Anybody have any paranormal or supernatural experiences to share??? Firsthand or second?

I was concussed although it was never confirmed. I had to be. I basically took a 4000 lb car going 50 mph to the head. I was wearing my helmet which here is a constant, because it's the law. If not, which wouldn't have been the case anyway, it would have likely been instant lights out for good. The kicker is, I don't really know how physiologically close I was to death. The hospital they took me to did a terrible job. No head scan, no chest scan/xray. Just a simple xray of my collar bone and off I went. Wasn't till I got home that night did I realize my ribs were broken. The shoulder manifested itself a month later by just falling from the socket. There was so much trauma to the left side of my body from broken bones I don't think I realized the shoulder until the swelling went down. Did my heart stop? Was the there a temporarily broken connection from my brain to the heart and lungs from the impact? I talked to a doctor buddy about it and they didn't really know. The only explanation is maybe the impact just stopped everything, all connections from brain to everything. I guess it is physiologically possible. Wasn't like I had an arterial or internal bleed or anything like that.

The feeling was amazing and sad at the same time. The initial sadness was deep and real. It was as if you knew that every one of your family, friends, and those you loved was moving away for good. I should have spent more time with mom and dad and been kinder to them. I should have looked after my little brother better. Now those chances were gone. Then came the acceptance that this was it, you're dead, and there's nothing you can do about it. You forget the bills, college classes (I was young at the time), relationship problems, quarrels with family/friends, and anything else that burdened you. None of it matters anymore. The peace that settled in was overwhelm. It was as if you just realized "Nothing matters anymore." And then you let go.

Just as I let go, whoever or whatever must have said: "Good. Now you can go back."

I was one of the lucky ones.

I think this story gives me pause at times and is helpful to re-tell it. We all are guilty of getting wrapped up in life and it's problem. The reality is if you can see another sunset and another sunrise, you're doing OK. Things will be OK. There will come a time where all those things you worry/worried about are going to just get left behind as you drift away. So don't sweat them now because none of that matters in the end.

man…thanks for that. Glad you made it through to be able to tell that story.

reminds me of the last part of my favorite poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Forthwith this frame of mine was wrenched
With a woful agony,
Which forced me to begin my tale;
And then it left me free.

Since then, at an uncertain hour,
That agony returns:
And till my ghastly tale is told,
This heart within me burns.
I was concussed although it was never confirmed. I had to be. I basically took a 4000 lb car going 50 mph to the head. I was wearing my helmet which here is a constant, because it's the law. If not, which wouldn't have been the case anyway, it would have likely been instant lights out for good. The kicker is, I don't really know how physiologically close I was to death. The hospital they took me to did a terrible job. No head scan, no chest scan/xray. Just a simple xray of my collar bone and off I went. Wasn't till I got home that night did I realize my ribs were broken. The shoulder manifested itself a month later by just falling from the socket. There was so much trauma to the left side of my body from broken bones I don't think I realized the shoulder until the swelling went down. Did my heart stop? Was the there a temporarily broken connection from my brain to the heart and lungs from the impact? I talked to a doctor buddy about it and they didn't really know. The only explanation is maybe the impact just stopped everything, all connections from brain to everything. I guess it is physiologically possible. Wasn't like I had an arterial or internal bleed or anything like that.

The feeling was amazing and sad at the same time. The initial sadness was deep and real. It was as if you knew that every one of your family, friends, and those you loved was moving away for good. I should have spent more time with mom and dad and been kinder to them. I should have looked after my little brother better. Now those chances were gone. Then came the acceptance that this was it, you're dead, and there's nothing you can do about it. You forget the bills, college classes (I was young at the time), relationship problems, quarrels with family/friends, and anything else that burdened you. None of it matters anymore. The peace that settled in was overwhelm. It was as if you just realized "Nothing matters anymore." And then you let go.

Just as I let go, whoever or whatever must have said: "Good. Now you can go back."

I was one of the lucky ones.

I think this story gives me pause at times and is helpful to re-tell it. We all are guilty of getting wrapped up in life and it's problem. The reality is if you can see another sunset and another sunrise, you're doing OK. Things will be OK. There will come a time where all those things you worry/worried about are going to just get left behind as you drift away. So don't sweat them now because none of that matters in the end.

Thanks for sharing your story. My mom told us a story where she believes she died on the table while trying to give birth to our little brother. There were some complications with the pregnancy, and the labor, and somehow her heart stopped. My mom said that she remembers blacking out, and then saw herself on the table and everyone around her working rushing in and out of the room while she floated over her body. She could hear everything everyone was saying and couldn't move or reach out or anything. Same thing as you, she somehow got back in her body and opened her eyes. Unfortunately, our little brother did not make it, at six months old he wasn't fully developed and passed two days after birth. My mom has had some other experiences with visiting spirits. BTW, she doesn't believe in the paranormal or supernatural stuff. :ROFLMAO:
man…thanks for that. Glad you made it through to be able to tell that story.

reminds me of the last part of my favorite poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

Forthwith this frame of mine was wrenched
With a woful agony,
Which forced me to begin my tale;
And then it left me free.

