buck wild
AH legend
One of Meng’s recent cats
Conroe taxidermy did an amazing job on my leopard and they are in that areaI have a leopard hunt planned for this July and looking for a taxidermist that goods really good leopard mounts. I would appreciate the help.
Phil Soucy seems to just be the best imoSome of these I've saved more for the poses and habitat than the workmanship. I am not a taxidermist, but merely a lover of fine taxidermy. I've oftentimes had taxidermists ask as I'm critiquing their work, "Have you ever mounted a leopard?", and my response is always the same. I tell them, "No, I've never taken a rib from a man and formed a woman either, but I can damn sure distinguish between a pretty one and an ugly one".
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Mount by Ben Fahnholz as posted by @Bullet Safaris. I love the aggressive ears and closed mouth.
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Above mounts by Artworks Taxidermy in Colorado.
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Above by Animal Artistry in Reno.
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Above by Kanati.
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Another pic of @Hunting Hitman's amazing leopard by Phil Soucy.