Australians suck!!!

@chashardy If you were chasing Buff then you were most likely in the NT. The Northern Territory is just that, a territory and not a State. As a consequence they can have their local laws struck out by the Federal Government. That is what happened in Howard's time. The NT were compelled to replace their pro-hunting laws in the NT with the restrictive garbage Canberra wanted.

As for the Federal import laws etc the bureaucrats specificaly want to make it as dificult as possible to discourage interest.

@CBH Australia No mystery about how quickly the draft was revealed. At the time there was an ex American high up in the Atorney Generals Department. He was ultra anti-gun and a mate of duck hunting protestor Laurie Levy. He had written the draft some years earlier and kept it 'on the shelf' waiting for the oportunity to get it supported (and make himself look good).

These days most of the Police commissioners across the country try to out do each other in pushing forward new restrictions. They, togather with the heads of most Justice Departments, have almost unlimitted resources to prepare submissions and manufacture public pressure. Just look at what's happening in West Australia.
There could have been any number of quality Semi Autos or pump action shotguns in that pile.
No doubt some junk was taken in the buy back but there was no choice but to take the price set by the buyback scheme. Condition didn’t come into it they were listed by model and accessories
@CBH Australia
A lot got far more than they paid originally for their guns but it was still a travesty.
Thing is those that lost guns went and bought more with the money they got.
Now there are more guns in Australia than before the FORCED BUY BACK.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA is the stupid state now trying to limit the amount of firearms you can own, a bit like England. If you have a 223 and want a 308 you have to get rid of the 223 unless you have a good reason or some such bullshit.
There could have been any number of quality Semi Autos or pump action shotguns in that pile.
No doubt some junk was taken in the buy back but there was no choice but to take the price set by the buyback scheme. Condition didn’t come into it they were listed by model and accessories
Thanks for some context. Pump shotguns too? Wow. That's over the top. The buy back scheme for the latest round of gun control here has hit the skids. Actually, never got off the ground. I'm not terribly worried about pump or auto shotguns being banned. They are the preferred gun for Native subsistence hunters. Don't mess with the Native culture. Saving the poor Natives is the one theme the liberals love more than gun control. Whew!
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In short it sucks. Law biding citizens have been penalised.
But, don’t forget our Kiwi cousins copped the same treatment just a few year’s ago when someone went nuts and stuffed it up for everyone.
Western Australia didn’t need problem. The minority state just enacted the rules to penalise the people
Thanks for some context. Pump shotguns too? Wow. That's over the top. The buy back scheme for the latest round of gun control here has hit the skids. Actually, never got off the ground. I'm not terribly worried about pump or auto shotguns being banned. They are the preferred gun for Native subsistence hunters. Don't mess with the Native culture. Saving the poor Natives is the one theme the liberals love more than gun control. Whew!
@Ontario Hunter
All is not lost tho. We may have lost our pumps and semis but
We now have straight pulls and push button blow backs that are as quick or quicker than pumps.
Google Templeton T2000 push button shotgun to find out more.
I know that I am probably opening a “big can of worms” but I will ask anyway, without judgement.

Does Australia have any legal doctrines similar to the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution?

Follow-up question: Is Australia now totally separate in governance from Great Britain like the United States?

Happy hunting to all, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
I know that I am probably opening a “big can of worms” but I will ask anyway, without judgement.

Does Australia have any legal doctrines similar to the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution?

Follow-up question: Is Australia now totally separate in governance from Great Britain like the United States?

Happy hunting to all, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.

Nothing here like your second amendment.

Yes, we are self governed. We have a constitutional monarchy. We share King Charles III with the poms, but he doesn’t live here .