Since then, at an uncertain hour,
That agony returns:
And till my ghastly tale is told,
This heart within me burns.

Me too LOL. And thank you. One of my favorite pieces of literature right there. Know it well. Spent most of my life on the ocean.

Thanks for sharing your story. My mom told us a story where she believes she died on the table while trying to give birth to our little brother. There were some complications with the pregnancy, and the labor, and somehow her heart stopped. My mom said that she remembers blacking out, and then saw herself on the table and everyone around her working rushing in and out of the room while she floated over her body. She could hear everything everyone was saying and couldn't move or reach out or anything. Same thing as you, she somehow got back in her body and opened her eyes. Unfortunately, our little brother did not make it, at six months old he wasn't fully developed and passed two days after birth. My mom has had some other experiences with visiting spirits. BTW, she doesn't believe in the paranormal or supernatural stuff. :ROFLMAO:

Kind of spooky seeing two other scenarios very similar to mine. I guess I was maybe dead for a short period and/or close to death. Damn. Well I'm here now and so is your mom so all is good!
Shooting a too light for caliber 505 Gibbs and a 600 NE.....frightening to say the least....

Experienced a lot of African beliefs and superstitions that have been quite the eye opener....hyenas, lions, praying mantis, baobab trees....etc....
This "situation" has enough of a physical presence in the house to set off the motion detecting cameras, alarm motions, and has caused the smoke detectors to go off. This is a still from recorded videos. The Mrs watched a cloud float by live when checking out the house. This camera picked up the shadow it cast against the wall while she was watching and recorded it simultaneously. Long story short, it's a rental. We are closing on our house next week. We are out of here. If you plan on moving to Casper WY, don't rent this one. John
When I was a kid I lived in an old large house in northeastern Pennsylvania. It had been built in 1855. It had a low ceiling third floor area with wallpaper from the early 1900s. When up there and when otherwise alone in the house, I often felt the presence of "something" there... stern ...watching... but not dangerous. Several years ago.... more than 50 years after we moved away I had a dream that the house was calling to me to save it from being changed. The next day I checked on Google Earth and there was new construction on the house opening up the central roof for a skylight and eliminating the upper rooms on that 3rd floor area. The dream then returned years later.. with the same pleading to save it. I went to Google earth and it had been really altered. Gone was the grand front entrance and the second floor had a middle bedroom that projected out. The trees were gone... Japanese maples. No more warmth It was now austere. It's a local conservancy organization. Some day i would like to visit them... and just ask if any of them feel something still watches them. Here is the street level Google view of the house. Sorry house.... I wish i could have saved you.

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I had an encounter on a ghost tour of an orphanage in Gettysburg, PA. Long story short, the girl sitting next to me in the basement had a long pony tail and had her back to 2 solid stone walls. We were doing thr typical ghost hunter thing where we asked the so called spirits questions. I said something along the lines of "You should have been locked down here instead of the children!" (Woman tortured children by locking them in a small space in which we were sitting). After I said those words, something snapped her pony tail like the Crack of a whip. She screamed bloody murder and ran for the hills. The tour guide was even shocked. MYy bad...There was no other possible explanation at the time.
When I was young we visited my great grandmother a full blooded Onondaga Native American on the reservation near Syracuse. While we were talking to her a young man brought a white deer hide out to show his friend. My great grandmother told us “ bad medicine to shoot the white deer. I never thought of that again. 30 years later hunting down behind my home I saw a piebald deer coming down the ridge toward me. I brought my gun up and had the deer in my scope.As I reached for the trigger I heard my great grandmothers words in my ear “ bad medicine to shoot the white deer”. I removed my finger from the trigger as a chill went up my spine. Lowered my gun and watched the deer go on its way like an apparition. We have some white deer in our area and every time I see one I hear my great grandmothers words. Not spooky anymore but somehow comforting.
“ bad medicine to shoot the white deer.
Your grandma was right.
You did well not to shoot white deer.

Same beleif rests in European Alps.
To shoot white chamois, is bad thing, the hunter who shoots white chamois will die within a year.

