Try a .22LR or an air gun. You got to ask? Lol. Seriously though, they average 250 lbs. and are not that hard to kill. With so much overlap in performance of rifle cartridges, there are many. Folks are using 6.5cm. Many use 30-30.Those are about the minimum. I’d use .30 caliber (or8mm mm) and bigger. There are plenty of cartridges with more energy than a 30-30.I keep bees as a hobby. A black bear got into my fenced bee yard and toppled one of the hives. I think the bees laid down a real ass whooping’ because the bear didn’t eat anything and appears to have left posthaste.
I upgraded with a 2 strand electric fence and reinforced the main 6’ fence. But, I’m still feeling a bit annoyed and am considering a pistol. I do not yet own a pistol of any sort, having not had a need for one. (Yes, here comes the jokes).
What do I get? Or should I just shoulder a rifle and poke some .375 holes in it if I catch Pooh bear in the bee yard.
You figure it out. Happy trails,stay safe.
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