon closing the bolt. Due to design of the rifle the primer is not impacted until the bolt is locked. However, how one would do all of it under normal circumstances I don’t know, as normally one cycles the action with the same hand one controls the trigger with.
@TokkieM Though not my thread, I very much appreciate all the feedback from the R8 owners, people have shopped for one, or have first hand knowledge. Probably quite a bit of members lurking on this thread gathering knowledge.
Thank you @TTundra , couldn't have said it better.
It is a thread I started, but it belongs to all of us here at AH.
Personally, I very much appreciate the feedback...positive and negitive.
I believe it's important to hear all sides, especially when it concerns dangerous game.
That's why we are all here, to learn from others and make the best possible decision for ourselves.

Thank you all.
Agreed that every gun gets its share of criticism. As I’ve said I criticize the guns that have failed me not guns I’ve never owned.
So many gun experts on here. That’s what’s amazing. More opinions than experience.


If I had a million bucks for every person that I saw stand there juggling their nuts at the moment of truth when they should be taking the safety off, aiming the weapon, squeezing the trigger and jacking round two into the chamber should they need to be getting deeper up the animal in questions ass because their first go at slaughter failed........well......I'd have quite a bit more money.

I am sure that there are quite a few members here who get somewhat confused by those who appear to talk out of many sides of their mouths. (And no....not you) And though no one is perfect and all knowing...... even though some here profess to be the endless book of knowledge.....some for everything under the sun.... they are making many really diametrically opposing statements on quite a few subjects here.

As I've said many times here....... I don't believe that any company builds any rifles not to function correctly, I do believe that some simply just don't finish them....i.e. cz.

I don't dislike any firearm though I do find some more appealing than others.

What I don't care for is those who say very strange things about some weapons like weapons that are push feed and don't have a mauser extractor are all unreliable and will get you ,killed.

......all but the r8 that is also a push feed and does not have a mauser extractor either?

Why is that? Is it simply a girls club kind of thing?
I’ve owned k series regretting selling it to this day in 7mm mag
Have R93 in 300WSM and 375 H&H
R8 Safari in 458 Lott with 300 win mag
R8 pro in 9.3x62 and 308 win
All shot have shot sub moa at 200 yds off sticks never had any problems with any of them.
I just plain like them and when I do my part they have never let me down.
As an aside note I own rifles in Remington Winchester Sako tikka merkel ruger CZ +custom builds.
The only one I prefer over my Blaser is a RMR custom crf 30-06with a super smooth action and feed and amazingly accurate.

Nice collection..... good stuff.

As far as accuracy goes..... we now live in a time of never before heard of accuracy straight out of the box no matter what make it is because of computer controls, better grades of steel , factory precission ground bits, cutting fluid...etc. where we are now lacking is hand work. Simply because it isn' t "required" like it used to be.
A self repeating firearm cycles the action by itself. R8 cannot be operated in such manner.

If you cycle the action with the trigger depressed the bolt will close with firing pin released and protruding out of the bolt face. Should you do so with a live round in the mag it will strike the primer upon closing the bolt. Due to design of the rifle the primer is not impacted until the bolt is locked. However, how one would do all of it under normal circumstances I don’t know, as normally one cycles the action with the same hand one controls the trigger with.
I agree, but by law here if you can keep the trigger depressed and the rifle will fire this way it is seen as a semi auto, I don't make the laws but I understand their way of thinking.
I agree, but by law here if you can keep the trigger depressed and the rifle will fire this way it is seen as a semi auto, I don't make the laws but I understand their way of thinking.

I don’t know of any non autoloading rifle that functions differently. If you close the bolt with trigger depressed the firing pin is released (albeit it slowly). However, in a semi-auto it is not as you would than have a full auto firearm. Check it, close the bolt on your rifle with the trigger depressed, let go and press it again. You will not hear the click of the firing pin been released.
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Thank you @TTundra , couldn't have said it better.
It is a thread I started, but it belongs to all of us here at AH.
Personally, I very much appreciate the feedback...positive and negitive.
I believe it's important to hear all sides, especially when it concerns dangerous game.
That's why we are all here, to learn from others and make the best possible decision for ourselves.

Thank you all.
Well said.
If you own a R8 you should know that they do not fire if your finger is on the trigger and you operate the receiver,as then you could use them as a semi auto. That alone indicates that you clearly have not tested your gun to its limits and I will take your opinion as such.
I don't have to own a Blaser to like or dislike it, I own a few things I don't particularly like, but they are usefull.
Being brand loyal is one thing, being brand blind is a whole different issue.
No I’ve not tried every way to screw up my Blaser. I don’t think you can slam fire one. Guns can and will malfunction, all of them. Third hand anecdotal evidence from the other side of the world means nothing to me!
This thread is “R8 for DG”. People who’ve never owned an R8 much less hunted DG with them simply don’t have as much to contribute here. I have nearly been killed by a malfunctioning Mauser action that was tuned and accurized by the best in the business. This is the experience that led me to Blaser. I hope nothing like that ever happens to any of us.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.