There is a story that is still told today by the hunters of Carinthia (the eastern Alps of southern Austria), lovers of the Pirsch (deerstalking). It is the tale of a legendary trophy, a great pale grey chamois, stuffed and shown in the Salzburg Haus der Natur (Museum). It is said that this beast was, like all white game, marked with the seal of invisibility, protected by the Salinge Frau (wild or white alpine woman), who lives on the slopes of the Austrian Alps.

This exceptional chamois was killed on August 27, 1913, by one of the most famous hunters of the Austro-Hungarian Empire: Archduke Franz Ferdinand von Osterreich-Este, born in Graz on December 18, 1863. But woe unto him who touched the Salinge Frau’s white game! Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie died less than a year later, courtesy of the bullets of Gavrilo Princip, at Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, eerily consistent with the oral tradition among Austria’s huntsmen – that any hunter who killed such an animal “he or a member of his family shall die within a year.”


I knew this story, just had to look around on internet. And I heard of some other cases as well
Arhduke Ferndinands Chamois:
white chamois.jpg
I'll keep it short as most of the above responses should have been published as novellas... When driving by area 51 my ex-father-in-law passed away. He was okay Korean war vet restauranteur into smoking cigars fishing and hunting, but in good conscience I had to let him out of the car before I continued on my journey. But the real paranormal activity occurred when my ex mother in law passed away when on Safari. I really don't like to play favorites but that was the best Safari of my life! We experienced her hovering way too much prior and Uranus had nothing on her. I simply wanted to relate paranormal activity tied to hunting Africa.
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When I was a kid I lived in an old large house in northeastern Pennsylvania. It had been built in 1855. It had a low ceiling third floor area with wallpaper from the early 1900s. When up there and when otherwise alone in the house, I often felt the presence of "something" there... stern ...watching... but not dangerous. Several years ago.... more than 50 years after we moved away I had a dream that the house was calling to me to save it from being changed. The next day I checked on Google Earth and there was new construction on the house opening up the central roof for a skylight and eliminating the upper rooms on that 3rd floor area. The dream then returned years later.. with the same pleading to save it. I went to Google earth and it had been really altered. Gone was the grand front entrance and the second floor had a middle bedroom that projected out. The trees were gone... Japanese maples. No more warmth It was now austere. It's a local conservancy organization. Some day i would like to visit them... and just ask if any of them feel something still watches them. Here is the street level Google view of the house. Sorry house.... I wish i could have saved you.

View attachment 522144
What town?
Had one where my brother and I had the 2nd floor of the house ..2 bedrooms, lounge and bathroom. One night I was lying on my back asleep and something woke me up...i opened my eyes....a womans face was mirror image looking into my face from about a foot above me. I couldn't physically move any part of my body or even blink...she suddenly vanished.....and i could move...scared the crap out of was built in the 1800s...

Another strange one...they say kids are more able to see paranormal activity. A friend who was 40 had passed away after a long illness and we had gone to see his wife and kids. My son was about 3 or 4 at the time. He was upstairs playing with our friends 3 kids who were only little bit older...when we were leaving and walking to the car he asked me..." daddy who was the man walking around upstairs in the corridor "..unfortunately I snapped a fast shhh at him as the friends wife was walking behind us, and didn't want to freak her out...I still regret doing that to him , as he looked at me with a look saying what have I done wrong...and also that instead I didn't ask him to tell me more about what he had seen...

Another one..we lived in another house and it was built in the late 1600s, it was a farmhouse. When we moved there I was about 7 or 8...I remember when my father was looking at it to buy it, and the farmers wife asked if I would like to see a hidden staircase ... I said oh originally this house had a turret on the back of it which sometime way back had been removed, but behind the wood panelling on the first floor landing there were still some of the stairs for it remaining. These old farmhouses back then basically were as they had been for centuries. Now my father gutted it and made it slightly more modern and luxurious , well for those times anyway. My mother was quite sensitive to paranormal stuff and when we moved in she said there is a ghost here, but don't worry as its not a bad could hear at night the floor boards creaking on the long landing on the first floor ...they creaked as if someone was walking along them not randomly..and one day the cleaner told my mother that she went to clean my fathers bathroom, but as she opened the door a man was standing looking in the mirror, she thought it was my father and said sorry. She then as she was walking off realised my father wasn't in the house and told my mother she was never working in the house by herself ever again...she told my mother the person looking in the mirror had a beard and after thinking about it said he was dressed in clothes that were from the English civil war period....I was thinking about it and realised my fathers bathroom was exactly where the farmers wife had shown me the old hidden staircase....
My wife was admitted to the Emergency this week. She is recovering now. She told me that when she woke up, she saw a woman sitting at the end of her bed holding a baby. The woman was giving her a sideways glance. When they rushed her for tests she said they were pushing literally through, not past, a lot of people wondering in the hallway. She was quite disturbed by what she experienced.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID