It’s funny isn’t it. When I disparage a Remington 700 it’s because I’ve owned several and had terrible problems with them. You never, ever hear someone who has owned a Blaser R8 disparaging them. Only those who have never owned one.
Am I wrong?
But, but, but.......
I think that any objective reader would conclude that I did not "disparage" the R8 Philip, I said nothing negative about it. All I said was: the qualities with which the R8 is often endowed by its owners are actually far from unique, and, TO ME, it is consequently not worth the 100% ++ premium asked by Blaser. Objectively, this is not disparaging, and I do not really understand why this is triggering what impartial observers would likely qualify as fairly defensive reactions.
As to suggesting that it might be wise for a new R8 owner intent on DG hunting to practice and acquire a new muscle memory for this rifle, this too is not disparaging, and in the end everyone seems to agree. How could one not agree, right? I am just a bit baffled why this flared up into an "argument."
Regarding used R8 availability in the US, could one of the reasons why there are not a lot have to do with the fact that maybe not all that many new ones are/were sold? I do not know? I observe that Euro Optics is discounting fairly substantially their inventory (it may just be a marketing gimmick), but I am also observing that, more meaningfully, this barely used demo R8, has been offered by Euro Optics for almost a year on their website, and occasionally on Gun Broker and, I think, Guns International.
I actually made a $4,000 offer for it, but they declined it because they said that they paid Blaser more than that for it. As previously noted, synthetic fibers and steel pipes must be pretty expensive in Germany these days... From my point of view, $4,000 buys quite a number of very nice synthetic stocked rifles in the US...
I also notice that some Blaser S2 languish on stocking dealers' shelves despite what most would consider very, very attractive prices... I know Mad Dog Guns, they are located in Scottsdale AZ, not far from Flagstaff where I live. They have many R8 on Gun Broker that have been there for a long time...
None of this is a criticism, but it may contribute to explain why there are not a lot of used R8 on the market. R8 owners certainly seem to love them and keep them, and I likely would too, but, objectively, there may not be as many new ones sold as people might think. It would actually be interesting to know the numbers, but I doubt the importer would share these...
I really have nothing against the R8. As I said previously, I was "that close" to get one, and I would still likely get one if I found one in the price range that I think it rationally commands, which is, in MY analysis, about half the price asked by Blaser for the $,7000 Safari Pro and $2,000 second Selous barrel... I mean, what in a barrel, even with iron sights, can command $2,000?
None of that is disparaging, and I am perfectly happy for those who make a different cost/benefit analysis, and I really do not see why this should be conflictual