I have never read such a twisted assumption.
I find some of your posts very inconsistent. You question ethics for someone to hunt with hounds or over bait but have zero issue shooting an animal behind a fence, which very well could have been placed there for the shooting. You use the fact that you eat with the farmers as an angle to argue those who hunt wild areas, must be rich and snobby and not be on a hard hunt. I can assure you hunting in a wild area will be physically harder than a non wild area.
Most of us who are hunting these wild areas do so to be guaranteed a wild hunting experience, and are willing to make the sacrifice of spending more to do so. My sacrifice is I must wait 2-3 more years to return, rather then hunt every year or every other due to funds. Myself and many others on this forum want to HUNT and not stack animals on the wall. Many find fenced hunting not real hunting, and can easily choose to look down on your hunts and make fast assumptions, but they don't.
I suggest you listen to what some others have mentioned and do some reading on this forum. You will find a lot more information outside of your little bubble.