Probably easier if you google it then have me try to explain.
yeah they did a similar thing here in NZ after that twat shot all those people at the mosque. In our case we had the parliament almost 100% vote it through. Sneaky buggers had a trick up their sleeve though. They kept what was called an order in council going for the firearms legislation. It basically meant if something popped up that they had forgotten they could change the rules basically by a board without having to put it through parliament.
What must be remembered it hadn't been long since a rather nasty mass shooting in the US,
Not trying to start a shit fight here to all the good US folk but generally, even though no one wants it to happen again not much usually happens to stop it. 2nd amendment etc.
There are two things that happen. Gun control in a country like ours uses American statistics to try to push anti-firearm views across even though our situation is nothing like the US.
another thing is that a lot of the countries similar to us do a lot of tut-tutting after a US mass shooting and that's what happened here. Nothing outright but murmurings that we would do it differently.
and that's what happened after the mosque tragedy. They got their chance to show the world how its done. Not a fan BTW.
At the same time we had consultants from the aussie police telling us how it should be done and how they missed stuff.
probably why they kept that order in council in for so long. Im talking years.
not only did they confiscate types of firearms, they did some bullshit with shooting clubs and organisationswith no real justification. Just trying to make it too hard to shoot really.
Thankfully we had a change of govt and some of that is being rolled back.
Firearms registration has been slowly implemented, nut hoping that goes out the window before its finished.
WOFTAM and only good for future confiscations and open to hacking and human error but also corruption and misuse.
Ill stop now lol
Some guns are junk. I've owned a few that deserved the scrap heap. Many of the guns I could make out in that video (I didn't watch all of it) were rubbish wearing a trigger. Good riddance.
Thank god you moved to Canada!

Yes in 1996 every semi auto and pump shotgun was labeled a "rapid fire weapon".....

But you can still own pump action rifles and lever action shotguns; makes sense right?

Thus went the slippery slope and now pocket knives are a prohibited weapon, unless you have a justifiable reason to be carrying one. - So if you are fishing or a carpenter on the job, you can be arrested for carrying a prohibited weapon and then there are all sorts of other knife rules, such as not being able to own a folding knife that can be opened with one hand.

Paintball guns - All paintball guns must be registered and you have to go through the same approval process to own a paintball gun as a rifle; the paintball gun must also be stored in a locked safe that must be inspected by police.

All this in the name of stopping mass shootings.....

In 2019 when I left Alice Springs I was headed to Darwin but wasn't able to make contact with the people I wanted to meet up with, so I went to Cairns instead and upon landing I saw the news reports.

June 4 2019 - So a convicted meth dealer recently paroled from prison, wearing an ankle tracking monitor had an argument with his drug dealer and decided to resolve the issue by shooting him dead and then apparently decided that if he was going to prison for life that he might as well go full measure.

So he drove around Darwin killing people he had issues with and then proceeded to walk down the street shooting people and the windows out of the hotel I had planned on staying at.

He did this with a pump action shotgun that was banned 23 years ago.

Feb 19 2020 Rowan Baxter - Jumped through all the hoops to become a licensed pistol shooter, which is no small task; so he could then turn the gun on his entire family and himself - 5 dead

May 11 2018 Peter Miles - Shoots his wife, daughter, 4 grand kids and himself - 7 dead.

July 18 2009 - Lian Bin - Shoots his wife and other family members - 5 dead

These are just the high profile ones - When I landed in Sydney 2019 the first news I saw was 5 Chinese nationals had been shot dead by another gang at a tattoo parlor.

This write up is NOT meant to insult the people of OZ, rather I offer these as examples of how the best intentions can bring on madness.
Thank god you moved to Canada!

Yes in 1996 every semi auto and pump shotgun was labeled a "rapid fire weapon".....

But you can still own pump action rifles and lever action shotguns; makes sense right?

Thus went the slippery slope and now pocket knives are a prohibited weapon, unless you have a justifiable reason to be carrying one. - So if you are fishing or a carpenter on the job, you can be arrested for carrying a prohibited weapon and then there are all sorts of other knife rules, such as not being able to own a folding knife that can be opened with one hand.

Paintball guns - All paintball guns must be registered and you have to go through the same approval process to own a paintball gun as a rifle; the paintball gun must also be stored in a locked safe that must be inspected by police.

All this in the name of stopping mass shootings.....

In 2019 when I left Alice Springs I was headed to Darwin but wasn't able to make contact with the people I wanted to meet up with, so I went to Cairns instead and upon landing I saw the news reports.

June 4 2019 - So a convicted meth dealer recently paroled from prison, wearing an ankle tracking monitor had an argument with his drug dealer and decided to resolve the issue by shooting him dead and then apparently decided that if he was going to prison for life that he might as well go full measure.

So he drove around Darwin killing people he had issues with and then proceeded to walk down the street shooting people and the windows out of the hotel I had planned on staying at.

He did this with a pump action shotgun that was banned 23 years ago.

Feb 19 2020 Rowan Baxter - Jumped through all the hoops to become a licensed pistol shooter, which is no small task; so he could then turn the gun on his entire family and himself - 5 dead

May 11 2018 Peter Miles - Shoots his wife, daughter, 4 grand kids and himself - 7 dead.

July 18 2009 - Lian Bin - Shoots his wife and other family members - 5 dead

These are just the high profile ones - When I landed in Sydney 2019 the first news I saw was 5 Chinese nationals had been shot dead by another gang at a tattoo parlor.

This write up is NOT meant to insult the people of OZ, rather I offer these as examples of how the best intentions can bring on madness.
Our latest stupidity is a 13 year old boy went into a Coles store ( big multi national grocery shop) and got a knife off the shelf and stabbed an employee leaving her in a critical condition.
Bad news.
The kid got caught by a member of the public and supposedly said am I in trouble.
The Qld had just change legislation for juveniles saying adult crime adult time but forgot to list attempted murder so he will be charged under juvenile crime not adult crime. The public ain't happy again so the govt is looking to amend the mistake but again shutting the gate after the horse has bolted reaction

Now Coles has removed ALL knives from ALL stores Nationwide. Another knew jerk reaction.
But that's people for you. Got to keep the public safe because they can't be trusted to be responsible.
Our latest stupidity is a 13 year old boy went into a Coles store ( big multi national grocery shop) and got a knife off the shelf and stabbed an employee leaving her in a critical condition.
Bad news.
The kid got caught by a member of the public and supposedly said am I in trouble.
The Qld had just change legislation for juveniles saying adult crime adult time but forgot to list attempted murder so he will be charged under juvenile crime not adult crime. The public ain't happy again so the govt is looking to amend the mistake but again shutting the gate after the horse has bolted reaction

Now Coles has removed ALL knives from ALL stores Nationwide. Another knew jerk reaction.
But that's people for you. Got to keep the public safe because they can't be trusted to be responsible.
We just need to bring back public flogging to put an end to this nonsense.
No consultation no nothing just blanket bans and bullshit to appease people.
I know the feeling.

I'll one up you on appeasement!

October 9, 2024

Manitoba Government Introduces Legislation That Would Make it Harder to Purchase Machetes and Other Long-Blade Weapons

– – –
Proposed Legislation Aims to Improve Public Safety by Regulating Retail Sale of Machetes, Knives, Swords: Wiebe

The Manitoba government is introducing legislation that would regulate the retail sale of long-bladed weapons, including machetes, knives and swords, Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced today.

“Our government is committed to getting tough on crime and this new legislation would help keep our communities safer by restricting access to weapons such as machetes, knives and swords,” said Wiebe. “We've heard loud and clear: the purchase of these weapons needs to be restricted. We’re pleased to be moving forward to take real action to make our streets safer.”

Bill 39, the long-bladed weapon control act, aims to limit the supply of long-bladed weapons to individuals with dangerous intentions by:

  • requiring retailers to securely store long-bladed weapons in a way that prevents the public from accessing them without assistance;
  • prohibiting the retail sale of long-bladed weapons to minors under 18;
  • requiring purchasers to provide photo identification; and
  • requiring retailers to retain records, including purchaser information and transaction details, for a minimum of two years.
:E Doh:
Our latest stupidity is a 13 year old boy went into a Coles store ( big multi national grocery shop) and got a knife off the shelf and stabbed an employee leaving her in a critical condition.
Bad news.
The kid got caught by a member of the public and supposedly said am I in trouble.
The Qld had just change legislation for juveniles saying adult crime adult time but forgot to list attempted murder so he will be charged under juvenile crime not adult crime. The public ain't happy again so the govt is looking to amend the mistake but again shutting the gate after the horse has bolted reaction

Now Coles has removed ALL knives from ALL stores Nationwide. Another knew jerk reaction.
But that's people for you. Got to keep the public safe because they can't be trusted to be responsible.
The gov stupidity just goes on & on .
@TheGrayRider Yes there is a legal doctrine. Its from the British Bill of Rights of 1688 which was also the model for the US 2nd Ammendment. It arose from the English Civil War which was the people and Parliament against the Crown. It was designed to protect the people against arbitary tyrany from the Crown and Army

It goes something like this: "That the subjects which are protestants, may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions, and as allowed by law."

