There are many many studies on this, here are a few ...
I don't doubt bear spray can be effective most of the time, but how many of us are proficient with it? I'm pretty damn decent with both of my 45s I go to the range twice a month, put a hundred rounds down range. I've also dealt with bear situations numerous times so I don't panic easily. I can just see myself fumbling for bear spray only to realize the wind was blowing from the same direction the bear was coming

Update: Handgun or Pistol Against Bear Attack: 93 cases, 97% Effective
Three failures out of 93 cases where guns were used to defend against bears translate to a 97% success rate for the use of guns against bears.

I don't doubt bear spray can be effective most of the time, but how many of us are proficient with it? I'm pretty damn decent with both of my 45s I go to the range twice a month, put a hundred rounds down range. I've also dealt with bear situations numerous times so I don't panic easily. I can just see myself fumbling for bear spray only to realize the wind was blowing from the same direction the bear was coming