AH elite
@chashardy If you were chasing Buff then you were most likely in the NT. The Northern Territory is just that, a territory and not a State. As a consequence they can have their local laws struck out by the Federal Government. That is what happened in Howard's time. The NT were compelled to replace their pro-hunting laws in the NT with the restrictive garbage Canberra wanted.
As for the Federal import laws etc the bureaucrats specificaly want to make it as dificult as possible to discourage interest.
@CBH Australia No mystery about how quickly the draft was revealed. At the time there was an ex American high up in the Atorney Generals Department. He was ultra anti-gun and a mate of duck hunting protestor Laurie Levy. He had written the draft some years earlier and kept it 'on the shelf' waiting for the oportunity to get it supported (and make himself look good).
These days most of the Police commissioners across the country try to out do each other in pushing forward new restrictions. They, togather with the heads of most Justice Departments, have almost unlimitted resources to prepare submissions and manufacture public pressure. Just look at what's happening in West Australia.
As for the Federal import laws etc the bureaucrats specificaly want to make it as dificult as possible to discourage interest.
@CBH Australia No mystery about how quickly the draft was revealed. At the time there was an ex American high up in the Atorney Generals Department. He was ultra anti-gun and a mate of duck hunting protestor Laurie Levy. He had written the draft some years earlier and kept it 'on the shelf' waiting for the oportunity to get it supported (and make himself look good).
These days most of the Police commissioners across the country try to out do each other in pushing forward new restrictions. They, togather with the heads of most Justice Departments, have almost unlimitted resources to prepare submissions and manufacture public pressure. Just look at what's happening in West Australia.