In Australia, the provision is incorporated in every State's legislation as the Imperial Acts Application Act. That Act coveres all the traditional English rights from Magna Carta onwards. It also is referred to generically in he Federal Constition in terms of the bringing across of the British rights and protections. I believe the same situation exists in NZ and Canada.

The fly in the ointment, which renders it totaly useless is the expression "as allowed by law". At the time Parliament was seen as representing the people and therefore it was inconceivabla that they would become tyrants themselves. In modern practice, the phrase 'as allowed by law' has enabled Parliaments to pass laws restricting the right to the point of its non-existence. Which is exactly what they've done.

The beauty of the US 2nd Ammendment was that it made the right one held by the people and protected from both your legislature and President. Even at that, history shows that you still have a significant body of restrictions on your rights.
I didn’t know the details but I heard Cole’s are removing knives from
The shelves. It’s sad that it’s incident happened but it’s not commonplace. Unfortunately and I mean unfortunately there will always be people intent on doing harm, doing the wrong thing thing or just acting out. This will always be. That is the reason that offenders get prosecuted and penalised. It’s the offenders who are supposed to to be punished but it affects everyone although unfortunately it was one in 23milliion who were attacked .Unfortunately there are more people hurt on the road each day , everyday of every year.
When I had to ask for staff Assistance to get aerosol deodorant at the Woolworths supermarket I asked what’s the world coming too. She said someone tried to burn down a store using aerosol so all stores locked up deodorant. Fly spray probably burns better anyway.
This isn’t preventing anything it’s the store mitigating risk so they can say they took precautions to protect staff. A bit like Western Australia restricting firearms because one person attacked his ex. But they say it’s to protect the police force and community. We have had people run people down in cars but that doesn’t get a knee jerk reaction or any kind of proposal to do anything but punish the individual responsible
I know the feeling.

I'll one up you on appeasement!

October 9, 2024

Manitoba Government Introduces Legislation That Would Make it Harder to Purchase Machetes and Other Long-Blade Weapons

– – –
Proposed Legislation Aims to Improve Public Safety by Regulating Retail Sale of Machetes, Knives, Swords: Wiebe

The Manitoba government is introducing legislation that would regulate the retail sale of long-bladed weapons, including machetes, knives and swords, Justice Minister Matt Wiebe announced today.

“Our government is committed to getting tough on crime and this new legislation would help keep our communities safer by restricting access to weapons such as machetes, knives and swords,” said Wiebe. “We've heard loud and clear: the purchase of these weapons needs to be restricted. We’re pleased to be moving forward to take real action to make our streets safer.”

Bill 39, the long-bladed weapon control act, aims to limit the supply of long-bladed weapons to individuals with dangerous intentions by:

  • requiring retailers to securely store long-bladed weapons in a way that prevents the public from accessing them without assistance;
  • prohibiting the retail sale of long-bladed weapons to minors under 18;
  • requiring purchasers to provide photo identification; and
  • requiring retailers to retain records, including purchaser information and transaction details, for a minimum of two years.
:E Doh:
What was the reasoning? Knife crime up in Canada? Or is it related to the knive crime problem in the UK? Or something else?
This was done quite a while ago and it was the Australian government that made the decision. Aussies are great! The Government isn't.
Some guns are junk. I've owned a few that deserved the scrap heap. Many of the guns I could make out in that video (I didn't watch all of it) were rubbish wearing a trigger. Good riddance.

Sounds like a man who trusts his government to choose his guns for him :ROFLMAO:

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.